Chapter 81

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"Park Kyungmi?" You repeated, making Taehyung nod. He pursed his lips into a straight line.

"The moment I woke up, I've been feeling like I need to know something beforehand," he began to explain, "It felt like my own thoughts weren't my own for a split moment. This distant voice kept repeating the same thing over and over, and over again, I had to sit still and put all my focus onto it. Whatever it was saying... it made me feel uncomfortable and the need to avoid it at all cost." He frowned at his own words, "Then when I really began to focus, the voice and the words became more clearer and it kept saying 'Park Kyungmi'." He ended.

Namjoon frowned as well, "Then that girl must be close right?" He assumed. You immediately agreed, connecting the previous moments to this one - his ability seemed to spike just few moments before anything really does happen, though still leaving enough time to address it.

Jin hummed in thought, "But we've reserved both of the penthouses on this floor. One for Got7 and one for us. Who—"

Ding dong!

Everyone's head snapped towards the main door. A wary tension building into the room. "Delivery!" The person behind the door announced.

Jin frowned, "Did anyone order something?" He asked, making his way towards the door. "It's a girl." Hoseok furrowed his brows, the voice not belonging or sounding similar to any male.

(A/N: lmao it's like Hobi was disappointed with a gender reveal 😂😂💀💀)

Yoongi shook his head from his place, "I'm pretty sure none of us ordered anything." He stated, answering the eldest who stood by the door.

Jin swung open the door and tilted his head in confusion. He looked down to see a woman, seemingly around your age.

Long straight hair tied into a low ponytail and displaying a silvery white dyed color. Her figure was small, more so skinny.

"Hello sir, this is your three, large chicken pizzas." She spoke up, before her facing took on a timid look as she tried to shrink into herself slightly at Jin's unwavering - and quite intimidating - stare. Jin snapped out of his trance and narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "You've got the wrong flat, miss. I didn't order anything." He said with a polite tone, "Who ordered these?" Crossing his arms, he watched the girl turn flustered, "Oh! Oh no, I'm sorry. I'm supposed to deliver these three pizzas to a man called.. Jackson Wang." She read the bill placed in her hand and pursed her lips to look at Jin nervously.

Jin raised a brow, "Oh." He let out then pointed his finger towards another apartment door - or well, the only other door on this floor. "He lives in the other flat." He simply pointed before pausing, "If you don't mind me asking... what's your name, miss?" He asked, placing a smile onto his face to show that he means no harm.

The girl hesitated at first but shrugged, "I don't know why you want to know, but... my name is Kim Hana." She introduced. Jin nodded once the girl excused herself and approached the flat.

He didn't leave just yet.

Watching the girl ring the doorbell for Got7's flat, it swung open with a hyper Bambam to greet her, "Three, large chicken pizzas for Jackson Wang." She mumbled, seemingly overwhelmed with the male's presence and energy. Bambam nodded.

"Hyung! The pizzas are here!" He yelled back into the apartment, "Then pay for it!" Jackson's voice resounded distantly from within. Bambam groaned then turned back to the short girl, "Thanks!" He said once the pizza was in his arms. The girl nodded with a small smile and stretched out her hand for the money he handed over.

Jin frowned, 'She doesn't seem to know anything. Her name's not the same either.' He thought.

"Um," the girl spoke up, feeling fidgety, "C-could I get an autograph? I-I've been a huge fan for a while and- and I really love you guys!" She stammered out, a blush covering her cheeks. Bambam paused, then smiled, "Yeah, sure. But please keep our location a secret. All of us are exhausted from... our work. We'd prefer to not get mobbed at the hotel lobby when we leave." He chuckled awkwardly before grabbing the pen the girl handed to him.

"Of course! I respect your privacy. Uh, could you sign my shirt?" She giggled nervously, pulling on the fabric just below the collar. Bambam nodded and signed it.

Jin sighed, opting to get back inside.

"What's your name, miss?" Bambam asked. Jin paused.

"Oh- ah! I-it's K- uh, Kim Hana." She revealed.

"Well, It was nice meeting you, Hana!" Bambam smiled and waved as the girl left the floor with a skip to her steps.

Jin frowned, his hand holding the door halfway closed. 'Taehyung can't be wrong.., right?' He thought.

"Jin hyung," Bambam called out, startling the elder male, who poked his head out to look at Bambam with red ears, 'didn't think he'd see me...' Jin thought. "I don't like that girl." He admitted, catching the elder off guard.

"What? But she's your fan. What's wrong?" Jin asked, "I doubt it." He shrugged, "It could be a pretend. Plus, I have a bad feeling about her presence." He answered before slipping into his own apartment.

"Wait-" Jin called out but the door already shut closed.

"Hyung?" Jungkook resounded from behind him, "Jesus's fu- jungkook," Jin jumped at the makne's voice, turning towards the said male as he held his beating heart.

"What's taking so long? Is it her?" He asked. Jin pursed his lips, closing the door behind him and leading the makne to the others lazing at the living room.

"So? Who was it?" Jimin questioned.

"I'm not sure." Jin answered unsurely.

"Huh?" Hoseok voiced out, dumbfounded. Jin scratched the nape of his neck, "The girl mistook our flat for Got7's. Jackson ordered pizza. I asked for her name and she said it's Kim Hana." He informed. Namjoon frowned in wonder, "A fake name, maybe?" He suggested unsurely.

Jin perked up at that, "That... might actually be it." He pointed. The others straightened their posture at that.

"She fumbled with her words when saying her name to Bambam. ...But not with me. Uhm, also, she said she was Got7's fan... could be that she was nervous but either way, it shouldn't have been a problem to say a name to their idol, right?" Jin inquired weakly, before pausing, "Ah, but once she left, Bambam noticed me at the door and told me he didn't like her because her presence gave off a bad feeling." His tone turned unsure, pitch raising similarly at the end to when asking a question.

Taehyung pursed his lips, "That must have been Kyungmi. She popped up only a moment after I mentioned her name! Surely it's what Joon hyung said - a fake name." Taehyung reasoned. You nodded at the latter, "I'm gonna have to agree with that, too. The timing was just too good to call a coincidence. Plus, if we think back to the previous times Tae's ability spiked, whatever he had to say to the situation gave a more predictable result not even a moment after." You added.

Namjoon hummed, "I wonder what she has to do with us that she holds a threat against us?" He wondered aloud.

Jungkook scowled, "Whatever it is, fuck her already." He remarked. Hoseok snorted at that, unable to help himself at the sudden vulgarity leaving the makne's mouth before plopping himself beside him, "Ack-" he let out immediately upon feeling something beneath him;

"Words about the supposed Multifated's existence has been gaining more witnessed and solid opinions from locals gathered in Daegu."

"Hyung!" Jimin hissed, scrambling towards the TV remote Hoseok held out (the object he sat on), who also sported a guilty look. Your attention had immediately directed towards the news on the TV. You slipped out of Yoongi's hold and grabbed Jimin's hand from taking away the remote and grabbed it yourself, so to keep them from switching it off. You stared at the screen with wide eyes.

"Many have been pointing towards one particular restaurant that she most probably worked at. Jung-ssi will be our reporter, today. Jung-ssi, what do the citizens in that area have to say?"

"This is Jung Sooyon, tuning in near the area the Restaurant is located at. I have one witness here with me that has been at this area often, claiming that she has seen her and her Soul marks. So, Miss Jinsoo! How did she look?"

"Yes, hello, I'm Jinsoo! I'm almost
101% sure I have! She- she uh, she has black hair! Very long Black hair and exotic blue eyes! She sticks out like a sore pig! But everyone is blind, I doubt they saw her. That's why I'm super useful! She- she was With—-"

"We're sorry for the inconvenience of her words. Let's ignore that... ahem, anyway, many believe to have described the Multifated to - actually - appear like any other citizen in the city. Most of the descriptions from other witnesses have said that she has shoulder-length brown hair... yes, unfortunately, they're all incredibly vague and the task to pinpoint her is near to impossible. But our team is working hard to break open this mystery character that many claim to have seen!

Onto a more serious note, a disastrous discovery about a huge house set ablaze from illegal use of explosive equipment had been spreading through passersby claiming that a helicopter had also crashed at the scene—-


"No! Why?" You gasped when the screen shut off and the remote was no longer in your hold. Namjoon pulled you away from the screen with sad eyes. Your brows furrowed at that. You turned to look at the rest of the boys to notice they held the same look as Namjoon.

You drew yourself away from Namjoon who shot you a pained look. "You- all of you knew?" You asked weakly, "F-for how long? Were you going to hide this from me?" You asked in no more than a whisper, but they all heard you.

Hoseok shook his head vigorously, "No, no, of course not! We were finding the right time to bring it up. We found out last night, darling. We would never hide something like this - especially when it revolves entirely around you." Hoseok jumped in quickly to ease your building nerves.

Namjoon nibbled at his bottom lip before letting out a sigh, "This news only just began to surface last night. Apparently, this began when a bunch of business men and women (as a group), approached one of the news team's reporter - a connection one of them had from the team and claimed that they saw you, the Multifated." He explained.

You grew confused, "A group of business men and women?" You parroted. He nodded a bit hesitant to bring it up but huffed out a breath, "Before I really say, I want to let you know that you have no fault in this, okay? Promise me you won't beat yourself about this." Namjoon pleaded, holding out his hand to you.

You frowned, "What could I have possibly..." you trailed before your mind clicked to a moment that took place a while back.

"That... that restaurant. The one we all went to have dinner together. The- the one where my father—" you sucked in a breath, recalling your dress; the cold-shoulder dress.


"It's beautiful, Tae... but-" you began but Taehyung was quick to interject, "No, no don't worry. Nearly everyone that attends that restaurant only focus on their own table. It's the most I can say without ruining the surprise." He added at the end with a light chuckle. Hoseok nodded, "You don't have to worry about the inked names at the back of your shoulders. Plus your hair can play as coverage if anything!" He reasoned.

You nodded, feeling a bit more secure in the dress that exposed your shoulders, "Thank you." You smiled sweetly at them.

You turned back to the body-length mirror in your bedroom, "but holy shit, where did you find this?" You asked incredulously. Taehyung giggled, "Gucci, obviously." He wiggled his brows, knowing fully well about your repellant behaviour against expensive clothes. You rolled your eyes.

"Make-up time!" Hoseok yelled out with a bright smile.


"They all must've seen my- my marks." Your voice shook with nerves, hand going over to touch the inked names marking your shoulders. Namjoon shook his head furiously, "No no, Y/N, sweetheart, this isn't your fault. No, please. We all collectively agreed that you wouldn't have been noticed! You remember it yourself; the first thing you did was question whether your marks would be seen. You have no fault in this." He reasoned with sad eyes.

You shook your head, "Oh god, this is bad." You mumbled to yourself. "We- we can't go outside. They will all- they'll all-" Yoongi scoffed at that, catching the others attention, as well as yours.

"Stop it, will you?" He scowled, "For how long will you continue to blame yourself? That somehow, being the Multifated was a choice you took to become and not fate's doing? You didn't choose to become the Multifated. Why are you always so insistent that being caught, or even living as one was an option you had control over to be able to even decide?" He spurred out questions one after another.


"No, let me finish." Yoongi cut in swiftly, a pointed look directed to Jimin beside him, who shut his mouth closed with slightly widened eyes. He looked back at you, "When will you realise that... even if everyone found out about you being the Multifated, it doesn't have to end up bad? That there could be good outcomes out of it? The whole reason why so many look down on the Multifated is because they all believe in the most stupidest mythical belief that the centuries' old Multifated all those years ago stole other people's soulmate? It was never a solid evidence from those stupid engraved writing on those stupid sediment rocks!" His voice grew in volume at the end. "The people from those times claimed to believe it would happen, not know that the Multifated did so! Why is it so hard for you to see that being a Multifated is not a bad thing in first place? You're simply fated to be with seven other people. Us! You're fated to be with us!" He continued, eyes beginning to glimmer and burn with unshed tears.

Your eyes widened as well as the boys.

"We are meant to be together! Get that in your head, Y/N! Why should strangers make you feel as if it's so bad? Why should those closed-minded bastards be the one to make you feel as if being fated with us- with me-" he gestured towards himself, "-brings you nothing but dead ends?" His voice cracked at the end and the tears finally fell.

For one, Yoongi would've laughed in the past if someone came up to him and told him he cried because of his soulmate - for his soulmate. That he cried because he couldn't bare the thought that his soulmate took blame for even existing because of how the public view her. He hated having soulmates solely for the reason that his independence would be snatched before him the moment they bonded. When he found out about his soulmark the very first day, reading your name on his wrist, he was screaming and yelling in anger, knowing that his earned independence would be snatched from his grasp instantly.

He was taken into the boys' welcoming arms beside him despite them finding out about his hate towards the idea of being fated to someone, when all they wished was to have their other halves like him. He didn't need anyone at all but he let the boys be his pillar. When he found out they never received their soulmarks, he was confused and jealous. Confused because it was near impossible at the time for anyone to be out of fate's plan to connect a person with another. Jealous because he wished he was like them, but they grew on him, included him into everything they did despite being the only one in the group to have a mark. He didn't need to lean on a soulmate at all, he had his brothers for that.

When you finally appeared in front of him at the building complex's lobby, his mind forced words out of his mouth, saying that if you leave, he could ignore you ever came and keep his independent traits he earned on his own. But you were stubborn and stayed despite him trying to pull of his most intimidating look against you, and throwing horrible words at you.

You quickly accepted him as your soulmate even though you claimed that you thought the same towards the subject of soulmates as him - all soulmates did was snatch your own individuality away and force you to rely solely on your other half. Become dependent and stick glued to each other no matter what. That you can't do anything without your other half beside you.

How wrong he was. If anything, you turned to become another pillar he could lean on whenever he needed to. He was still himself and you accepted him as he was. You didn't force him to change to your liking. You didn't force him to like you either, claiming that you would be fine even if he hated your guts despite being your soulmate. You didn't even know him for an entire day and still patched up his screwed up hand, expecting nothing in return.

Then you gave hope to his brothers, too. His brothers who wished they had their own other halves, simply because that thought itself was just so magical - romantic even. Turning out to be a Multifated and giving them an other half to lean on... You became their pillar as well.

Being a Multifated didn't make you have a heart with love divided equally to seven pieces, but you held a heart with seven times the love to give to the seven boys.

You were amazing to him, and he admired you for holding so much love for all of them. For holding such limitless love for them. He wished to show the entire world just how amazing of a Soulmate you were to him and his brothers.

However, the opinions of the public about your very existence as the Multifated tainted your carefree mind and held you back from showing yourself to the world. Always so cautious, always on guard and only resting within the four walls of a room - away from the eyes of public scrutiny.

He hated that you even had to quit your job because of the threats around you, had to fight for your life every time you even so let your guard slip for a split second because everyone thought of you as a soulmate stealing freak that must be stopped - a Soul freak.

(Soul freak' (mentioned in Chapter 7): A term used by the tribal men and women during early times when discovering the Multifated's fate with 7 other souls, and claiming she would steal their soulmate as well.)

"You- you're so much more than a Multifated." He wept, clutching onto you tightly when you rushed into his arms to calm him down the moment a cry left his lips. "You're not a Soul freak. You're anything but." He continued to say. "You - you don't deserve this." He cried.

Jimin and Jungkook already joined in with their own tears, unable to bare the sight of such a vulnerable Yoongi.

You were no different and nor were the rest of the men. You sniffled, eyes locking onto Jin's, who suppressed his own tears to be strong for a weeping Taehyung in his arms. He smiled shakily at you from his spot then turned back to comfort his younger brother.

You held back the urge to sob, Yoongi had exerted a wave of emotions through your bond, including the boys' newly discovered platonic one. A mixture of desperation, deep sorrow and determination passing through.

"Please, Y/N." Yoongi let out weakly, his emotions done overflowing from being bottled up.

You nodded over his head, placing a chaste kiss onto his temple and used your thumb to wipe away his falling tears on his cheek, "I believe you," you breathed out, repeating those words. You cradled the male in your arms for a few moments longer, patiently waiting till he calms down.

Yoongi made a motion to pull away, making you let go. He resounded few sniffles here and there as he dried his eyes with the back of his hand, not looking up to meet anyone's eyes once he realised he'd just made a mess of himself. His ears turned pink with embarrassment. Jungkook hadn't stopped crying but left Namjoon's hold to crawl over to the pale man, "Hyung," he called out with a shaky voice.

Yoongi looked up from his spot and softened his gaze entirely as Jungkook came over to him and engulfed him into a hug. "I'm sorry you held back so much emotionally." He apologised in between his cries, confusing the pale man. He didn't have anything to be sorry for.

"I-I'm sorry you couldn't open up to us- to-to me about this." Jungkook continued, holding onto his hyung more tightly to somehow convey how much he means it. Yoongi widened his eyes, "No- no, I should have spoken up, before. You have nothing to be sorry for." He said, letting out a shaky breath. "It's no ones fault." He spoke, his tone leaving no room for responses and hence, ending the faulting process from proceeding. He's had enough of taking blame, blaming and most definitely tired of witnessing self-blame from his precious soulmates.

Jungkook calmed down slightly from weeping, though still overcoming the bundle of tears leaving his eyes that he can't help but let out some sobs.

Yoongi trailed his eyes slowly over to you. You smiled weakly at him, trying to assure him that you've overlooked the incident. He smiled back, nodding before pursing his lips, "I'm gonna.. wash my, uh, face." He excused himself not before ruffling Jungkook's head in affection and slipped away to the bathroom near the staircase.

"Phew," Hoseok blew out a breath as he wiped at his eyes followed by a breathy laugh leaving his lips. "That's one way to get the day going, I guess?" He joked, lightening the mood as the others chuckled lightly.

Jungkook sniffled, his smile making its way onto his face, "An emotionally draining way." He specified. Jin laughed lightheartedly, "I couldn't agree more." He said, giving Taehyung a pat beside him as he remained standing beside the elder.

Yoongi made his way back, looking much more uplifted after getting rid of his pent up emotions and flushed under your and the rest of the boys' gaze. "Stop looking at me." He grumbled before making his way upstairs.

You laughed, rushing after the embarrassed male, "Aw, Yoonie!" You crooned, trailing behind him as he practically melted into his bed.

"No." His voice came out muffled from being stuffed into his pillow.

You sat yourself at the edge of the bed and bit your lip in thought, "Are you up for some cuddles?" You asked, almost nervous and anxious at even voicing out your suggestion to him. Yoongi peeped his face away from his pillow and pondered over the question and ultimately nodded. You grinned childishly and scooted closer the moment he opened his arms for you, inviting you into his embrace.

After settling in and staying within each other's comforting hold, Yoongi broke the silence, "I know it's hard to come into terms with having to eventually face the public with your title. But it's better and easier to handle it if you keep in mind that all of us - regardless of knowing that you are a Multifated - will stick glued to your side and face the problems alongside you." He began softly, "You're not alone in this." He mumbled, patting your head in a soothing manner that had you in a blissful trance. He lightly used his nails to scratch at your scalp and you immediately succumbed to his touch with a pleased groan of appreciation. He chuckled.

"It's okay, take a nap. We'll discuss about the news later." He continued to give your head the supposed massage and snuggled further into the sheets, bringing your closer to him. You didn't have to be told twice as your eyes dropped closed at the wonderful sensation his touch brought you and soon after fell into light slumber.


Omg this chapter is LONG long 4K + words 🤠✨

So Yoongi finally broke 😁💜

I don't have anything to say this time :,)
Except I hope you guys keep that beautiful, gorgeous, and bedazzling smile on your face 💕💕

See you next chapter! 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘💕💕💕💜💜💜


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