Chapter 1 Sonic's View

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              Heading To The Forest
                         Present Day

I heard my alarm clock buzzing. I jumped up, out of my bed where I was taking a nap.

"Time for the cleanup!" I heard Tails say from his room. I ran out of my room.

"Maybe we'll find gold!" I exclaimed to Tails as we met up outside and headed to the forest together.

"Always up for a adventure, huh?" Tails asked smiling.

"You bet!" I replied, giving him a thumbs up. I smiled back.

"It's possible we Might find Something.  You never know..." Tails said mysteriously and I smirked.

"Hope we finds something good!" I said as we entered the forest.

"I hope we do too Sonic, I hope we do too..."

Authors Note: Sorry for the short chapters but when more things happen than they'll be longer! Thanks for reading!

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