Stolen kisses and scary movies -Kellin Quinn

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You and Kellin are like 14 in this.

You were sitting in your house with your best friend/crush, Kellin. It was raining, and you had nothing to do, and your'e parents aren't home. "KKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN.'' you slurred.

''WWHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT?" he said, copying you. "I'm bored." You said. He gave you a look that said 'are you kidding me right now?' "We need entertainment." He said. You looked over to him, and he had a smug look on his face. "I have an idea." He said sing-songy. He usually gave decent ideas, so what did you have to loose. "What?" "We. Should watch. Lights Out." He said. You looked at him with wide eyes. You hate horror movies. They freak you out so much. Kellin knew you hated them, so why did he want to watch one?

Kellin's POV

I knew that Y/N hated horror movies. But I wanted an excuse to cuddle her. I liked her, but I doubt she'd like me the same way. There was a Redbox nearby. So we, well I, walked to it and got the movie. She stayed home and made the popcorn and got the sodas.

- Le Time Skip -


Kellin and I were sitting on the couch, about to start the movie. ''Ready?" He turned to me. "I-I guess." I stuttered. "Hey, I'll be right here." He said to me. Kellin put the movie into the DVD player and pressed play.

-Ermehgawd another time skip-

We're only halfway into the movie, and everything scares me.
(A/N: I didn't actually see Lights Out)
All the jump-scares, all of it. I always hid into Kellin's chest, I was blushing like mad, but he didn't mind.
"You okay?" Kellin asked me after the movie was over." No." I said simply. I was so scared to go to bed by myself. "Kellin?" I asked quietly. "Yea, (nickname)?" I looked up to him, blushing 50 shades of (grey) red. "C-Can you stay here, w-with me?" I stuttered my words. "Sure. Just lemme do something first, then we can go to bed." He said, getting up with me. "What?" I asked. "This." He said, then kissed me passionately. I was surprised but kissed back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put a hand on my cheek, my arms were around his neck as he deepened the kiss. After what felt like forever, he pulled away.

Kellin's POV

She kissed me back. Out of so many people, she kissed ME back. We were blushing like mad. "Let's go to bed." I said. We walked to her room and laid down. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." She said before drifting off to sleep.

You still have all of my, you still have all of my, you still have all of my heart.

A/N: IM BACK!!! Sorry it took so damn long to post, I've been having a hard time lately. I will take requests for imagines, any type. Just leave your name, who the person is, the scenario, and if it's a smut or not. I'll be posting s Dallon Weekes imagine based off his song, Please Don't Jump (It's Christmas). If you're feeling alone this Christmas like me, message me. I'll see you all soon.

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