chapter 5

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    It's almost the end of the first week of classes at Evermore Academy. Amanda prepares for another day of classes. Emma opens the door and collects the morning mail delivery from the gray metal envelope box outside the door. The door is closed. Avelle sits on the couch, reading the prior edition of the Spellcaster's Gazette. Emma places the stack of mail on the kitchen counter.

"A notice from the school staff, about an assembly later today. 2 PM" Emma informs.

"So, after I finish my classes. I still have to pretend to care about this school" Avelle understands.

"No one is making you stay here. Maybe, you should consider informing your delusional parents. That you are simply bayou trash. That you aren't Evermore material" Emma explains, tired of Avelle's self-inflicted pity party.

"For being a bloodsucking filth, you sure believe you're very superior" Avelle assumes.

"We are in different classes" Emma informs Avelle.

"Yes, we are. I'm a good-natured person and you're a killer" Avelle replies.

"You're a vampire. You're a werewolf. No one is superior to the other" Amanda tells them. "Either decide to place your differences aside, tolerate each other or get over it because I'm not embracing this atmosphere for the whole school year". Amanda pulls the door shut, behind her. She begins to head down the hall, looking forward to seeing Ansel.

    Ahead of her, Ansel appears to emerge from a nearby staircase. Amanda stops and smiles. Ansel looks down the other end of the hallway, before noticing her.

"Hey, ready to make more wonderful potions?". Ansel has his hair combed back. He is dressed in a plain long-sleeved gray shirt, pants, and a pair of dress shoes.

"Yeah. I think so". Amanda yawns. "Sorry, I stayed up late studying".

"I'm sure the quiz will be pretty straight forward" Ansel assures her.

"Didn't you study?" Amanda asks.

"No. I have a pretty good memory when it comes to tasks like that" Ansel answers.

A pair of girls come walking down the hall, toward them.

"Hey Ansel. Who is your friend?" one of the girl's asked.

"This is my friend Amanda" Ansel answers. "We both have a potions class to get to". He leads Amanda past the girls.

"Hi Amanda. I'm Emmalyn Labonair and this is Erica Rosewood" The secondary girl informs.

"Labonair? Aren't you-" Amanda begins to ask.

"A member of a founding family. Yes. Supposedly, it's a great life role. Though no one bothers to inform, that the role is nothing, but obligations and school honor" Emmalyn explains.

"A Davenport and a Blackwell would be quite a scandal. The families aren't particularly fond of each other" Erica informs.

"Are there any Blackwell's enrolled at Evermore?" Amanda asks.

The two girls burst out laughing and head on their way.

"That was odd," Amanda comments, watching them leave.

"Yeah, Evermore attracts the weirdos" Ansel states, while they begin to head to class.

"Do you know why those two families dislike each other?" Amanda asks, curiously.

"I suppose, past events left unresolved bitterness" Ansel suggests.

"So, I'm supposed to hate a family unit. I barely know. Let alone meet" Amada understands, aloud to herself. She notices the look on Ansel's face. "I'm a Davenport. Is everything okay?".

"Oh, yeah. I surprised. You don't seem like the typical founding family type" Ansel replies, slowly. "There is kind of a type. Usually, a founding family heir stays within their clique and their designated dorm. If you're originated from a founding family, why aren't you staying in one of the dorms that is designated for a founding family heir? Its you're right as student to be placed in the correct section of Evermore".

"I didn't know there was a different section of the school for founding family. Besides, I'm not the fancy type. I like the dorm I'm in. Though I could do without my fighting roommates" Amanda replies.

"Stuck in the middle," Ansel assumes.

"I try not to be. One believes the other is superior. The other doesn't like the other person because of what they happen to be. It's a ridiculously stupid disagreement" Amanda replies. "I told them both, this morning to get over their issues because I wasn't going to reside in that atmosphere all year long".

"Good for you. For standing up for yourself. Though do remember, you don't have to be in that dorm. You have a secondary option" Ansel partly reminds her.

"Yeah, I guess I do. Maybe next year, I'll switch dorms" Amanda replies.

"Why not now? Still the beginning of the year" Ansel half asks.

"I don't know. The founding family members seem so separate from the school" Amanda answers.

"Don't have to be. Depends on the person" Ansel points out.

"Alright, then. Prove me wrong. Do you do anything outside the founding family realm?" Amanda asks.

"This school, I can't escape the duties tied to it. After classes, I usually just hang out in my dorm" Ansel answers.

"Wow. I didn't know you were so boring," Amanda tells him.

"Boring. You should be thankful; you don't happen to be obligated by family requests" Ansel replies.

"In an odd way, I kind of wish I had obligational duties. I'm a member of a founding family. Though I have no idea what my duties exactly are" Amanda explains.

"Honor the school every waking moment of your life. Attend school and fellow founding family hosted events. No matter how dull the event ends up being" Ansel lists.

"That doesn't sound so terrible, and events have pros and cons" Amanda half points out.

"How come you are so unknowledgeable about all this?" Ansel asks, curious.

"I was kind of shielded from all this". Amanda tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "My aunt Josie is kind of my only knowledge source. She has informed me, with bits and pieces over the years. No matter how much my mom disapproved of that".

    The two friends make their way to the potion's classroom. Students occupy their seats. The teacher begins to travel around the room and disperse the small test packet.

Q1. This potion is mainly used for celebratory reasons:

A home comfort    B fairy dust  C luck potion D facade elixir

Q2. Luck potion has a 24-hour time limit.

True               False

Q3. This potion smells different to every individual.

A love potion     B truth elixir    C home comfort    D fairy dust

Q4. My appearance is silver confetti.


Q5. I can't produce a lie. I am under the influence of:


       Amanda goes through the questions of the test, soon feeling at ease. After completing the writing portion of the test, she is provided a slip of paper with a potion recipe. Though the catch is that the measurements to the potion are blank. She takes the recipe for facade elixir, fills in the measurements and curates the potion. Later in the day, Amanda provides Ansel company in the dining hall. She sits down, across from him. He greets her. Thenshe happens to reply a greeting and inquires how he believes he did on thetest.

"I think I did okay, passed. You?" Ansel half asks.

"I believe I passed" Amanda answers.

"Mind some company?" Avelle asks, appearing behind Ansel.

"No, sit" Amanda answers.

Avelle sets her dark gray lunch pail on the table, before sitting down. "Are you two attending the assembly?".

"Uh, yeah. Its mandatory" Ansel answers.

"If it is mandatory, do you believe a single missing student will matter?" Avelle asks, curious.

"Avelle, just go to the assembly" Amanda orders, before Ansel can answer.

"I'm getting the sense you don't care for this school" Ansel understands.

"She doesn't" Amanda confirms.

"And I'm only here because I have to be" Avelle adds.

"Obligated heir" Ansel assumes.

"Something like that". Avelle shrugs. "So, what's your story?".

"I'm a member of a founding family. Labonair's. I live on campus year-round" Ansel informs, lying a little.

"So, you and Amanda are friends" Avelle assumes.

"I'd like to think so" Ansel replies.

"We're friends" Amanda confirms, nodding to him.

    Later in the day, all the students gather into the auditorium for the assembly. Some of the teachers are already sitting in the first row. While the remaining teachers happened to be gathered on the stage with the principal. Now the students are requested to be quiet.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I have requested this assembly to put everyone at ease. This year marks the first year, where all supernatural fractions are represented. Along with a human faction". The principal becomes quiet for a brief moment. "This semester isn't just an opportunity for all of us. But this semester;like prior semesters, will progress with the same foundation of rules".

"What if a bloodsucker kills someone?" A student asks, loudly. "Or puts a human in transition?

"Really? That's the only concern. What a vampire might do? Last time I checked. You bayou dogs aren't any better as role models" A female voice comments, a few rows behind.

"Oh. So, are you so much better than us? It's only a matter of time, till hybrids disgrace this school" Another student half asks.

Amanda redirects her gaze to her hands on her lap, dreading what was forthcoming.

The principal raises a hand to silence the bickering trio. "Regardless of the species, the rules are the same for everyone. Depending on the degree of harmfulness, a student will earn expulsion".

    The assembly progresses like any typical school assembly. The principal informs the student body about upcoming events. The student body is reminded about the weekly and weekend school curfew. A little while later, the students disperse to the dining hall, courtyard, or their dorms. Emma shuts and locks the dorm door. Avelle disappears to her bedroom.

"The assembly went smoother than I thought". Emma collects a blood bag from the shelf in the fridge.

"Like I said, as long as the rules are honored. There shouldn't be an issue" Amanda replies.

"Hopefully, that prophecy doesn't become true" Emma comments.

"Prophecy. What prophecy?" Amanda inquires.

"I heard a couple of girls talking about it. There is rumored prophecy, that was manifested by dark magic by former students at Evermore" Emma explains.

"Is dark magic allowed to be practiced?" Amanda asks.

"Teachers disapprove because dark magic can be very dangerous. But I think as long as you aren't caught, yes dark magic can be practiced" Emma answers.

"Do you think anyone practices it? In secret" Amanda asks, gaining a shrug in response. "Probably, though. Right. Anyone that is displeased with the recent change of events at the school".

"Isn't there some founding family with a tie to dark magic?" Emma asks.

"I don't know. Is there?" Amanda half asks.

"I could've sworn, in my history of legends class. We began learning about the founding families and there was a family mentioned.... I can't recall the name at the moment. Never mind. I'll think of it" Emma explains.

"Seems we made it through the first week of school without any issues" Amanda comments.

"So far," Emma points out. "I'm sure this school year will bring excitement".

"What are the odds Avelle will desire to actually socialize with us?" Amanda asks, curious.

"Pretty low. I'll be surprised, if she remains at the school" Emma answers.

  Over the weekend, Avelle decides to make a trip home. She parks her truck on a dirt road, near the edge of the woods. She remains standing by the open car door, staring at the woods. Finally, Avelle turns around, collects her backpack off the seat and begins to head to where the pack resigns in the woods. She ventures down a dirt trail to spot James interacting with who she supposed was the new pack alpha.

"So, where is this legendary smartass, Avelle?" He asks, looking around his surroundings. He is dressed in a long-sleeved black shirt, a pair of jeans and a pair of hiking boots. He appears to be in good shape. His jet-black hair is all combed back.

"Avelle is away at school. Evermore Academy" James explains.

"Wow, famous school. I do hope Avelle relocated there by her own choice" He replies.

"She is safer at that school. Avelle is very opinionated. If she knew what was really happening. She would most likely cause a disruption" James explains.

"Then if Avelle is away at school, who is our lovely visitor?" He asks, spotting Avelle appear first.

She stops and catches James's eye.

"That is Avelle" James confirms.

"Does she know why I'm here?" He asks, while Avelle walks toward them.

"She is aware there is a new alpha" James answers.

   As Avelle reaches them, she can tell James is uneasy and the somewhat attractive stranger has happened to take an interest in her.

"Hello James and stranger. I thought I'd come home for the weekend". Avelle pauses. "Mind if I stay in the cabin?".

"Sure, you can stay in the cabin. This is Nate, by the way" James replies.

"The new alpha". Nate proceeds to extend his hand.

"Great. I hope you being alpha works out". Avelle takes a deep breath. "I'm going to go get settled".

    Meanwhile Amanda arrives home. She closes the backseat door of the limo and collects her luggage from the trunk. She glances to the porch to see her cousins running toward her. Both of her cousin's cling to either side of her. She manages to maintain her balance. Now Josie and Claire appear to be standing on the porch.

"I officially made it through my first week at Evermore" Amanda announces.

"Soon enough, you'll be recruited by the society" Josie jokes, hopefully.

"What?". Amanda walks up the pebbled walkway.

"A dead organization,". Claire gives Josie a disapproving look.

       Before Amanda socializes with her family, she gets herself settled. She proceeds to place a couple of textbooks on the desk, intent on a productive homework session later on. She hangs her backpack on a hook in her closet. She exits her room, leaving her phone charging on her bedside table. She ventures down the staircase. Annabelle and Matilda reside in the living room, playing a board game.

"How was your first week at Evermore?" Josie asks.

"Interesting and exciting. I've made a couple of friends. My potions teacher states, that I show promise in the potions field" Amanda explains.

"A future potions master in the family. That'd be an interesting development" Josie replies. "You know Claire was pretty good at potions and curating magical items".

"That was a long time ago, Jo" Claire reminds her sister. "As for items I curated, I mainly repaired items. Broken watches cracked mirrors and so on". Claire proceeds to collect a stack of plates from the cabinet, above the sink. "Do you mind setting the table?".

"Not at all,". Amanda takes the stack of plates and departs the room.

"What are you doing Jo? I don't desire for Amanda to know about my Evermore past. Not yet. She doesn't need to know about the society. I don't need Amanda's head to be filled with an alternate version of this family. I don't even know if she is aware of the prophecy" Claire explains, softly

"Don't you believe, if Amanda knew about the prophecy. That'd she come and talk to us" Josie replies.

"Possibly," Claire states.

"But". Josie grabs the glass bowl of salad from the counter.

"How will this family look? How would we look? When my sweet innocent girl leans about the ghastly dark side of this family. About the prophecy's origin" Claire half asks.

"Amanda will come to understand. The reasons to why past outcomes played out the way they did" Josie assures. "I don't desire Amanda to pay the price for anything that we did".

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