Links between Emotions

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⚠Warning!⚠ This is the part that has dark themes. If you have issues with mentions of suicide, you have been warned.

Migo trudged through the snow. He was a ways from the village, nearing an opening to the edge of the yeti's world.

I should probably find a place to stay. He thought.

He wandered around for a bit before he found a small cave.

This will have to do.

Migo entered the cave. He looked around when he spotted three yetis cuddling.

"Oh!" Migo said surprised there were others out here. "I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone else was out here."

The three looked up at Migo.

"That's okay." The female said.

"We were just cuddling, nothing wrong with that." The male yeti with curly fur spoke.

"Who are you anyway?" Asked the smaller male yeti.

Migo recognized them. Kolka, Gwangi, and Fleem. They were soulmates to each other. They had found each other in last year's ceremony. The whole village looks down upon their bond because it goes against tradition to have more then one.

"I'm.... not welcome in the village anymore." Migo said.

Kolka stood up, much to Gwangi's and Fleem's disappointment, and walked over to Migo.

"Migo? Oh my..." She looked down at his hand to see the bonding bracelets. Realization struck.

"You didn't find them, did you?" She asked sadly.

Migo looked to the blue ground. Blue. He started to think. Why blue of all colors?

"Gwangi..." Kolka started turning to her soulmates.

"I know." He said in reply. "But, we need to discuss this first."

Gwangi gestured his head back, signaling for them to go to the back room.

Kolka nodded then turned back to Migo.

"We'll be back."

Migo only stared at the ground lost in thought.

Kolka, Gwangi, and Fleem went to the back.

Migo decided to just walk out. He didn't want to cause them anymore trouble.

After all, they were a rare condition to the Soul Bond ceremony as well.


Kolka, Gwangi, and Fleem had been chatting together for a while after they had found each other. The Stonekeeper noticed this and walked toward them.

Holding up his staff, as he saw that they wore bond bracelets, he stated.

"State the color of the staff."

"Red" the three yetis replied.

The Stonekeeper was confused.

"Fleem," he turned to the smaller yeti. "Who is your soulmate?"

"Kolka and Gwangi." He said proudly holding up his bonding bracelets. Revealing that neither of them were his own.

The village gasped.

"This is unheard of." Someone whispered.

"There must be a mistake." Said another.

"Calm down everyone." The Stonekeeper gestured for the crowd to do so.

"Surely they can't both be your soulmates. Can they?"

The Stonekeeper didn't ask it as a question rather then telling Fleem that they couldn't.

"U-um." Fleem stuttered. He never liked being confronted.

Kolka and Gwangi, feeling their soulmate's unease, stepped forward. "We are both his soulmates." Gwangi said as he and Kolka place their arms around Fleem.

"Well then," the Stonekeeper was taken aback. "Congratulations."

The Stonekeeper walked away without giving them his blessing.


After that they must have come out here to be in peace.

Migo walked back over to the opening. There was a ledge with a rock sticking out of the mountain near the edge.

I can't see the colors of the world. I won't live long enough to find my other half.

Migo looked down at the bonding bracelets in his hands. He sighed.

He walked closer to the edge until he was just a foot away from it. I've got nothing else I can do up here. He thought as the sadness and helplessness took over. Tears welled up in his eyes.


Percy was walking through the forest looking for a jumping spider he and Brenda needed to research when he suddenly felt a powerful wave of sadness take over him.

He looked up to the mountain, they weren't that far from it.

"Percy, are you okay?" Brenda asked.

Percy shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He asked.

"You're crying." Brenda responded shocked.


Percy took off his glove and felt his cheek. Sure enough, there were tears there.


"Percy, are you sure you're okay?" Brenda said cautiously.

"Brenda, I'm telling you I'm fi-" Percy began.

Another heavy wave of sadness swept over Percy, this time cutting him off. His vision started to blur with tears.

What's going on? Percy began to panic as tears were spilling from his eyes non-stop.

"Percy!" Brenda went to her partner to see what was going on.


Migo suddenly felt panicked. What, why am I panicking.

His breath quickened as did his heart.

"Migo!" Kolka yelled.

Migo spun around to see Kolka, Gwangi, and Fleem running toward him.

"Migo please, there is no need for you to do this." Gwangi said.

"Yes there is." Migo insisted.

Fleem spoke next. "C'mon, let's just talk about this."


"Brenda, I want to talk about this but I can't." Percy choked out. "I don't-"

"Percy, please calm down. We can talk about this" Brenda said.

Percy continued to shed tears non-stop.

Brenda was shocked. I don't understand. He was so happy a minute ago.

"Just calm down."


"I'm trying to calm down." Migo said in desperation.

"Migo come back with us. We can help you." Kolka stepped closer to the terrified yeti.

Migo was so conflicted. Why am I panicking. I don't want to panic.

"Migo, please come away from the edge." Kolka begged.


"Brenda please, I'm freaking out." Percy whimpered. "I don't know what's going on. Please help me."

Brenda looked at her partner with concern.

"Percy, just tell me what's going on." She said in desperation.


"I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!" Migo yelled.

Kolka was taken aback.

"Migo-" she started.

Migo, in a panic, stepped back absentmindedly.

Migo slipped off of the edge.

Kolka gasped.

Gwangi and Fleem rushed out to try and grab Migo before he fell into the Nothing.

Migo's mind suddenly went blank.

He looked up into the sky above him.

The last thing he saw before he blacked out from panic was the sky.

The blue sky.


Percy couldn't stop panicking.

Brenda was trying to call an ambulance to get him to a hospital before he had a complete panic attack.

Percy suddenly felt numb. Completely numb.

His mind went blank.

The blue and purple world around him started to spin and fade as he fainted.

Brenda saw Percy swaying and attempted to catch him.

She grabbed his arm but due to the snow they were on, she slipped and Percy hit the ground rougher than he should have.

"Hello" someone said on the phone.

Brenda quickly spoke. "Yes, hello. Please send an ambulance my friend just collapsed."

"Alright, hang on ma'am. The paramedics are on their way." The operator spoke.

"Thank you." Brenda said.

She looked worriedly down at her partner.

Don't worry Percy, just hang on.

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