Chapter 9 - The Boy Who Could Fly

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[Rosie's POV]

I was a little worried about Vic.

He's been getting distant of me lately, and spending a little too much time with Danielle.

I woke up, skipping breakfast since I wasn't hungry again.

One weird part about my diet is that I don't always avoid food intentionally. Ever since I was a little girl, I sometimes just didn't really feel the urge to eat anything at all for one moment, but then I eat something the next moment.

Like, say, I feel like I don't want to eat anything at lunch time, yet I eat fine at dinner. There are also the times I just don't eat at all either because I don't want to or because I don't really have the idea of eating in my head.

It's really strange.

I decided to watch some television to pass the time before arriving to the venue and then Mike walked in.

"Hey, did you eat?" he asked.

"N. I'm getting the weird feeling again," I said.

"Like when you just don't think of eating?" he asked.

I nodded and he sighed. "Okay, but you better eat something in the afternoon. No quiero que te desmayes." He said. (I don't want you to faint).

"I will, I promise," I said as he got a bagel and some cream cheese.

"Mike can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Whats up?" he asked.

"Well, its just... Vic seems to be getting so distant lately, more than usual, and he's spending a lot of time with Danielle. I didn't want to bring it up, since I might sound like I'm just jealous, but its just strange how it's after he found out..." I said.

He shrugged. "Honestly, I have no idea what's up. Maybe he's just wanting to spend time with her, but I just don't know," he said. "Give him some time, though."

I nodded.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I don't trust her so much, but I just want Vic to be happy," I said.

"I know. Me too," he said, hugging me. "How about we all just go hang out at a mall once we get to the hotel, huh? Or do you want to go to the pool, game room, spa..."

I giggled at the spa part. "You? In a spa? You can barely stand people tickling your toes."

"Oh, fuck off, I'm a man. I can handle it," he laughed.

"Okay then, we'll have a spa day," I giggled.


"AYYYYY!!!! STOP IT THAT TICKLES!!!" Mike screamed near the foot massage area, Alysha laughing her ass off at him.

I laughed and rolled my eyes as me and Erin were in the mud baths.

Danielle, Vic, and Jessica were getting back massages.

Tony and Jaime getting facials... Or more like just eating it off their faces with the cucumbers on their eyes like if it were chips and dip.

"Hey, it tastes like my mom's guac," Jaime laughed.

Tony copied Jaime's actions and nodded. "Hey! It does!"

"Tony, you don't eat it!" Erin laughed.

"Just let him," I laughed.

"Yeah. You know, I'm glad to see you're happy," she said.

"I guess I just needed this. I don't know, I've just been upsetting about a lot of things, and, well... yeah," I said, sipping some lemon water.

"Well, at least you can relax like a happy little piglet in the mud," she smiled.

"Ever just want a pet pig?" I asked randomly.

"All the time," she said. "I would name him something cheesy, like Hammy, or Porky. You?"

"Probably Gunther or Daisy. I don't know, they just seem like appropriate piggy names, but who knows," I shrugged.

"Why the sudden pig talk?" Alysha laughed.

"I have no idea," Erin giggled.

Erin and I then decided to climb out, wash out the mud, and head to the hot tub for a bit, since we had to get ready for the show in 2 hours.

As I laid back, I couldn't help but think why Vic suddenly grew distant.

Is it me... Did I scare him off?

But... We're no different...


I was in Mikey's arms as he carried me through the weird smelly hallways, Mami and Papi in front.

"Donde estamos? Todos se ven muy triste," I asked. (Where are we? Everyone looks so sad.)

"Its called a hospital. Its were sick and hurt people go to get better," Mikey explained. "We're going to see Victor."

"Esta enfermo o herido?" I asked. (Is he sick or hurt?)

"I don't know," he said and we entered a room.

A lady dressed in white was next to my sleeping brother, and she has some white ribbon thingy wrapping around his arms.

I then saw them.

Big red lines were all over his arms, little black strings putting them together.

I gasped since one had red water falling from it, but the nurse lady stopped it.

I climbed down from Mikey's arms and walked over to Victor's bed, climbing up and shaking his arm.

"Hermano, despierta, ven a jugar conmigo," I begged. (Brother, wake up, come play with me.)

He only moved his face before his eyes opened a little and he saw me.

"R-Rosario?" he asked, looking sleepy.

I smiled and hugged him. "Te despertaste! Te despertaste!" (You woke up! You woke up!)

"Huh?" he asked as Papi then walked up to us.

"Mira como te quiere. Que pensabas?! No ves que ella te necesita? Que to hemanito tabien te necesita?! Todos?!" he shouted. (Look how she loves you. What were you thinking?! Don't you see she needs you?! That your little brother needs you?! All of us?!)

I got scared of Papi screaming and hugged Victor tighter, looking away as I started crying.

"Victor, don't yell at him!" Mami shouted.

"But Vivian, we nearly lost our first child!! I have every right to be like this!!" Papi shouted, looking like he was going to cry.

I cried and clung to Victor, covering my ears.

"Stop! Both of you are scaring Rosita!" Mike said, running up and hugging me and Victor.

Why must I be so little? Why can't I understand what's going on?

*end of flashback*

"Rosie?" Erin's voice pulled me from my thoughts.


"You're crying."

I reached up, drying my hand with a nearby towel, and wiped my face, seeing my cheek was wet.

"What happened?" she asked.

I then looked down at my scars and sighed.

"Its just... When I was little, I... I never understood what was happening when Vic was in my place. Not until I grew up and realized that... He was miserable," I said.

She frowned and leaned over and hugged me.

"I just hate that I'm falling in his footsteps," I said.

"But he got better, Rosie. And so will you. This takes time," she said.

I sigh. "I hope so."


Song: The Boy Who Could Fly by PTV


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