Chapter 11: Barely Saved

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Emily pov
I continued jerking at my foot and yelling for Sounders.
Tears began to stream down my face as the feeling of being bullied rushed back to me "SOUNDWAVE!!!"

Soundwave pov
I hit the Rookie then quickly followed the sound of Emily screaming for help.
Ultra Mangus was almost close enough to grab her when I shot at him, the blasts knocking him away from her, then I rushed over and broke the roots holding her hostage.
"S-sou-ndwa-ve..." her fake voice shook with fear. Gently I picked her up and brushed her tears away "Don't cry, your safe now."
Suddenly our bridge opened and out ran a bunch of St3v3s giving us covering fire.
I turned to the Autobots giving them a glare of warning then ran through the bridge.

In my berthroom
Emily clung to me and refused to let go, fear making her whole body shake rapidly. Her chest heaving as she tried to calm herself down.
"S-ounders...I'm..." she couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence.
"Calm down, my little Raven, you have nothing to fear."
"Raven?" She asked then rubbed her nose.
"Your my little Raven."
"I li-ike that name."
"Here, you get some rest, I need to talk to Knockout about something."
"Nothing can harm you in here." She nodded and laid down on my berth.
I grabbed a blanket, I got for her a few weeks ago, and handed it too her.
Gladly she took it and covered up, falling asleep almost instantly.

In the Bay
"Good evening Soundwave."
"Good evening."
"How's Emily?"
" is the project coming?"
"Almost done just need to go over a few things and it'll be done at the end of this week."
"Thank you Knockout."
"Your welcome, it will help Emily as she lives here. Without fear of being stepped on or crushed by something bigger falling on her..along with other things."
I patted his shoulder "I'll let you get back to the work."
"And let you get back to Emily." He chuckled and I kind of wanted to punch the smirk off his face then turned and the walked out of the Bay and back to my berthroom, quickly laying down and putting Emily back on her regular spot on my chassis, just above my spark.

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