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As time passes by and the days go on, Shadow tries to help Harmony calm down about her surgery happening soon. Seems though calming down a scared little mare is harder then you think. She shivers in the blankets and yelps once the nurse comes in to check on her. She cries more during her sleep and dosen't allow Shadow to touch her in the face. She acts more sensitive now and that's starting to annoy Shadow a bit. Reasonably he has never dealed with this kind of situation before so being annoyed makes sense, but there's a thing called calming down. Sadly Harmony doesn't know what that is.

Right now Shadow is bringing food over to the scared mare. He entered the room and looked over at Harmony. He called out her name softly which makes the little mare jump in surprise and look over at him. She gulped and apologized for jumping which Shadow replies with a smile and handing over her food. Right now Shadow can't confront the mare about his annoyance. Even if it is very tempting. He just watched her take little nibbles of her food and drinking plenty of water.

Shadow sat down next to her and asked the usual questions like "are you OK?" And "Do you need anything else?" Harmony nods and put aside her food as she rubbed her eyes. Her surgery was very close and might even happen today if possible. She gulped and hugged her blanket close, making herself blush since she's showing to much worry to her new friend. She gulped as she can see Shadow shake his head slightly and look at the wall. She apologized and looked over at the window, feeling herself tearing up once again. She closed her eyes and sighs softly as her door opened. She gasped in surprised as her name was called by Nurse Redheart. She wiped her eyes and looked over at her along with Shadow.

"I got some good news for you Miss! We have all the equipment we need to preform the surgery right now! It may take a couple of hours to complete and Shadow wouldn't be able to be inside the room while its going on. The good thing is though is that you'll finally be out of here in maybe about 5 hours!"

Harmony was glad that she will be finally out of this scary place. She didn't like that fact that her friend is not gonna be with her during the scary time. She nods at the nurse and sees the doctors coming in and taking her away to the operation room. Shadow walked with them and tells Harmony that everything will be OK. She then made this statement before going in.

"At least you don't need to deal with my annoying self for a couple hours..."


After about 4 hours of boring waiting in the waiting, the surgery was finally complete and Harmony can finally leave. Shadow looked over at his right as he saw one of the doctors pushed Harmony on a wheelchair towards him. He quickly got up and rushed over to her, asking if she was OK. It was weird for him to act like this for a simple mare... But she wasn't like others. Harmony smiled softly and gave him a nod as she says that She'll just need to stay in the chair for a while until everything heals. Shadow sighs happily and thanks the doc for treating her as they make their way outside.

Shadow asked where he was gonna stay since he didn't really have a home to go back to. Harmony gasp softly and told him to stay with her in a slightly exciting tone. She never had anyone over before since she was so shy to make any friends, but for some reason she seems she can trust Shadow more since he actually saved her. Usually ponies just leave her behind or ignore her completely. Shadow was the first to notice the poor thing which she feels happy to know that someone cares. She lead Shadow to her home with her hoof, telling and pointing on what direction to go in.

As they finally went into the home, Shadow took it all in. It was a pretty moderate size. They entered the home and Shadow was surprised on how a pony can have a house so...cute! It had pink walls that were dim and comfortable, adorable cat pillows on her fluffy couch as well as a tv set in front of that and a kitchen connected to The living room. There was also a small book self and some artwork hanged around that looked like it could've beem drawned by the cute mare. He walked around the living room and saw some kitty pillows on the floor. Harmony blushed since she didn't expect visitors. She rolled her wheelchair over and picked her pillows up with her sparkly magic.

"Y...You can look around my house if you want while I m...make us food. Also I'm sorry if t...this is to girly for you. I know my c..choice in decor isn't like anyone else's."

Shadow smiled softly and rubbed her head softly as he says that it's OK. He didn't really feel that she should be doing anything since she needs recovery, but as he sees Harmony rolling over to the kitchen and using her magic, he thinks that she may be stronger then she looks. He started walking over to her bedroom, lowering his head to fit since he was quite tall. Once again he questions how a pony can be so cute as he sees her purple walls, white carpet walls, and art work as well as Hello Kitty merchandise everywhere and pink covers on her bed. He also sees that the adorable mare has tons of stuffed animals on her bed. He chuckled as he walked over to her bed and picked one of her stuffed animals up. It was a light blue bird with purple eyes and the tips of its wings.

"Great Celestia she's so cute... I gotta learn more about her one of these days to find out the secret of being the cutest pony in all of Equestria."


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