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Ashton sat through every class. But he didn't pay attention. He was to worried about Judas. If he found out what his sister said this morning, he'd be crushed. He wouldn't be able to function anymore. And if Miles finds him walking around some where he'll punch him.

As the final bell rings, Ashton sighed. Guess it was time to drop stuff off at Judas' house. but what he was most scared of was the idea of gong home and knowing that Judas wouldn't be there to help him if his father tried to pull something. and Ashton had a very bad feeling of going home. he knew that what ever his dad did to him, Judas would feel too, which would be terrible for him after what happened this morning. this also meant he couldn't fight back. he'd have to let it happen.

Ashton got up and and walked towards the front gate. he seen his brother talking to a friend of his. him and Miles never really talk much any more but it still makes him happy knowing that, if he ever needed it, Miles would be there for him. as he looked back at the gate though, the same anxiety from a second ago returned. Ashton could ask to stay at Judas' house, but he didn't want to bother them anymore than he already did. i'm sure they've been worried about Judas all day, he didn't want to cause any extra worry. 

he walked to the Lennon house with his head down. he knocked on the door twice and Mrs. Lennon answered the door with a smile. 

"Hello Ashton. come in."

he walked in with a smile and sat his bag down on the couch, pulling out the papers he got for Judas. 

"hows Judas doing? did he get the rest he needed?"

"he certainly did. i made sure he ate, then took a nap. hes up in his room watching tv right now if you would like to go see him."

"Okay. Thank you Mrs. Lennon."

"No problem sweetie and please call me Casandra."

Ashton nodded as he walked up the stairs. he stopped and took a deep breath before knocking on Judas' door. 

"who is it?"

"uh, its me. Ashton." the anxiety was clear in his voice. he had no idea why but he was so scared to see Judas. maybe it was the fact that he heard Judas tell his mom that it was him that distracted  him from being with his sister. or maybe it was the anxiety that Judas might blame him for what happened. 

the door opened to reveal Judas in a grey rolling stones shirt and black sweats. his green and black hair messier then normal. ashtons face turned a bright red. he looked down and held out Judas' homework.

"i-i got your homework so you wouldn't get behind in your classes.."

judas smiled and took the papers "thanks cutie. what would i do without you."

Ashton looked at him and smiled. his cheeks dusted pink "you'd probably be failing your classes."

"hey! i pass my classes just fine before you came along."

"is that why you where always looking at my paper in math class?"

"you seen that?!?"

Ashton nodded with a smile "you weren't exactly being subtle about it."

Judas smiled and kissed Ashtons cheek "i suppose you're right."

Ashtons blush darkened but his smile never faltered, until he remembered he had to go home. he really really didn't want too. he knew his dad was going to pull something. he could feel it. and, thanks to the string, so could Judas. 

"hey, whats with the anxiety rush? whats wrong?"

"i don't want to go home. my dads going to try something. i can feel it."

Judas looked at him apologetically. "i would say you could stay here but i don't want to make things worse. but remember, all you have to do is pull that string. ill drop what ever im doing to come help you. and ill do anything to help you. you know that right?"

Ashton nodded "i know. im just scared. what if you dont get there in time? what if my dad hurts you? what if what my dad does to me hurts you? what if my dad rapes you? what if-"

judas cuts him off by gently placing his hand over his mouth. "well deal with that when it happens. and theres no such thing as 'not getting there on time'. as long as i get there. if the deeds already done, ill take you away from there. you can live with me, and if your dad trys to take you back, my family and you're brother will protect you."

Ashton nods "okay. yeah. thank you Judas. you're really to nice."

Judas smiles and kisses his forehead "you should head home soon. i don't want you to get into more trouble."

Ashton sighed "you're right. bye Judas"

"bye cutie"

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