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The room was silent, other then the sobs coming from Judas. The blood dripping down both Ashton and Judith were bad, but sadly it would seem more fatal towards Ash.

Waiting for the police couldn't have been that much time, but for these three it felt like centuries. Judith was being shielded by a Miles, who silently cried. She couldn't see Ash... but she knew he was long dead. 

After a few more moments Judith uses all of her strength and tries to get up. Miles looks at her with worry until she glared down at him. "I want to see him." She spoke, not giving a care about her worsening condition. 

Judith limps over to her brother Judas who was holding Ash, tears streaming down his face, the love of his life is dead and he couldn't do anything but hold him. She placed a hand on her brother and he jumps.

"J... Judith! Are you ok! You shouldn't be walking!" Judas exclaimed, gently placing Ash's head on his lap.

"I am sorry." Judith starts. "He... he gave up the rest of his fighting energy for me... and I couldn't even thank him... now I know how much he meant to you, and i'm sorry for being selfish."

Judas looks at his sister and smiles, he then gently pulls her arm and pulls her into the first hug the two has shared in a long time. "I am sorry for not being a good brother, but I do love you, and I hope we can work on getting to know each other better again."

This made Judith smile, "Of course... I love you too! You are the best brother I could ever have Judas." She hugs him back and then the two look at each other and smiles.

Miles stares at the twins, his smile was happy but his heart couldn't have ached any harder... he couldn't save his brother... so hopefully he can save his soulmate. Miles gets up and walks over to the two, looking down at his brother's lifeless form made him stop. "I love you Ash." Was all he could say.

Judas looks down at Ash and kisses him. "I guess you're probably having a ball up in heaven making me finally cry." He laughed. Then, all of a sudden Judas's eyes went wide. "A.. Ash!"

This confused both Judith and Miles, "What is it Judas?" Judith asks, holding her brother's hand tighter.

"I... I see... I see Ash! Ash you are here!! Wait, what? Holy that is awesome!" Judas spoke.

Worried, Judith shakes him a little, "Judas, who are you talking to? Whats going on!" 

Judas looks over at his sister and smiles, "I guess we will have to put a rain check on getting to know each other again." He started. He then looks back over at the wall and smiles then at Miles. "Take care of my sister, asshole." Then his eyes went back to the wall. 

"What did you just-" Miles started.

Judas puts a finger to his lips, "Ill see you two again, don't cause too much trouble while we are apart." He then reaches out his hand, then his body started to go limp.

"Judas-" Judith started, but it was too late, Judas was toppled over Ash in a limp state. "JUDAS!!" She screamed, she kept shaking her brother's body, "STOP IT! STOP JOKING AROUND!" she kept shaking him until Miles came over and grabbed her, pulling her into an embrace.

"Calm down Judith! Your in a bad condition, I can feel your physical and mental pain, I don't think your brother would want you to hurt yourself even more." Miles said, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around Judith. "The police and ambulance will be here soon."

With the last of her strength Judith tightly hugged Miles. "Judas, why... how did he.. how..."


The police arrived shortly after asking the two some questions, that was when they were told once a soulmate dies, the other one will shortly die after, cause one cannot live without the other. 

Thanks to this reasoning, Miles was now brother less and an orphan, but the Lennon's were quick to let Miles stay at their home with them, there was a spare bedroom in their home, not Judas's room... they didn't wanna get rid of the only reminder they had left of their son.

Life went on, seemingly normal enough, Judith and Miles both graduated school and collage, and are now traveling the world together, anything to get out of the town where they lost their brothers. It still hurt to think about them, but they knew they would get through it together.

Whilst on a tour of some ancient cities, Miles pulls Judith away and to an old castle, they explore its beauty and rustic features, then made their way to the garden. There was dead plants and vines all around, it seemed like roses once bloomed here. The two look at the garden in awe, and a bit of familiarity, but the shook that off.

"Hey Judith." Miles starts.

Judith looks over at Miles, "Yeah?" 

"Remember that time when we just became soulmates, saying something about having different lives and stuff?" Miles asks.

This made Judith facepalm, "Yes... that was so embarrassing-"

"Well, if we ever did spend a different life together.." Miles turns Judith to him and gets down on one knee. "I wan't to spend all of our next ones together too." 


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