UA Dorms + Izuku's Talent

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Izuku: My name is Dekuri the Hedgehog! The fastest thing alive! And I'm glad to be a part of Class 1-A and UA.

-All of Class 1-A were shocked that the brother of Izumi was now in their classroom, and they possibly know that he has to be the strongest in the school. But Zane was having... None of it. He quickly summoned a knife as he vanished and starting running at full speed to attack Izuku while he's yelling but all of a sudden get's wrapped in some cloth as Izuku smirked.

Zane: *Straining* W-What the hell?! T-This cloth... It's stiff!

???: It's my capture cloth. It can allow me to control freely and can easily harden it when I have an villain in check.

-Zane turned to the voice but only so slightly due to the cloth still wrapped around him. Once he turned to a certain view, his soul felt like it left when he saw the look on Mr. Aziawa's face.

Mr. Aziawa: *Using Quirk* You should stop. You're already on thin ice as it is due to what happened 5 years ago. DON'T press it, and deactivate your quirk. Plus... You giving me dry eye here.

-All of the students froze when they saw that move. But that's when Kirishima saw the cloth and the hair rising, and he then knew who the teacher was...

Kirishima: W-Wait a second... YOUR THE ERASURE HERO! ERASERHEAD!

Mr. Aziawa: So you finally figured it out. About time.

-The entire class were in shock, the hobo like teacher was one of the greatest Underground Heroes in the world. Ranked 12th in the Underground of Japan as a hero. Mr. Aziawa sighed as he threw Zane to the ground as he deactivated his quirk and sighed.

Mr. Aziawa: So annoying. Let's get on with the tests already...

-Mr. Aziawa began walking away as Zane got up and looked at Izuku going over to his friends as he began fist bumping Katsuki and Shoto and Izumi hugged him. Zane had a dark expression in his mind... It was not one of a cocky hero... but rather than the mind of a dark, brooding, and very pissed villain.

Zane: *Face Darkening* (That quirkless f*ck... Beat my record... Survived my killing 5 years ago... And now he's a well known vigilante with many respect's? This... This guy isn't him... This guy isn't the pebble I stepped on and crushed in order to win... And yet... WHY. WHY. WHY! That damn bastard...)

(I will reveal what Zane looks like in the next chapter, but this is Zane's current expression...)


(I'm going to just do the results Izuku had. And I'll also share some important notices.)

-The tests began with the event known as 50-Meter Dash. Some of the students succeeded while Izuku and Tenya were the absolute best at the sudden event. Zane was fast too of course, earning a time of 3.56 Seconds, Unfourtantly for him not just Izuku, but Tenya also beat that time with Tenya in second with 3.04 Seconds. Zane thought that losing to Iida was alright since he was fast, since both Bakugo Siblings got 4.13 separately, but it was then Izuku came up to the plate, and he got an record-breaking score of 0.21 Seconds. And he also was seen eating a Chili Dog in the end, which Izumi was shocked to see and Zane continued to stare at him very death like. The tests continued to have Izuku and some Octopus Kid getting 567.0kg and 540.0kg respectively with Zane almost getting last with 78.0kg, which kept getting Zane more and more angry. As the tests continued, Zane kept getting more and more angry at Izuku for outshining him in every test... And Izuku teasing Zane didn't help matters. Soon at the end of the day, it was time for the results, and quite frankly everyone was nervous, and they wanted to see how they would take care of business. Aziawa walked up and that was when he pulled out a tablet and showed a projection on the screen, it was the results of the test...

Test Results:

1st. Izuku Yagi

2nd. Momo Yaoyorozu

3rd. Tangle Lemur

4th. Whisper Wolf

5th. Katsuki Bakugo

6th. Zane Hirashi

7th. Eijiro Kirishima

8th. Izumi Yagi

9th. Shoto Todoroki

10th. Tenya Iida

11th. Ochako Uraraka

12th. Katsumi Bakugo

13th. Fumikage Tokoyami

14th. Denki Kaminari

15th. Kyoka Jiro

16th. Tsuyu Asui

17th. Mina Ashido

18th. Shoka Todoroki

19th. Hanta Sero

20th. Rikido Sato

21st. Mashirao Ojiro

22nd. Yuga Ayoama

23th. Mezo Shoji

24th. Koji Koda

25th. Toru Hagakure

26th. Minoru Mineta

Mr. Aziawa: *Sigh* Okay listen, now under normal circumstances I would EXPELL the one who got last place...

Purple Grape Kid: HUH?!?!

Mr. Aziawa: *Powers Down Tablet* But today I'm feeling a little merciful of letting all of you pass this once. But that DOESN'T mean I'm fond of you. *Looks at Shoka* And Shoka...

Shoka: !!! *Looks at Mr. Aziawa*Y-Yes?

Mr. Aziawa: Don't be afraid of using your power. "The past is the past..."

Izuku: "And the future is the future!" Quoted by All Might when talking about his struggles on a night show.

(I know the quote is from Ninjago, but decided to have All Might use it as he is the Symbol of Peace after all.)

Mr. Aziawa: Bingo. Like Yagi said, it's all about improving yourself. You got let go of what happened. Understood?

Shoka: . . . Y-Yes sir!

Mr. Aziawa: Good. *Walks Away* By the way, in light of some new situations, UA is making everyone dorms to live in. So once you get undressed your Semester Schedules should be on your desks back in class. *Turns to Them* And your parents have already approved the Dorm Idea. So no more questions. *Walks Away*

-As Class 1-A began to head back to the changing room as Aziawa is heading to the office when he saw both All Might and Green Tornado in their UA Faculty attires, he looked at them as All Might put on a huge grin.

All Might: Giving FEEDBACK Eraserhead? That's touché. Even for you.

Mr. Aziawa: All Might... *Looks at Inko* Inko... So the two of you were watching?

Inko: Of course we were Shota! And this is the first time we've seen you not expelling some people! That's a first! Even for you!

Mr. Aziawa: To be fair... I WAS going to expel the brat named Hirashi and arrest him on the spot.

All Might: And to be fair I would allow that 100%!

Mr. Aziawa: But still... We can't ignore the fact that his father is almost near a level of power as the CEO of the Hero Government here. But he had a glare of a major villain... He's a timebomb, a timebomb about to go off at any moment. So I have to keep an eye on him the most... That's all.

All Might: (So this is you being nice to a villain Aziawa? In that case...) Alright... Let's agree to disagree to disagreeing to this situation I guess...

Inko: *Watches Izuku Hang Out with His Friends* (My baby boy has grown up so fast... I'm proud of him.

Random Student: *See's All Might and Green Tornado* Hey! Is that All Might AND Green Tornado?!

All Might + Inko: Crap/Crap.

In Class...

-All of the students all were chilling and hanging out as they were all excited about the dorms, when they all decided to introduce themselves and tell what their quirks are, starting with Zane, which everyone didn't care about from the start.

Zane: Alright peasants, my name is Zane Hirashi, son of the second seat in the Hero Council here in Japan, Jake Hirashi... So best not get on my nerves.

Class 1-A: (I don't trust him.)

Ayoama: *French Accent* My name is Yuga Ayoama! My quirk is Naval Laser! Oui! Oui!

Shoji: My name is Mezo Shoji, my quirk is known as Dupli-Arms. Pleased to meet you.

Koda: *Nervous Sign Language* "I-I-I'm Koji Koda."


Izuku: *Glares at Zane* Shut up you bastard. He said his name was Koda. It looks like he can't speak because he has social nervousness. But I can translate.

Koda: *Sign Language* "T-Thank you. Like I was saying my name is Koda, and my quirk is Anivoice."

Izuku: His quirk is Anivoice, and from the sounds of it, you can talk to animals and command them right?

Koda: *Shakes His Head Up and Down + Sign Language* "Yeah that's right! Thank you!"

Izuku: No problem! *Billion Watt Smile*

Class 1-A: (That smile is so familiar... How? And where?)

Mina: I'm Mina Ashido! My quirk is known as Acid! Get ready for a little surprise I've been saving!

-Mina started to side step when she did some sort of 360 Flip into a handstand with holding onto one of her feet and then...

Mina: *Break Dancing* I'm a dance breaking machine!

Tape Guy: AH...! YEAH!

Invisible Girl: WORK! WORK!


The Gang: EH!?!?!

(Imagine it in the Class 1-A room, and Sonic is Izuku in his Hedgehog Form)

Izuku: *Break Dancing* You aren't the ONLY one that can break dance!


Mina: *Stops Break Dancing* WOW! You are really good at it!

Sero: I feel like we should continue with our introductions, my name is Hanta Sero. My quirk is known as Tape! I can shoot tape out of my elbows!

Zane: *Whispers* Good a tape dispenser.

Izuku: *Glares* Shut up you prick.

Zane: Hmph! *Turns to Looking out the Window*

Hagakure: I'm Toru Hagakure! My quirk is... Well... *Sad Tone* Invisibility...

Uraraka: I think that sounds like a good quirk! But why do you sound really sad with it?

Hagakure: Mainly cause I can't see what I look like. It's... Dull...

Izuku: It's not the quirk that makes the person... It's the person that makes the quirk. I heard that if you train it long enough, you might unlock your face and be able to turn it on and off.

Hagakure: I have heard of that too... But... It still hasn't worked.

Izuku: Well, as the old saying goes, keep going!

Hagakure: T-Thanks...

Ojiro: I'm Mashirao Ojiro. My quirk is known as Tail.

Mineta: I'm Minoru Mineta! My quirk is Sticky Balls! And YES ladies, I am single.

All the Girls: (Eww.)

Jiro: My name is Kyoka Jiro, my quirk is Earphone Jack.

Kaminari: I'm Denki! Denki Kaminari! My quirk is known as Electrification!

Kirishima: Some of you may already know me, but I'm Eijiro Kirishima! My quirk is Hardening! *Hardens Both Arms* See!

Asui: I'm Tsuyu Asui, call me Tsu. My quirk is known as Frog. *Kero*

Sato: I'm Rikido Sato. My quirk is Sugar Rush.

Tokoyami: I'm Fumikage Tokoyami, my quirk is known as Dark Shadow.

(Ima Skip the gang, you all know what their quirks are, but I'm not gonna skip Izuku, Izumi, Tangle, and Whisper.)

Tangle: Okay! My turn! I'm Tangle the Lemur! My quirk back home is Stretch Tail, that means I can stretch my Tail to great lengths!

Whisper: *Whisper* I'm Whisper... Pleased to meet you.

Kirishima: You mind telling us what your quirk is? I mean, if you want then...

Whisper: *Whisper* The truth is... I'm Quirkless.

All of Class 1-A Minus the Gang and Zane: WHAT?!

Zane: *Pissed* QUIRKLESS! ANOTHER BASTARD VIRUS THAT NEED'S TO DIE! *Shows Blade and Charges at Whisper*

-It looked like Zane was going to strike Whisper, he was stopped suddenly as Izuku was holding his hand back with a deadly stare. He then threw the sword into the board with Mineta peeing his pants slightly.

Izuku: *Deadly Stare* Never... Hurt... My... FRIEND.

Zane: TCH! *Sit's Down Again*

Izuku: *Sigh* Sorry about that guy's.

Class 1-A: I-It's fine... (What... What is UP with these two?)

Whisper: *Whisper* I may be quirkless, but I'm also a bit of a fighter. *Explains Her Weapon and Wisps*

Sero: Wow! That sure does make you a power player!

Whisper: *Whisper* I know.

Izumi: It's true! And my name is Izumi Yagi, and this, *Hugs Izuku* Is my brother Izuku. My quirk is S-Rank Telekinesis. And his quirk is Super Speed and Strength Enhancement.

Sato: And I can tell that the Super Speed bit is resulted into him being a Hedgehog.

Izuku: Yeah that's pretty much right. *1 Million Watt Smile*

Ashido: *Sneaks Up to Izuku* WHO ARE YOUR PARENTS!

Izuku: Eh?

Ashido: *Grins Evilly* That smile of yours is familiar... That must mean something... Come on don't be shy.

Izumi: *Whispers To Izuku* Oni-Chan! This isn't a good idea!

Izuku: *Whispers Back* Sooner or later, their gonna find out. Better be now then later.

Izumi: *Whispers To Izuku* Hmm... Ok fine. It's Zane I'm worried about. *Looks at Zane with a Glare*

Izuku: *Whispers Back* He can't really do anything. Cause if he does. He's screwed. *Normal Voice* Alright, I'm inclined to tell you all who our parents are... But you all have to promise me to NOT freak out.

Class 1-A: Sure thing!

Zane: *Get's Up* Finally... I'll be able to SUE the hell out of you for getting in the way of me making Ochako my personal toy!

Ashido: (No wonder Uraraka doesn't like Zane... He's a douchebag.)

Izuku: Your gonna be eating those words Zane... Because our parents are... *Class 1-A Excited* *Sigh* The Number 1 and 7 heroes of Japan.

Class 1-A: *Freezes* Wait...


Izuku: *Scratches Back of Head In Embarrassment* Yep... Hehehe... Surprise.

Zane: *Major Pipe Bomb* (Wait... This bastard's father... IS FUCKING ALL MIGHT!!!) Grr...

Izuku: *Glares at Zane and Deadly Voice* DON'T. EVEN. THINK. ABOUT SUEING MY PARENTS.

Kirishima: Whoa Deku-Bro! Don't get all angry with Zane... But thinking about it why do you and Hirashi hate each other anyway.

Izuku: *Grinds Teeth but Calms Down* Because he almost killed me. That's why.

Class 1-A: WAIT WHAT?!

Izuku: *Sigh* Yep... *Explains Everything That Happened up to his Tenth Birthday* . . .And that's the whole story.

Class 1-A: . . . (I can't believe... That he had to endure all of that for ten years. And we thought the quirkless had it tough. But Izuku had the shortest stick of the entire population.)

Kaminari: Damn... It isn't fair for you.

Sero: *Points Towards Zane* But why is he even in this class? If I was the teacher I would expel him on the spot.

Izuku: He's here because I want to show him that I'm not the same from before.

Zane: Piss... OFF. *Leaves the Room*

Ashido: . . . (I thought the only reason Ochako didn't like Zane was because he was jerk... But now I see that she loves Izuku, and Zane took that away from her for 5 years. NEW MISSION! MISSION OPERATION: IZUOCHA!)

Mr. Aziawa: *Enters the Room* Judging from the way Hirashi was, you told him about the past?

Izuku: Pretty much.

Mr. Aziawa: *Sigh* (I don't get paid enough for this.) Anyways, the dorms are all set, you all can go to them, and all of your personal belongings have arrived there already.

Class 1-A Including the Gang: ALRIGHT!

-As everyone grabbed their school bags and they all went outside as they all saw the dorms come into view as they were all shell shocked...

Class 1-A + The Gang: IT'S HUGE!!!

Mr. Aziawa: Now... Each of you will be set in a different dorm, the bath's will also be separated by gender.

Mineta + Zane: (Damn it.)

Mr. Aziawa: Per All Might's Request, Ochako's room will be next to Izuku's. AND Zane will be sleeping on the second floor and AWAY from Zane. *Looks at Zane* That's all... Go explore. See you bunch tomorrow.

Class 1-A: YES SIR!

-Everyone then huddled into the rooms as they all began to get settled in, while everyone was keeping a reasonable distance away from Zane who was infuriated. But then, as everyone was getting to know each, all of the girls then approached the boys and Mina had a really good idea.

Ashido: Hey boys!

Kaminari: Hey gals! What's the 911?

Hagakure: Well the girls and I have been wondering and...

Ashido: We all decided that we should have a Dorm Room Contest!

All the Guys: Eh?

(All of the Dorms are the same, except for Izuku's. Shoka's is the same as Izumi's room except with Endeavor Merch. And we don't see Zane's, and the Bakugo Twins. Whisper's Room look's like a normal room and Tangle is full of stuff she had from the village. But after their rooms were shown they went to bed as they were really beat. Now to Izuku's room!)

Izuku: *Yawning* Can we get this over with? I mean, I want to go up to my hangout on the roof and finish some-.


Izuku: *Sigh* Yeah sure... Your all my friends after all. *Opens Door*

Class 1-A Plus the Gang: WHOA!!!

(Underneath the TV is a PS5, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii, and a PS3. Place whatever games you want in the comments but I'll be sharing some of my favorite games in this chapter.)


Izuku: Yeah. Back on Mobius Earth this was where I had a YouTube Channel called, "Deku Gaming" even though my friends called me Dekuri, I went with Deku to avoid Zane. *Smiles Brightly*

Kaminari: *Looking Through and See's...* HOLY SHIT! YOU HAVE RAW VS SMACKDOWN 2010 AND 2011 FOR THE WII?!

Izuku: Wrestling was one of my favorite things that I loved to do back when on Mobius Earth so yeah, some of my friends showed me it and 2010 and 2011 have been my favorite ever since. But I do have 2K19 and 2K22 on the PS5 for the heck of it.

Kaminari: We should have a game playing party in the future!

Kirishima: I second that!

Izuku: Sure thing, guys. I'm down with playing with you two.

Ashido: We're not done yet! We have to see the Roof! Lead us to it Green Blur!

Izuku: Alright... *Goes Out to the Balcony* Follow me! *Goes Up the Ladder*

-All of Class 1-A except for Zane all went up to the roof waiting to see what Izuku has done to the location that they think he has not worked on all that well but...


Izuku: My Mobius Quirk of Super Speed... What else?

Izumi: SO COOL! *See's Array of Fountain Drinks* ARE THOSE SODA'S?! Oni-Chan! You outdone yourself again!

Katsuki: You are officially one of the coolest guys here! *Grabs a Bottle of Sprite* So cool! *Start's Drinking It*

Jiro: Whoa... *Notices a Guitar Case* Hey Izuku? Is that a guitar case?

Izuku: Oh that! *Grabs it and Takes out the Guitar* Well when I wasn't training to be a hero or doing video games or something else... I would work on doing some music.


Izuku: Yep! In fact I have a song that I was working on for a while. *Ready's The Guitar* I would love to share it with you guys!

-As all of Class 1-A took their seats, the gang looked on as they were ready to see and hear Izuku's talent...

Izuku: *Deep Breathe as Music Starts Playing* 

In the shadow of the city... When the day's are disappeared. Some might say it's sorta gritty... Full of faces to be feared. But. There are wonders that are waiting underneath the midnight sky, we got the stars illuminating, it's a place for a you and I. A little space for a you and I...

Izuku: *Start's Playing the Guitar*

At the Top of the World tonight! Where no one EVER has to hide! At the Top of the World tonight! You're sittin' safe and starry-eyed, there is treasure you can find! In somethin' someone left behind! At the Top of the World tonight! It can stay this way, at least until the mornin' light.

-Izuku get's up and lights the entire roof as all of Class 1-A start to get amazed as they continued to learn more about the Green Hedgehog.

Izuku: *Slides Up to the Wall Playing the Guitar*

Through the dark, there's someone singin' like an OLD familiar song. Like you fell into a melody that's bringin' you, RIGHT HERE. Where you can belong! And, there are wonders that are waiting underneath the midnight sky, and by the stars we're navigating, to a place for a you and I...!

At the Top of the World tonight! Where no one EVER has to hide! At the Top of the World Tonight! You're sittin' safe and starry-eyed, there is treasure you can find! In somethin' someone left behind! At the Top of the World tonight! It can stay this way, at least until the mornin' light.

-Izuku then jumped on bar as he finishes up the song and he looks up to the moon while singing out loud...

At the Top of the World... The Top of the WORLD...!

At the Top of the World tonight!

-All of Class 1-A said nothing for about an estimate of 1 minute... But then they erupted with cheers that was so loud, it could have woken up the entire neighborhood. Izumi of course was pouting as she was once again left in the dark about something she wanted to know...

Izumi: *Dark Aura* Oni-Chan...

Izuku: *Scared* Run. *Runs Away*


-Everyone laughed as they were happy that everyone was having fun in their own wacky and silly ways. But in the distance, in the dark there was Zane Hirashi who was grinding his teeth which showed his undying anger... As he was about ready to strike... Very soon.

Zane: Tch! *Walks Away* (This isn't over Deku...)

(Until I say so.)

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