Chapter 1

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It had only been a few hours since the extermination had ended. So annoying to clean up. For all their talk about being 'holier than thou' an' shit, they sure don't show it when they stick a spear down a demon's throats. He can't blame them though, he do it too.

He was known by many names, but most would refer to him as Spawn, short for 'Hellspawn'. It merely started off mostly as a joke from a CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL he knew of. But as time went on, the name started to grow on he made it his name.

Right now, He had just got done collecting souls from earth, adding them to Hell's now dwindled population. Usually it's forbidden for the dead to go to the surface, but Spawn was made for the exception. His job was simple: drag sinners to hell, mostly those who made deals in the past and haven't returned their sides of the contracts, or just bums on the street who are too 'Irredeemable' to be alive forever. A job like that is taxing, but he found ways to make it work. But work wasn't his concern right now, he had other things to attend to, that being to pay a visit to a certain Princess he knew.

He finds himself at the top of a large hill, where he could observe a large building, with a giant neon sign that said 'THE HAZBIN HOTEL'. It was called something else, but the name changed thanks to ANOTHER PERSON he knew of.

It was a place meant to 'REDEEM' lost souls in Hell, and hope that somehow, they are worthy enough to have a seat in heaven.  Call it 'Lack of faith', but from his experience, there are just souls in Hell that can never be forgiven, especially if those souls were in Hell for a reason. But then again, there were also souls that, despite their flaws, aren't exactly people that deserve eternal damnation, which was why he considered even being part of this whole 'REDEMPTION' project, but it was also because he knew exactly who the founder was.

He walks inside, making his way up to the room where suspected she would be at and walking into the room, finding the Hotel's Owner sitting at her window and looking out at the destruction outside.

Charlie Morningstar, Daughter of Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar, the Princess of Hell, Heir to the Throne, as well as being Spawn's closest friend. He couldn't help but overhear her monologuing about the history of Hell and how it came to be, reading it from a Book, a Book that he knew all too well.

"Don't worry mom.. Will make you proud."

"I see your reading the dumb thing again?"

Charlie jumps, turning her head to see Spawn before her, being somewhat embarrassed.

"Oh shit, you heard all that?"

"Of course, I've read that book to you too many times, not to know what your reading.  Plus I was standing right there."

"Oh Sorry..."

"Don't be, I'm just surprised you kept that old thing even after all these years."

"Yeah...I get pretty worked up after an extermination happens. The story helps."

"Yeah, It was the only thing to calm down your nerves."

"Of course, you and mom always knew how to ease me down whenever I was scared."

"Well, that was mostly because you were a damn pushover, still kinda are if I'm honest."

She chuckled. "Yeah.."

The room began to grow silent. Spawn takes a glance and sees Charlie continue to look out the window, clearly troubled by something.

"Is something the matter, princess?"

"Huh? Oh's just.. You know..Family stuff."

"I see...


" anything from..her yet?"

She gives him a slow nod, telling him all that he needed to know.

"Of course...why should there be?"

"Come on Spawn, have a little faith. I'm sure she won't be gone forever-"

"It's been seven fucking years Charlie! She Hasn't called, hasn't wrote. For all we know, she might be-."

"We can't be sure about that...besides, I'm positive that whatever she's doing is important, I'm sure."

"What's so 'important' that she has to leave and let us handle the responsibilities that she was supposed to do herself. Hell was already fucked to begin with, now with her gone, it only increased.

"Look, I get what you mean..but we both know that this kingdom was something she really cared about...something I care about. Maybe she left us to do it because she knew we could carry it out while she was gone."

"If That were the case, then why didn't she tell us what she was doing?"

"I-I don't know, But what I do know is that we can't just wait around and hope things will change overnight. We got to work for that change.."

"Oh yeah? And suppose we do that?"

"Well...that's why we have this Hotel. To give sinners the chance to be better, to show them that they can change. If Mom were here, she would say the same."

Spawn opened his mouth to say something back, but the words never came, he took a minute to absorb the words that Charlie said and showed defeat. He makes a long winded sigh and says. "Y-yeah i guess she would huh? I'm sorry, it's just... I just wished...ugh...nevermind."

Spawn turned away from Charlie, not wanting her to see the sadness in his eyes. He didn't want to look weak in front of her, he didn't want her to give him pity. He was her protector, her friend, her guardian, he was supposed to be someone that she could look up to, not the other way around.

Charlie noticed this right away, she could see that he was embarrassed to tell her what he was feeling, what he was thinking. She knew all too well what Spawn was wanting to say, but was too afraid to admit.

"Look, I know you miss Mom. I miss her too..but worrying about her won't help anythin-"

Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted when they saw a head peeking through the door. Spawn and Charlie saw right away who it was, with Spawn not at all happy to see them.

"Hello? Can I come in?" Asked Vaggie, the Manager of Hazbin Hotel and also Charlie's Girlfriend, and one of Spawns worst enemies. Spawn tries so hard not to choke her with one of his chains, fighting his urge to go complete animal on her ass.

"Oh sure Vaggie! Come in!"

Without hesitation, Vaggie enters the room.

"Is everything alright?" She then asked.

"Yep! Just been talking to Spawn." Charlie says pointing to him. Vaggie and Spawn lock eyes with each other, both desperately holding back from hissing at one another. The tension was real.

"Ah..Spawn, I see you returned from your little trip to the living?" Vaggie exclaimed, giving a hint of poison in her delivery.

" having to be down here while an extermination takes place."

"Yeah, least I was here managing this Hotel while you went out to go collecting more souls, even when you were supposed to be here to help redeem them-"

"Vaggie." Charlie interrupts. "Honey, why don't you tell us why you're here?"

Vaggie looks over Charlie's shoulder, seeing Spawn looking right at her. She takes a deep breath, trying to keep her cool. "Well..I was here to tell you that Alastor has something to show us."

"And what exactly might that be?"

"I don't know...I guess we'll find out soon won't we?" Vaggie said, looking at Spawn with disdain. She then looks at Charlie, giving her a warm smile.

"Just give us a minute Vaggie."

"Sure.." Vaggie said softly. She turns around and heads out of the room, not before taking another long glance at Spawn and Charlie, then..she leaves the room.

Charlie looks at Spawn, about to say something only to be stopped by Spawn who said. "Don't...just...please...I don't..." He pauses. "Lets just see what the old fuck wants show us.."

Charlie wanted to say something, but as soon as she saw Spawn's face, she decided that it wasn't worth it. She smiles at him and says. "Alright...whatever you say Spawn."

Spawn quickly left the room without any hesitation, not wanting this awkward situation to last any longer than it had. As Charlie too was about to leave, she heard a loud dinging coming from outside, its source coming from the clock tower, it resetting itself, preparing for the next extermination.

As she left, she didn't realize that she was being watched. From a far away roof-top, there stood a lonesome figure, covered in a tattered brown coat. Even from where they were, they could see everything, knowing full well of what was to come. The game was set, and the dice were in it's place, and waiting to be rolled. 

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