Chapter- 4) The Voices Told Me So...

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•Rose's Pov•

"You are scum. A pretender of my own flesh and blood." He squeezes my throat and I try to get him off but I'm failing.

"What's going on?"

"Just shoot!" I breath out to my dad. "Where? I can't see-"

"Joe!" Barry yells and I feel like I'm about to black out.

"Let's go for a run, Angel." He runs with me and I feel as if my wings are going to be ripped out of the sockets.

We stop and he kicks me across the ground.

"Rose where are you? We can't pin point your location, it's like you're everywhere." Cisco says over my ear piece.

"Tell me where she is?" Savitar growls in my face. "I don't kn-" He tosses me in the air and the next thing I know he's super sonic punching me in the face and my back.

I hit the ground hard and he steps on my back making my wings bend the wrong way. I scream out and I feel his hot breath on my face.

"Where is my daughter?"

He steps harder and I let out another cry.

"S...she'll be dead soon..." I say. And just then I hear Cisco, and Caitlyn.

"Okay, never doing that again."

"Caitlyn help her!" I hear Barry and I just know I'm about to get the life crushed out of me, literally.

Barry somehow distracts Savatar and I get away just in time for Caitlyn to blindly use her ice powers.

Barry checks to see if I'm okay and just as I was about to see what happened to Savitar. He was gone.

I rub my neck and think how my plan needs to speed up before he finds her...

Dad, Iris and I, just stare at the weird cocoon that  he was in. "Rose, what was that thing? You looked like you were talking to yourself." Dad asks.

"He called himself Savitar. And I don't know about you guys but he scared the hell out of me. Which makes this a full circle. We deal with another bad guy, and another one of my loved ones gets hurt."

"Rose--" I stop my father. "Just another day in the life of a hero. I know."

"Did you say his name was, Savitar? Hmm, that name goes to the Hindu god of motion." My hair stands on end as HR explains that."

"How did you know that?" Iris asks. "I just so happen to be the crossword champ of two earths. But yes Savitar, is the Hindu god of speed. It says he had many children, but he favored his eldest. Hereties, Goddess of air-"

"Okay, I am gonna go ask Caitlyn if there's anything I can help with." I say as I walk away.

"You okay?" Barry asks as he catches up to me. "I'm....not okay."

"You're shaking, come here." Barry holds me and I close my eyes. "Wally is going to be fine. Cait-"

"I know, he's in a coma like state in that cocoon of his. So he may just get his powers after all. Which he better wish comes true, because when he wakes up I'm going to kill him. "

Barry looks at me with more concern. "You're scared." I nod. "Savitar almost crushed me like a roach. I'm sure you'd be scared too."

"I'm not going to let him hurt you. You have my word. Hey, look at me." Barry gets in my sight and he places my hand on his chest. "You have my word." I nod and leans on him and think, how all of this can get worse if he finds her.

I suddenly feel this powerful emotion.


And it's not mine. I glance over and see Caitlyn stepping out. A small smirk comes and goes from my lips as I now feel her inner Killer Frost starting to emerge.

Well at least that part of the plan is going great.


An hour later my dad came in the room looking confused. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean Joe?" Barry asks. "Caitlyn, she said that Wally was out of the cocoon."

"No, he's been like this the whole time since you've left. Wait you seen Caitlyn? Where? We didn't even see her leave." I say, getting up while looking at Barry.

•Caitlyn's Pov•

I don't know why I took Julian. All I know is the voice inside my head just told me too. "Bit chilly in here, isn't it?"

"Shut up. I need to think."

"Look I know who you are, okay? You--you're Allen's friend, right? Dr. Snow?"

Silence him...

"I said be quiet!" I lash out.

"Are you going to kill me?" He asked. "I need to find Vengeance."

"Vengeance? What?" I put a laptop from my bag. "What do you want me to do?" Julian asks.

"Vengeance has disciplines, followers. I need you to create an algorithm that will allow you to locate anyone who has searched for a specific keyword in the last six months, if we find one of the followers, they will take me to Vengeance."

"O--okay. But Vengeance is a relatively commons phrase. It'll have hundreds of hits." He explains.

"Then search for an uncommon one."

"Such as?"

"Savitar." He types that up but gets nothing. "Try....Hereties." I suggest. "Hereties?"

I grab his arm giving him a burning ice touch. He screams but I don't care. "Get searching."

As he does what he's told I look past him and see an image of Rose but with white markings all over her body.

"Not again..."

•Rose's Pov•

We were back at S.T.A.R. Labs. "So they don't know why, she took Julian?" Dad asks. "No, they don't. But more importantly, they don't even know that it's Caitlyn yet, so we need to find her before they do." Barry explains.

"Savitar. Now, what about this Savitar--" I interrupt HR. "We find Caitlyn, then we can worry about Savitar."

"You know what, guys? I'm--I argued with Rose. Let's find Caitlyn." He agrees. My sister speaks up. "Okay. You're right. And when we find Caitlyn, then what?"

"I don't know. I mean, she's not thinking straight. She's--"

"Caitlyn and I were working on my telekinesis. More of my, mind to speak. Um, when we find her I can always suppress this event in her mind." I suggest. Everyone looks at me. "Will that even work?" Cisco asks. "I am sure it will. But how do we find her?"

"Not sure, I tried pinging her cell and Julian's, but she must have ditched them." Cisco comments. "Ahem! If I may proffer a notation..." HR raises his hand. "Oh, great. More suggestions from the genius over here." Cisco says sarcastically. "You don't call the genius. The genius calls you. Question: How did you catch your captain cold? I've been reading about him in your files. Seems like a wily fellow. Slow talker. But his MO--strikingly similar to our dear Caitlyn's."

"What? No. We tracked him using the satellite to scan for ultra violet cold signatures..." Cisco looks like he just sucked a lemon and I give HR a fiat bump. Cisco looks up from the computer screen then.

"No. Nothing near the precinct. Wait...she's at...the frozen food warehouse." Cisco taps into the cameras and sure enough there she in Julian were.

"I'm going to isolate the feed so no one else can see it." Cisco says. "All right, figure out what she's making Julian do. Rose and I are going." I follow Barry out and we suit up.

We get inside just in time because Caitlyn was about to attack Julian. "Stop!" I stand between her and Julian. "Move." She demands in a frosty tone.

"You know I can't do that." I tell her. "What are you doing? Take her ou--" Barry punches Julian out cold. "This isn't you Cait. You don't hurt people." She winces. "Both of you leave me alone."


"I have to find Vengeance."

"Caitlyn, we can find Vengeance together." Barry tells her. "No, Barry. You don't understand. The voices, the voices keep telling me I need to find Vengeance." I get very concerned look. "Is that all?" I asked. "No, when I find Vengeance, I'm going to make them help me."

"Help you?"

"I need Vengeance, to get rid of my powers!" She snaps. "Cait, I can suppress them for you. Remember we--"

"No, Rose, I want these powers gone, permanently."

"I don't know if it works that way." Barry tells her. "But you don't know that it doesn't."

"I know that we love you. And we will do everything we can to help you. Us--we've been through too much together, to let each other down now. Please let us help you." Barry says while stepping forward.

"Like you helped your mother?" Caitlyn says as her eyes frost a bit. "Or Wally? Or me?"


"No, Rose, Barry just keeps messing with everyone's lives, wrecking everything and we are left behind, to pick up the pieces from his mistakes. Somethings you break can't be put back together."

"Cait, I can fix this-"

"Oh like you fix Cisco's family? You didn't tell cisco that you screwed him over, or Rose-"

"Don't-" I urge. "Why? It's not your fault, you post the baby..." Barry freezes and looks at me. "You were-"

"I said don't." I raise my hand in the air and get this it's to break her neck as she squirms. "Rose, put her down-"

I silence all noise and I crawl into Caitlyn's inner thoughts.

That wasn't mine or your secret to tell. And now, I'm going to put you through the inferno.

I hiss in her thoughts.

Suddenly, we hear gun shots and I drop her as I feel a bullet whiz by my ear. Barry grabs me out of the way and he tries to get to Caitlyn but she sends dry ice smoke through out the warehouse and gets away...

We were back at S.T.A.R. Labs getting checked over, when dad came over to us. "I just got off the phone with one of the officers. They took Julian to county general. He still out cold-"

"Whoa, Barry how hard did you hit him?" I asked looking at him with a raised brow. "I don't know. I didn't mean to knock him out, or maybe I did." He says with a smile smirk. "Rose, what she said earlier-" I get up abruptly. "I'm going for a walk." Very grabs my arm and that was Iris' and dad's cue to leave.

"You can't just act like what she said wasn't said out in the open like that."

"Maybe I can."


"STOP!" I yell causing a few things in the room to shake. Barry lets me go as I take a few heavy breath's. I step away from him then. "Like I said, I'm going for a walk." With that, I leave out of the main room.

Caitlyn is ruining the plan...

She's going to get mad...

Savitar is going to find her and when she wakes up, all hell is going to break loose...

It's nightfall and I'm creeping in and out of the shadows. I know Barry and Cisco are calling me but I ignore them and listen to Caitlyn's thoughts.

I smile in the pale moon light as I hear the fear pounding against her skull.

She's trying to find one of Vengeance's disciplines. Tsk, Tsk. She's going to regret that.

I land on the balls of my feet and cock my head to the side as I feel the air become frosty.

I look at the back door and the lock pops open as I step inside.

I quietly step inside and close my eyes as I feel her out.

She's upstairs, and she's about to cause trouble. I go up the stairs, avoiding making any noise and see her right outside the door.

"Rose, you can't stop me." She says as she looks at me. I step out of the shadows and just look at her for a moment.

"You said you wanted to find, Vengeance. I want to help."

"How are you going to help?" She raises a icey hand and I smirk. "Simple, I'm going to show you how to find her."


"Yes, Vengeance is a woman, in fact she's standing in front of you right now." Before Caitlyn could react I swoop across the room and slam her head into the wall.

"You know for being smart, you sure are stupid." She tries to touch me with her iced hand but I pin her hands above her head with my mind. "All of you are so dense. If Rose could see how blind you all are, I'm sure she'd be upset. I mean come on, I'm nothing like her."

"Who...who are you?" I smile at her. "I guess I can tell you, simply because I can just take this memory away from you. hmm, what would you call me? Flashpoint Rose, I guess."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Did you know that messing with the timeline can slowly drive a speedster insane? Really, it does. I can remember Flashpoint, and my life before it all. Do you know how it feels to get hit by a car as a child? No, you don't. But I can mentally show you." I touch her forehead and she gasps and as she's about to scream I mentally close her vocal cords.

"All I want is Vengeance on what should be set right. Give punishment to those who deserve it, and the main culprit is, Barry. Which he'll get his just desserts. But you? You told a secret that didn't belong to you. A secret that would make this timeline Rose, very sad. I'm pretty sure she'd--you're very qui-wait you're vocal cords. Oh silly me." I snap my fingers and Caityln coughs.

"Where is she? Where is Rose?" I raise a finger to my lips. "I'll never tell..." I sing. I then look into her eyes and start to sear this little conversation out of her thoughts...

"How did you find her?" Barry asks as we all look at Caitlyn in her cell. "I just...felt her you know." Caitlyn begins to wake up and the moment our eyes lock she jerks back.

"Ke..keep her away from me." She utters. "Cait-"

"Stay away!" She sends a cold blast to the glass but it bounces off.

I step close to the glass. "I just want to help you."

"Stay away! Stay away! Stay away!" She screams over and over until Barry shuts the outter door to her cell.

"We need to find a way to reverse this." Barry says. "Rose, what did you do to her?" Cisco asks. "I was just trying to help. She had attacked me and I defended myself. I just hope we can get her back."

As everyone leaves, Barry stays behind and I sigh. "I don't want to talk about it...right now. Okay?" He nods and we both go into the training room.

"You know what's so messed up? We should be looking out for Vengeance and Savitar, but instead your brother is in a cocoon, and one of our best friends is locked in a cell like a villain."

"This is what, we go through as heroes. We go through opticals. We get our limits testing. We keep going through hell. Why? matter what, we do what we do, because we know it's right."

"I could've never done this without you." I smile and lean in towards Barry. "And you never have to." He meets my lips and we kiss.

The lights flicker and we both move back. "Wally." We say in unison. We run into the hall and meet up with Cisco.

"There was a power surge in the Cortex." We follow Cisco and we find dad cutting Wally out of his cocoon.

"Joe stop!" The cocoon crackles and both Barry and I swoop into action and move everyone before anything bad happens.

An explosive KABOOM, erupts in the room and I use my wings to shield dad. As the smoke clears we all look in the middle of the room and see Wally vibrating. "Wally?" Dad calls out. And in a blink of an eye, Wally we gone...

"What have I done?" Dad asks moments later as he gets bandaged up.

"Was this your idea?" I snap at HR and he raises his hands in the defense. "No, Joe--I was helping Joe." He replies.

"No sign of Wally. I've got the satellite scanning the entire city for rapid movement." Cisco informs.

"If he's a speedster he could be halfway across the country by now."

"Barry, we have to find him." I say as I begin to pace. "I'm more worried about what happens when we do find him. Didn't seem like he was all there, Rose."

"I shouldn't have cut him out of that thing." Dad comments.

You think?

I catch myself cutting my eyes at him and take a deep breath.

"Joe, I-- what we need is a biochemist." Barry says to him. "You got to talk to her, Barr."

"I'll com-"

"No, she seems petrified when you're around. I got this." Barry walks away and we wait by the monitor.

As we seem him open her cell door I space out for a moment thinking, until I hear Barry say over the monitor that Caitlyn can leave but only if she kills him.

I snap out of that really quick and dad along with Cisco hold me in place. "He has a plan."

"And if she kills him, I have a plan of my own, and it involves shoving my hand down her-"


"-No, I'm not gonna fight you. And neither will Rose."

The hell I will..

"...But if you wanna leave this room you're gonna have to kill me."

"Don't think I won't." She tells him.

"Let me go!" I snap. "Rose, just trust Barry, okay?" Dad tells me.

Caityln forms a sharp ice rod in her hand and raises it towards Barry's chest. "What are you waiting for?" Barry tells her.

I try to remain still as I see how his plan works out.

"You want to be the villain, this is what they do. They kill their friends because nothing matters to them anymore, right?" Barry grabs her hand so that the sharp rod is more against his chest.

"Right? Come on...kill me, Caitlyn..." She hesitates. "You can't because underneath all that cold, you're still you..."

Caitlyn drops the rod and hugs Barry. He looks up at the camera and nods.


"I think extracting Wally early from that cocoon left him in a fugue state. His synapse aren't used to functioning at super speed, so his mind and muscles are misfiring."

Caityln explains as she keeps a safe distance from me. "Can this stuff help him?" I ask. She doesn't look at me when she answers. "I've synthesized a neural compound that I think will get his mind and body running at the same speed."

"We just have to find him first." Iris comments. "Where'd he go, Joe?" HR asks. Dad looks as lost as the rest of us as in Wally whereabouts.

"What'd your gut tell you?" Dad thinks for a moment. "The house that he grew up in. He use to go there when he missed his mother."

"In Keystone?" Dad nods and Barry thanks Caitlyn. When she looks at me she looks scared and mentally I smile...

We arrive and find Wally vibrating and staring at the house. Dad runs up to him, while Barry and I stay behind.

When Wally was distracted, Barry gives him the shot and Wally gasps as Barry moves back.

Wally looks right at me and he looks as if he's about to say something important but dad moves in between us. Wally blinks. "She's ve-" He then collapse and dad's arms and passes out...

Wally and I are racing each other the next morning, and he seems fine. He doesn't actually knows what he was talking about last night. He brings it in and I dive in after him. When he stops he smiles brightly. "That is the greatest feeling I've ever felt. Rose, Barry, it's unreal." Barry nods and fist bumps him. "Yeah, it is."

"How fast was I going?" Wally asks. "Abou-"

"Too fast." Dad interrupts. "Dad, don't look so worried. I'm fine, I feel fine. And besides, Barry and Rose will look out for me."

I pat his shoulder. "Well when you got the speed force coursing through you it's going to feel that way. You just feel unstoppable. Your speedster now. And I've always wanted to say this."

"Rose, don't." I put my brother in a headlock. "With great power, comes great responsibility." I let him go and everyone laughs.

"Alright so what next?" Wally asks. "Caitlyn is gonna run every tear she can think of on you. I mean, if you're up for it." Dad says to Caitlyn. "Being a doctor? That, I'm always up for."

"Speaking of that, Caitlyn, I was wondering if you could give my wing a check over. It felt funny on that dive."

"Um, sure. I can in a little while."

I shake my head. "Well, not to push it, but now would be ideal, seeing that at any moment a bad guy could you know, do something." She swallows hard and nods. "Sure, right this way." Caitlyn and I walk to a separate room and right when I close the door she was ready to hit me.

I raise my hand and tsk. "Caitlyn, so violent. I excepted more from you."

"What did you do to me? Why is there holes in my memories?" I shrug. "I don't know what you mean. Cait. But I do know this." I was suddenly in front of her and her eyes were locked on mine.

"You won't feel fear when you see me..."

"I won't feel fear when I see you..."

"Everything will be as it was before."

" it was before."

"Atta girl..."


Dad and I hear the news about from Captain Sinhg. We head to the lab and I march over to Barry as he packs his things. "He can't do this to you. This is blackmail."

"Well, Julian thinks that I can't be a good friend to Caitlyn and still be a good CSI."

"You're not good, you're great. This lab? This science? It's your life."

"She's right, Barr." Dad agrees. Barry shakes his head. "You are my life, and so is Joe. And Wally and Caitlyn...and Cisco. If I had to give this up just to keep you all safe? Then I'm willing to do it for you guys."

"Every time I think you can't out hero yourself, you just prove me wrong." Dad gives Barry a hug and I look up at the sky light. The sky was getting dark and I hear the thunder.

Both my dad and Barry look at me and I sigh. "This is going to get some use to? You without this place? It's like Clark without Louise."

"Who?" Dad asks. "I'll tell you when you're older." I smirk and help Barry with his stuff. As we leave out Barry stops and looks back at the lab before shutting the lights out.

"You're doing the right thing?" I ask as we walk down the hall. He nods and leans over, kissing my lips.

"Remember, this is to keep all of you safe." He goes to get the elevator button and I get an alert on my phone.

"Hey, can I meet you guys at S.T.A.R. Labs? There's something I need to check on." I pass the box I was holding to my father.

"Uh, sure, is it bad?" Barry asks. "No, just a little hiccup on my part. See you guys later." I run down the hall and when the coast is clear I take off in the sky and fly to my place.

When I get inside I notice that it's extremely quiet. I close the door behind me and walk in slowly.

I walk to my bed room and see the closet was wide open.

I look inside and see the casket was empty.

When I turn she was standing there, but barely holding it together.

" them...I'll-" She falls and I catch her just in time. I touch her head and she falls back into a limitless sleep.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your family. All I want is Barry. And when you finally wake up, you'll never have to suffer again. We'll never have to suffer, again...Rose..."


I know what you guys are thinking, and yes. The answer is yes, I ate your last slice of pizza! 😈 leave a comment below and don't forget to vote!!! Up up & AWAY!!!

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