Severe pain

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Chapter 121:

It was the time of night and there was a complete silence outside the Khanna mansion as all were sleeping in their room.

In the Avneil room, a lamplight was on and the clock shows 01: 38 am and, Avneil were sleeping. Suddenly, Avni stirs in sleep and suppress her lips and keeps the hand on her stomach. Avni opens her eyes but again shut her eyes and squeeze them because of the intensity of pain. Avni hugs her stomach and was in severe pain she did not turn her side but she tried to wake up Neil by her arm but was not able to reach him. Avni winces and calls Neil's name with much difficultly and hits her hand on the bed so Neil can wake up. Neil opens his eyes and heard Avni's low voice she was calling his name. Neil turns slightly and frowns to see her sleeping in crawled position. Neil instantly gets up.

Neil: Avni.

Neil turns her to him.

Neil: Avni, what happened?

Avni was crying she suppresses her lips and tears fall from her eyes.

Neil: what happened?

Avni: my abdomen.

Neil shocked.

Neil: what?

Neil looks at the clock it shows 01: 50 am.

Neil: let's go to the hospital.

Avni shocks her head. Neil caresses her hairs.

Neil: Avni, we have to go.

Avni suppresses her lips.

Avni: medicine. Give me, my medicine.

Neil: medicine? You mean Anti-allergic?

Avni nods.

Neil: why that? Did you eat something wrong?

Neil looks at her, Avni did not say anything. Neil thinks.

Neil: let me call mom.

Neil picks his phone and calls Shweta as he can't leave Avni for a second and also do not wants to give her the wrong medicine in a hurry or panic. On the other side, Shweta wakes up and picks her phone and saw the caller I'd.

Shweta: Neil?

Shweta picks the call.

Neil: Hello, mom.

Shweta: hello, Neil what happened, is everything fine you are calling at this time of night.

Neil: mom.

Shweta: what happened, Neil, you sound worried.

Neil looks at Avni.

Neil: mon, Avni.

Shweta: Avni? What happened to her?

Neil: please come to our room fast.

Shweta: Neil, but.

Neil: please mom.

Shweta: ok.

Neil cuts the call and Shweta looks at Prakash who was sleeping.

On the side, Neil was sitting with Avni and caressing her hairs, the door knocked. Neil instantly went to open it.

Shweta: what happened?

Neil looks at Avni.

Neil: Avni.

Neil was hell worried.

Shweta comes and saw Avni is laying by hugging her abdomen and is in severe pain. Neil sits with Avni. Shweta was caressing Avni's hairs.

Shweta: what happened, bacha?

Neil: she has abdomen pain. I asked her to go to the hospital but she denied it and said to give her antiallergic. Did she eat something wrong?

Shweta: no, she has dinner with us you were also present there.

Neil: yes, but before that. I mean in the evening or lunch.

Shweta thinks.

Shweta: no, I don't think so she...

Shweta stopped and thinks. Neil looks at her, then Shweta palmed her head.

Neil: what happened?

Shweta: she must have eaten those sweets.

Neil: sweets?

Shweta: yaa bheema brought sweets and pistachio were added in them. I prohibit Avni to not eat as she is allergic to pistachio but no I think she has eaten them by stealing them.

Neil looks at Avni.

Shweta: this girl and her love for pistachio.

Neil: Are you sure she ate them?

Shweta: yes, that's why she is asking for her medicine.

Neil angrily looks at Avni how can she do that how can she play with her health and life.

Neil: this girl. Why she does not understand that pistachio is not good for her did she forget what happened last time? Once she will be fine then I will see her.

Shweta: calm down, Neil. Give her medicine.

Neil: no mom, I am taking her to the hospital. Giving medicine like this is not safe.

Shweta: last time you took her to the hospital and the doctor said that when she has an allergy, give her medicine instantly if you late then it will increase her pain and worsen the condition.

Neil thinks.

Neil: my heart is not satisfied.

Avni: Neil.

Neil looks at her and holds her hand which she raised to call him.

Neil: yaa Avni.

Avni: give me medicine. I always took them so don't worry.

Neil looks at her condition and now he can't waste more time.

Neil: are you sure?

Avni nods.

Neil: ok.

Neil gets up and goes to the shelves and comes with a box he sits and made Avni have medicine then he caresses her hairs and after some time Avni's condition was better.

Neil and Shweta sigh.

Neil: mom, you can go now. Sorry to disturb you.

Shweta: disturb? I will slap you if you next time say this. I am your mother if you will not call me in problem then whom will you call hmm. Why is family for?

Neil smiles.

Shweta: take care of her and also of yourself, call me if you need any help.

Neil nods.

Shweta goes and Neil closes the door then he turns and saw Avni he comes to her and sits he caresses her hairs and kiss her forehead. Avni again feels pain and keeps the hand on her belly. Neil caresses her hairs.

Neil call her name softly, Avni!

Avni caresses her belly to soothe her pain. Neil saw that and replace her hand as he knows that she needs rest and it will disturb her sleep. Neil caresses Avni's abdomen to soothe her pain. Neil looks at Avni.

Neil: Avni, I am just coming, ok. I am going to get a hot water bottle, ok.

Neil was about to turn but Avni holds his arm. Neil looks at her.

Neil: what happened?

Avni whispers: don't go, please.

Neil: just 5 minutes.

Avni did not reply. Neil sighs and said: ok.

Neil caresses her hairs soon Avni sleeps but from time to time she caresses her abdomen so Neil thinks and looks at Avni he covers her with a blanket, he opens her nighty and caresses her belly so she will feel good but he did not see her as he did not want to do anything which can embarrass Avni. Neil put Avni's head on his lap and caresses her belly with one hand and hairs with the second hand. Avni was in deep sleep now he kisses her hairs and thinks.

Neil: I hope, Avni, you will not misunderstand me.

Neil thinks.

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