twenty one

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      Judas was running as fast as he could. He knew if he didn't get there soon, Ash and Judith would die. And miles knew it two. They where both running so fast that when they finally got there they almost collapsed. 

      That's when they heard the second gunshot.

      Judas screamed and almost fell over. he could feel what Ash felt. and it wasn't the best thing. he was shot in the shoulder this time. Judas could feel his energy draining and that scared him more then the gun shot. Ashton was close to dying. 

      Miles ran to the willow tree and pulled the hidden lever that was at the base hidden by some small bushes. As the door was opening there was another gun shot. But this time Miles was the one to fall. Xavier had shot Judith this time. 

      As soon as Miles regained himself they both slowly walked in. They heard screaming and the smell of blood was gruesome. They turned a few corners before they found them. Judith had a knife wedged into Xavier's shoulder blade as he had a hold of her hair trying to pull her off. despite her having a gunshot wound on her side and her arm torn to shreds. Ashton on the other hand was laying in a corner a few feet away. He was still awake but you could tell he was fighting. 

      Miles noticed the shot gun that Xavier had dropped and slowly creaped his way over too it. Judith noticed him and gave him an almost triumphant smile. As if she new they where gonna make it out completely fine. It was also the first true smile he'd ever seen on her. 

      Judith jumped of Xavier and right as he turned around to grab her, he heard the shot gun load. He slowly turned around to see Miles standing there with the gun. 

      "Miles. Put the gun down."

      "Why should I? You tried to kill Judith. And Ashton."

      "I'm doing this for you! A Roman should never be soul mates with a Lennon! They'd take our business and run it to the ground! She doesn't love you! she just wants to us you to destroy us! And with Ashton out of they way you have no one to worry about taking over the company! Or giving the company a bad name! Could you imagine a fag like him working in the company?"

      "You're a sick twisted man. You raped Ash for so may years, but you wanna call him a fag and insult him like that. Did you think about how much that hurt him? Or the toll it took on his mind?!"

      "If i hurt him enough, it would fix him"

      Miles blood boiled. He cared about his brother more than anything. All the abuse miles took was always for Ash. His dad would have never touched him if he didn't speak up for Ash and stop him when their mother wouldn't.

      Miles lifted the gun and pointed it right at Xavier's face.

      "Fuck you" 

      And he pulled the trigger.

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