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It was the first day of junior year. Judas was prepared for another year of people bitching at him for his hair or what he did to his uniform.

You see, even though he was from a rich family, judas was the most rebellious kid you could ever find. He was tired of his family saying how much he resembled Rosa so he dyed his hair black with green highlights and got several piercings. Much to the schools dismay. He also hated how cut and clean the school uniform was, so he covered it in patches.

Even though the school always had a problem with what he did, they wouldnt kick him out. His family was a large portion of the school founding and they couldnt afford to lose them. Plus, judas' family didnt care what he did. Sure his parents where upset when he showed up with black and green hair covered in piercings. But it wasn't to do with that fact that they hated it, it was simply because he didnt ask before doing so.

Judas sighed as he walked down stairs to the kitchen. As he walked in his parents where sitting at the table talking.

"Oh good morning Juda. Sleep well i hope."
"Slept as good as i could knowing i go back to hell this morning"
His mother gave a sympathetic smile while his father gave him a stern look
"You better not talk like that with a teacher."
"I wont dad. Im tired of hearing them complain about my attitude. But i have this year and next year and im done."
"Thats a good way to look at it Judas. Keep your head up. But remember, dont associate with those horrid people."
"Why would i want to associate with trash?"

His father smiled "thats my boy! Now eat your breakfast before your late to school"


Judas sighed as he stood, leaning against a wall. He watched several other kids walk by. A few freshman had walked up and complimented his hair.

But as soon as he spotted the Romans, he instantly stiffened and glared at them. He hated them. They where discusting trash. But he couldnt deny that Ashton was cute. But it could never happen. He hated him and always would.

Thats another thing that people gave Judas shit over. He was gay. And everyone knew. He didnt hide it. Never really tried. He just sorta found out and told everyone the same day. His parents supported, his sister supported him, and what few friends he had also supported him. But the jocks bullied him. He was cool with it though. He bullied them too.

Judas walked over and punched the locker on the one side of ashtons face causing him to jump and look at him.
"Stay away from this year little bitch. I wont hesitate to fucking annihilate you."

Ashton cowered down. He wasnt one for fighting and was a big pushover. He relied on his brother a lot when it came to protection.

Miles walked over and punched Judas knocking him away from Ashton "leave him alone asshat. He didnt do anything."
"I can be where i want idiot. If i had a say, you two wouldnt be allowed in the school. You dont deserve to be here. Your familys just trash. Filthy. Discusting. You belong in a pigs pin."

Miles roled his eyes and grabbed ashton, who was clearly upset, and started walking to class "fuck off Judas. Youre familys the inconsiderate assholes"

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