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Judas walked on to school campus and around the back of school (thats where him and ashton agreed to meet up so no one seen). Judas ran up and hugged ash from the back causing him to jump about 4 feet off the ground.

"Judas! What the fuck!"

Judas smiled and stuck his tounge out "you love me."
"Dont you think its a bit to soon to be saying that?"
"The strings say were soulmates, so no. Its not. Youre stuck with me. Forever.
"Oh god help me."

They both laughed. And talked until the bell rang. Then thay both started to walk to class together.

"Have you told your sister?"
"Not yet. Did you tell miles?"
"Hell no."
"You know youre going to have to tell him eventually."
"Yeah. Nows just a hard time."
"Yeah. I understand. Dont rush it."
"I wont. I dont think i could."
"Maybe start with being open about it at school. No one can tell your parents without getting in trouble. And it will help you gain confedince."
"We can try."
"Okay. Then we will. No more hiding it. Ill see you after school." Judas winked as he walked down the hall to his own class.


After school judas waited for ashton by the gate. He was taking awhile but judas didnt think much of it, until he felt a tug on the string and a sharp pain on his face. Judas rushed to where the string led. The boys bathroom. He walked in and seen a group of other boys surrounding ash. And one boy punched him again and judas growled causing the boys to turn around and ashtons eyes lighting up when he seen him was everything judas needed to give him the confedince he needed.

"What the fuck are you guys doing"
"What we want. Now get lost gay boy."
"Im not going anywhere."
"Why not. You hate him too"
"Not anymore." Judas held up his hand to show the string that connected him and Ashton. Everyones eyes followed the string in shock. They slowly backed up and ran out the door.

Judas ran up too Ashton "are you okay? I felt them punch you"
"Yeah im fine. Ill just have a black eye. Thank you for coming to help me."
"No problem cutie. You sure youre Okay?"
"Yeah i promise."
Judas nodded and held ashtons hand as the walked off of school property.  They walked until they got a block from ashtons house.
"I dont wanna go home."
"I wouldnt either. But dont worry. If he does anything, hits you, touches you, just pull that string and ill be over here as fast as i can."
Ashton smiled and kissed his cheek "thank you Judas. Ill see you tomorrow then?"
"Of course cutie. See you tomorrow.

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