Chapter 16

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As I sat there in the staff lounge drinking a cup of coffee, I thought about the dream with Yoongi. I hadn't expected him to apologize like he did or admit that he had reacted out of jealousy. To know he was serious about me being his soulmate made my heart flutter in happiness, but I couldn't help but feel guilty about my time with Carlos. I had tried to justify the whole thing, tried to convince myself that I wasn't really being unfaithful since I hadn't met my soulmate, but part of me knew it wasn't true. Yoongi was my soulmate and I knew it.

Thinking of Yoongi and soulmates made me think of the guy in the mirror, the handsome idol from the concert. Was he... was he really my soulmate or was it just all the excitement from the concert going to my head? What about the three stars on my shoulder? I had put my information into the International Soulmate Registry, but I was too nervous to check it yet, too nervous to learn who they were, find out if they were even interested in getting to know me. How would I tell Yoongi that there was another, possibly two more? He had already been so jealous about the thing with Carlos so how would he feel about having to share his soulmate?

Leaning back in the chair, I draped a hand over my face, rubbing my tired eyes. The shift so far had been long and grueling. A train derailed and we were dealing with the injuries coming from it. We've had three casualties and have been lucky so far to not end up with more. After almost eight hours of nonstop moving, the ER doctor overseeing the shift demanded we take a ten-minute coffee break to pull ourselves together. Knowing I had four more hours to go, I was grateful for the break.

Right now the staff lounge was quiet and normally I would be grateful for the silence, but this time it was different. This time I was left alone with my thoughts, left alone to think about everything going on, left alone to wonder what to do next. So now? Now I hated the silence. Quiet means no distractions. Quiet means too much time to think. Quiet means my thoughts want to overrun me without giving me a chance to breathe and take it all in.

A hand on my shoulder had me lifting up my arm and peeling one eye open. "You good amiga?" Arely was standing next to me, the same look of exhaustion visible on her face, in her dark eyes.

I shrugged and Arely eyed me strangely. Sometimes I think the girl knew me better than I knew myself and it was scary just how well she did know me. She knew when I was sad, knew when something was on my mind, and just like now, knew when I was trying to distract myself from something else.

"Don't lie to me. I can see that something is on your mind, so habla." Arely's voice was stern and for a moment I wanted to brush off the question, but the set of her lips in that familiar tight line and the position of her slim hands on her full hips told me to not even think about it.

Sighing, I looked around to make sure there was no one around, no one to hear about my situation. "Remember... remember the dream I was having about someone and you thought it might be my soulmate?" Arely nodded and I continued. "Um... I kind of found out that it is."

"Say what now?" Arely's eyes were wide with shock. "You... you've seen him again?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I've dreamed about him a couple of times now. I found out his name, but not where he lives." I hesitated and Arely knew something was up.

Moving closer to me, she pulled out a chair and reached for my hand. "Why do you not sound happy amiga? Que pasa?"

I relayed the dreams to Arely, beginning with the first, continuing through the dream where Yoongi had called me a whore and finally the last one, where he apologized to me. I could see the range of emotions cross her face: surprise, excitement, fury, and a little bit of sadness when I told her about my soulmate apologizing.

"What do I do? I may have more than one soulmate and Yoongi is..."

Arely cut me off with a wave of her hand. "What did you just say?"

"I said I might have more than one soulmate." I eyed her curiously, not understanding the look of surprise on her face.

"No. About Yoongi?"

"My soulmate? I said I'm worried that he might be jealous." Still not understanding it, I looked at her funny. "What's going on? Why are you making that face at me?"

"Your soulmate's name is Yoongi?" I nodded at Arely's question.

"Yeah. He told me his name was Min Yoongi." Arely's eyes widened further at my words and she stood up, her face filled with happiness and excitement.

"Holy shit amiga! Your soulmate is Min fucking Yoongi!"

Raising an eyebrow at her, I nodded. "I know. I just told you that."

Arely dropped down into the chair, an amused grin on her face. "No amiga. You don't get it. Your soulmate is the Min Yoongi."

At my confused look, she pulled out her phone and typed something in before turning it to me. On the screen was a photo of Min Yoongi, my soulmate. He was standing in front of what looked like a boxing ring and was dressed all in white. His hair color was different but it was the same guy, the same guy who asked me to forgive him.

"Sweetie," Arely's words were slow like she was talking to a child. "Min Yoongi, your soulmate, is one of the rappers for BTS."

The name didn't ring a bell for a moment, but then my own eyes widened. "That... that Kpop group we saw a few months ago?" Arely nodded and I felt my stomach lurch in fear, in nervousness. There is no way this guy is going to like me in person! He's famous and I'm just a nurse!

Arely reached for my hands again and I knew she could tell that I was about to lose my shit. "It's going to be okay. We just... just have to figure this out and hope your other soulmate doesn't care." Arely shook her head. "I don't... don't know how all this is going to work, but we're going to figure it out."

"Um... Arely that's not the whole thing." Arely cocked her head at me, her eyes narrowed. "The... the night of the concert, while you were watching the fireworks, when I went to the bathroom? I... I think I experienced a vision of another soulmate. He had dark red hair and was standing in front of a mirror taking off his makeup." The memory of the beautiful man with the plush lips filled my mind and I knew I had to tell her the rest. "He... he looked like one of the guys who had been on stage that night."

Taking her phone back, Arely scrolled and pulled up another photo. "That man?" I nodded. "That's Park Jimin." Arely set her phone down and leaned back in the chair, her eyes wide and her hands tangled in her long hair. "Holy fucking shitballs! You're soulmates with fucking Yoonmin!" At my confused look, she grinned. "Yoongi and Jimin. More creative ARMY ship them together and come up with names that fit."

Shaking my head, I wondered what kind of life I was getting myself into. Would they even want me? Would I want them? I definitely knew I wanted a chance to get to know them, to see if we would get along. What would their fans think? Would I be hated and threatened?

Arely stood and came over to me, kneeling by my feet. "Don't you worry carino. It's going to be okay. Jimin is my bias so I feel a little envious, but I'm so fucking happy for you." Leaning forward, I hugged her, grateful for her never-ending support, her unending love, the clear empathy that flowed from her in waves. She kissed the top of my head then pulled back. "Have you checked the Soulmate Registry yet?"

I shook my head again. "No. I've been... been too afraid to. What if... what if he decides he doesn't like me? That he doesn't want me?"

Sitting back down in her chair, Arely held out a hand. I hesitated for a moment then gave her my phone. "Come on carino. We're going to see right now." Knowing there was no use arguing with her, I sighed and shrugged, trying to appear way more nonchalant about the whole situation than I actually felt. Arely logged into the site as I watched. The little message icon in the corner was blue, indicating there had been a match. Arely looked up at me for confirmation and I nodded. Shit! This is it!

Clicking on the icon, Arely opened the message. The message was simple: My name is Namjoon and I think you're my soulmate. Arely dropped my phone to the table. "¡Santa Madre de Dios! ¡Mi mejor amiga son las almas gemelas de Kim Namjoon! ¡No puedo creer esto!" The words flew from her lips so fast that all I could do was stare at her in shock.

Not sure what just happened, I reached out and touched her hand. "Arely? What's... what's going on?"

Arely turned to me, her chocolate brown eyes larger than a dinner plate. "Kim Namjoon? He's... he's also part of BTS. You're soulmates to three of them!!" I could see the surprise written all over her face, the obvious shock.

"What do I do?" I'm soulmates with three members of a Kpop group? What the hell? How could this have possibly happened? Where did science go wrong with this?

Still in shock, Arely shook her head. "I don't know amiga, but we're going to figure it out."

Taehyung POV:

"You ended the relationship?" My mother's voice was surprised on the other end of the phone. "I saw Soomin at the market and she told me that you ended the relationship. Why didn't you tell me?"

I hesitated, not really thrilled to have this conversation. "I'm not sure why. I didn't... I wasn't sure if you would be upset with me or not."

I could hear the disappointment in my mom's voice as she sighed. "Why would I be upset with you? I want to see you happy and settled down, but not if it's not what you want." As she spoke, I realized the disappointment wasn't with me ending the relationship, but with me feeling like I couldn't talk to her.

"And I thought I could be happy with Soomin, but... she's not the one." My voice sounded sad as I spoke, but I knew it wasn't sadness because of ending the relationship with Soomin, but because I wanted the same things. I wanted to be loved and wanted. "She hated my members and you know how important they are to me, how much they mean to me. I just couldn't.. just couldn't do it anymore."

"Oh see. These are the things you need to tell me. You need to tell me what you're feeling. I may not always understand, but I will do my best to support you in whatever it is that you need." My mom's voice turned gentle. "And I could tell you weren't happy with her. You didn't smile as much as you used to. I didn't see that smile that I love so much as often."

Feeling silly now about the whole thing, I let out an awkward laugh. I should have known from the beginning that she would have been supportive about it all. She always has been. A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned my attention back to my mom. "Someone's at the door. I'll talk to you soon."

We said our goodbyes and I disconnected the call. Standing up, I stuck my phone in my pocket and headed towards the door. Yoongi was standing on the other side with Jungkook. "Can... can we come in?"

I nodded my head, confused by the uncertainty in his face. "Um... sure."

Jungkook and Yoongi walked in and I closed the door behind them. Yoongi leaned against my dresser and from his posture, I could tell he was uncomfortable. Jungkook was watching him, a look of confusion on his face and I could see right away that Jungkook had no idea what was going on.

Yoongi picked at his fingernails for a moment before beginning. "So... do you... do you believe in soulmates?" Yoongi's question was unexpected and I had to stop for a moment and think about what he was asking me.

"Why... why do you ask?" I didn't want to admit right away that I had a soulmate experience, especially without knowing why.

Sighing, Yoongi ran a hand through his hair. "I... I overheard your conversation with Jimin about smelling... smelling the sex on him."

"Okay? So? What does that have to do with soulmates?" I knew I sounded defensive, but I couldn't help it.

Yoongi looked over at Jungkook as though the maknae would have answers, but Jungkook just gave him a look of confusion. "I think... I've met my soulmate. Her name is Y/N. I've been dreaming about her. Several dreams in fact."

My mouth dropped open at his words, definitely not expecting that. From the look on Jungkook's face, I could tell he was just as confused, just as startled by our hyung's admission.

Before I could speak, Jungkook broke in. "You what?"

A soft smile stretched across his lips, a smile we rarely saw lately. "I've met my soulmate."

"What does that have to do with Jimin and the scent?" I couldn't help asking the question, unsure of what he was getting at.

Hesitating, Yoongi looked over at Jungkook. "I... I think we all share the same soulmate." Before either of us could protest, Yoongi held up a hand. "Hold on. Hear me out. The second time I dreamed about my soulmate was the same day we flew into the United States. She was on crutches and had her ankle bandaged. She... she told me that she had tripped running to her car in the rain and sprained her ankle."

Jungkook's eyes widened and I could tell he was thinking about the incident on the plane, the strange pain that appeared in his ankle that had disappeared just as quickly. "That... that was when..." Jungkook's voice trailed off and I could tell he was trying to wrap his mind around it all.

Yoongi nodded his head then turned to me. "So the day you accused Jimin of smelling like sex, later that morning I dreamed of my soulmate. She... she had a one night stand. I..." Yoongi's voice trailed off and I could tell the conversation with her hadn't gone well. "There are just too many coincidences. I think... I think we all share the same soulmate."

From the look on Yoongi's face and the serious tone in his voice, it was clear that he truly believed what he was saying. Since Yoongi wasn't the type to just blow things like this out of proportion, I had the inkling to want to believe him. My mind raced with the possibilities. Could we really share the same soulmate? What does that all mean? Was... was I jealous? Oddly enough, I wasn't. The idea of sharing a soulmate with my brothers didn't really bother me, didn't really make a difference to me.

Jungkook's eyes were still wide and I knew he was trying to comprehend everything that was going on right now. Even though he was 26 years old, there were some moments where he still reminded me of that awkward skinny kid who first joined us. The look on his face brought that kid back to mind again.

"What do we do?" looking over at Yoongi, I was hoping he held all the answers, that he would be able to tell us how to proceed, the next steps we should take to find our soulmate, the one who was destined for the three of us. Yoongi shrugged and I realized he was just as confused as the rest of us. There were so many factors right now, so many ways to try and figure out what was going on.

"I think... I think I've known I've had a soulmate since New Years." Jungkook's voice was soft and we both turned to look at our youngest brother, twin looks of confusion and curiosity mirrored on our faces. Jungkook's face was scrunched as though he was really thinking hard. "On New Years, I set Jin-hyung's wedding invitation on the dresser and I thought it gave me a paper cut. And I mean that shit hurt, but when I looked there was nothing. If... if I'm feeling my soulmate's pain then that would explain it. Along with the hurting ankle and the stomach pain right before we went to Canada."

As Jungkook spoke, I could see the light of happiness begin to glow in his dark eyes, the light of someone realizing that they had a soulmate, someone just for them. "So it's the three of us?"

Yoongi hesitated and I wondered what else was going on. "Um... I'm... I'm not sure. Jimin's soulmate shares the same name. Now it doesn't necessarily mean it could be the same one, but again there are too many coincidences. If she's yours and mine and Kook's then she could very well be Jiminie's too."

A ding from our phones had us coming out of our thoughts, checking to see a quick reminder from Namjoon that we were leaving in an hour. Yoongi stood up, followed by Jungkook. After saying our goodbyes, my brothers left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

After the break up with Soomin, I had thought about what it would be like to find my soulmate, to know if I even had one. Would she be pretty? Would she be kind? Would she get along with my members? Knowing I shared a soulmate with my Jungkook and Yoongi brought all new scenarios and questions to mind. Would she like one of more than the others? Would she want only one of us? Would we be able to let her go and be happy for the one who was with her? I tried to push those thoughts from my mind, not wanting to think of losing my soulmate before I even got her.

The idea of sharing her with Jimin also came to mind. Since Jimin and I were extremely close, knowing that it was a possibility made me happier than I thought it would. The only thing that was concerning was how to bring it up to him then figure out how to find her, how to figure out who she is.


Waving a hand in front of my face, I tried to brush away the smoke. We had been practicing for a performance on the Jimmy Fallon show for tonight and the smoke machines had been malfunctioning. They kept heating up too much so the smoke was thicker than it should be, giving it a slightly acrid smell, something that made my nose itch and my eyes water.

The practice had been busy and the smoke machines were the only hiccup. If they worked, it would look really incredible, but I couldn't very well sing if I was spending most of the time coughing because of the smoke. Jimin turned to me, his eyes red from the smoke and shook his head. I knew he was thinking the same thing I was, either fix it or cut the special effect out.

Namjoon and Son-deuk moved over towards the technician and after a brief conversation, Namjoon grinned and nodded. Turning back to us, he shook his head. "They're cutting out the smoke machines tonight. We decided it would be the best course of action. Especially if you can't breathe then you can't sing."

We all gave our gestures of agreement, knowing he was making the right decision. As though it agreed, the machine gave one last cough, belching out a cloud of thick smoke before shutting down completely. Covering my face with my shirt, I hurried out of the area, needing some fresh air. From the footsteps behind me, I could tell Jungkook and Jimin were following. Yeah. Practice could wait.

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