06 || behind every "i don't care"

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Updated/Published On:
13th August 2019

"they say denial is the first stage; i say, we all reach a stage where we can't help but want to scream out all our love for them."

(Y/n)'s POV

It was two days after the humiliating night, when Jin ran up to me the moment he entered the cafe. I raised an eyebrow at him as he put up a hand, gesturing me to wait till he caught his breath.

"S- Sorry, one second," he whispered breathlessly. I just nodded, trying not to laugh at the sight. "Uh... Whoo..."

"Calm down, Jinnie, what's up?" I asked teasingly. I knew I was crossing my line by calling him Jinnie, but he didn't seem to mind so I continued, "Did NamNam finally pop the question?" His faced jerked up and I gasped. "Wait, really?!"

"Wha- No! Sheesh, you little," he murmured, straightening up as I laughed out loud. "You're lucky the shop is closed right now and nobody's here or else they would be seeing me scold you right now."

"Yeah, right," I scoffed. "What's up, Jin?"

"I, ah, I'm sorry," he said, straightening his coat as his fingers nervously fiddled with the buttons on them. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion before he spoke about what he was sorry, "I don't know if you wanna speak about him or not, but I think you should meet up with Yoongi."

Pain flashed through me but I kept my face straight and blank. "Why?"

"Ah, I talked with Namjoon, and well," Jin swallowed lightly, "he told me how Yoongi's like. Look, it's not my place to speak for him. You really need to talk this out. It's just a misunderstanding, okay?"

"Uh-huh," I stared at him for a second, making a quick decision. "Considering you asked for forgiveness the last time when you got my hopes up, I'm sure you won't lie."

"Thank you," he gave a sigh of relief. He looked at the clock. "It's 9:30 pm, and what are you doing here?"

"Ah, I had this.... feeling, I should stay a bit longer," I said unsurely. "Dunno why. But yeah, I'm going to leave now."

"Uh, can you go now?" He asked me. I raised an eyebrow. "It's just, the earlier you solve all this, the better."

"Uh, okay, if you say so," I muttered. "But, I don't know where he is."

"He's at his studio," he said giving another sigh of relief. What's with him giving relieved sighs today? "He's always there at night, complete workaholic. Takes a break only to meet you, apparently."

"I have a hard time believing that, but still something inside me says I should," I said, a small smile teasing my lips. "Alright, text me the address."

"Right away," he said, pulling out his phone, as I whipped out mine.

I wonder how this will go. Hopefully, I won't get my hopes crushed this time.


My two-inch heels clacked lightly on the wooden floor as I stepped inside the glass building. My eyes roamed around for a second, taking in the luxurious seats and polished furniture - Yoongi must be quite well off if he worked here.

I turned to the reception, where a woman around my age was grabbing her things, ready to leave. She paused when she saw me.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so late," I said quickly. "But I'm here to meet Mr. Min Yoongi? Is he inside?"

"Yes, of course, ma'am," she said, straightening up, pulling out a register. "Your name?"

"(Y/n) (l/n)," I told her, waiting patiently as she wrote down my name and who I had come to meet and the time.

"Right, he's on the fourth floor, just take a left from the elevator, his studio's the last one," she said with a smile as she capped her pen. I bowed down to her, shooting a quick thanks before walking to the elevator. "Oh, um, would you please tell Mr. Min that he has to lock up or atleast tell Mr. Kim to do so if he's going to be late?"

"Okay," I shouted back to her. She yelled a thanks from the other end of the room before rushing out of the fancy, expensive building. The elevator dinged and opened. I entered quickly, feeling weird. Was it just the two of us in the whole building as of now?

I shivered at the thought, but my eye was caught by my reflection in the mirror which was the wall of the elevator. My white button-up looked ruffled from working all day, and my black pencil skirt with it made me look like some fancy business woman. Except disheveled.

I quickly tried to fix my hair before I reached the fourth floor and the elevator produced a soft ding before opening. I could hear someone speaking as I turned left. The voices were coming from the studio at the end of the corridor - Yoongi.

"...cause if you don't, you are going to regret this, Yoongi!" The voice felt familiar.

"Namjoon, I told you, I'm not going to speak to her again," another familiar voice snarled at the now recognisable voice of Namjoon. "I'm regretting all this already."

My heart sank in my stomach and my steps slowed down. What was I here for? And what was I hearing?

"No, Yoongi, you don't!" Namjoon argued.

"How do you know Namjoon?" Yoongi scoffed. The studio was fifteen feet away from me. I gulped, wondering if I should turn back. But no, half-listening won't help. I need to confront Yoongi about this. If he wanted to end it, atleast we will do it like mature adults.

"Yoongi, stop acting so rough and tough," I could sense the exasperation in Namjoon's voice. "You care about her, it's okay to admit."

"I don't, I don't, I freaking don't care!" Yoongi nearly yelled, stopping me dead in my tracks. The door was just five steps away. I could see the dark room and the blue light of the computer inside. "You are all just trying to set me up, trying to make me settle down; do you know she hates me? Or that she is going to be disappointed when she starts spending time with me? Or wait, actually, when she doesn't spend time with me?"

My breath hitched. What was he talking about?

"Namjoon, you have known me the longest," he said. I felt like my feet were frozen to the ground. "I, I can't do this. I don't know anything about relationships, much less, love. I'm saving both her and me the trouble of a disappointing relationship. Please, stop telling me to work this out."

Suddenly, I felt like I could feel his fears. A sudden boost of confidence propulsed my feet the last few steps and then I was standing in the doorway, looking at the two guys who were facing each other with angry faces.

The moment they turned to face me, I could hear the inner me screaming one line above anything else.

I'm going to eff this completely.


Words: 1200
If anyone of you is on Wit, my account is TeaJamsCookies 😊 Follow/DM me if you wanna talk BTS!

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