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    Judas ran the whole way to the park. He never stopped to catch his breath. He just wanted to get there as fast as he could.
     When he got there, miles was sitting on a almost broken swing set. His eyes where puffy like he'd been crying the whole time. That wasnt so hard to believe. His dad has raped and beat ashton in the past. Theres no telling what he could have done to him this time.

      "Miles. Have you found anything?"

     Miles looked up and he looked almost broken.

       "Ive found a letter that judith dropped. My dad wrote it" miles handed the letter over too judas.

     After judas read the letter, he understood why miles was crying. Judith had disappeared to help save ashton. And now Xavier has them both.

      "Fuck. Youre fathers a fucking idiot! Why would he use me agaist my own fucking sister!" He punched the pole of the swing set.

      "I haven't been able to find anything else around here. It looks like she just vanished."

     "She couldnt have just vanished. There has to be someth-"

     Judas was cut off by the gental pull of his string. He almost let out a sigh of releif before he started to panic again.

     "We have to find the soon miles. Ash is in trouble. I told him to pull the string if he ever needed me."

     "Can you track him down by the pull of the string?"

     "Its to weak. I couldnt."

     "Fuck. I have no idea then."

     "Was there anywhere youre father would go a lot? Or a place he was obsessed with? Anything that could give us a possible lead."

    "He goes to work a lot. But hes the head of a huge buisness. Someone would have noticed something if he took them there. But he was obsessed with the willow tree from the story. Always said he couldnt believe it was desecrated by a lennon."

    "Thats our lead. But atlas his the tree didnt he?

    "Kinda. My family has atlas' jernal so we know where it is. My dad bragved about all the time. Its hidden over there behind a bunch of bushes and bigger trees"

    Judas practically ran over there.  But was bet with a willow tree and a swing. Nothing else.

     "Is there anything special about the tree? And reason youre dad would obsess over it?"

      "He told us theres a secret underground hideout. But never told us where it is or how to access it."

     "That hideout is where hes keeping them. Theres no other reason he would ask judith to meet him here. Is the jernal still at youre house?"

     "It should be unless my dad took it"

     "We need to find out. Its the only thing that can tell us where to find them."

    Both boys took off running to the roman house. Judas tugged on his string a few times to slet ash know he was coming. Ash gave a small weak tug back. Judas knew he was hurt. Now he just need to find him and save him.

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