Chapter-5) Didn't See That Comin' Did You?

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•Rose's Pov•

"Why, in all of gods green earth are we--" Barry snatches me away and we just dodge supergirl's heat vision. "Barry, whenever you want to call all of us to help save the world. Count me out." Oliver says as he shoots his arrow at firestorm.

I bet you're wondering why in the world Barry, Oliver, and I are fighting against our friends?

Well let's rewind back 10 hours shall we?


Wally was getting more tests run on him, and so far his results were amazing. Although, Iris and dad didn't see it that way.

"I don't want Wally thinking he's Barry, or Rose." Iris says.

I mock gasp. "You're right, the world isn't ready for two of me."

"Rose I'm serious. You know once while he gets wind of this, he's going to go half cocked trying to take down Vengeance or Salvitar The next time one of them shows up." Iris replies.

"Well, you know how bad Wally wanted these powers. It's going to be difficult for us to convince him not to use his powers." I retort.

"Yeah, well, we have to. Until he's ready." Dad laughs at Iris' comment and points to Wally as he runs. "How?"

"By convincing him that he isn't. Rose, you need to be with me on this." Iris urges.  I surrender and as Wally walks into the room, I nod and give him a thumbs up, then I leave the room.

Just as I walk down the hall HR makes an announcement requesting us in the cortex. I groan. "The presentation, yippee..."

"You wanna open S.T.A.R. Labs to the public in two weeks?" Barry questions. "Soft open. Not a hard open. But, you know, I'll use your input. All right? I mean, right now, it's very important because the clock is ticking. My vision is set to include, but not limited to--A personal transportation tour of the facility. Or, for the faint of heart, we have a--virtual reality alternative. Both set to include particle vision." He presents with a grin.

I frown. ""

"Particle vision, which is a moment to moment reenactment of the particle accelerator explosion, but seen from the point of view of...the particle!"

I wave my hand. "Listen, HR, I know that you're trying to figure out how you add value to the team, I get it, really. But this--"

"Let me stop you right there, R.W."

"What did I say about calling me that?"

"Uh not too, anyways I can make S.T.A.R. Labs The powerhouse in the scientific community that it once was, and, moreover, earn back the peoples trust. Look at you guys. You just--your faces are so darn gloomy. Here's what we'll do. I'm going to make you guys a--" Suddenly the klaxon alarm sounds off.

"Was that--Was that the satellite? I hope that wasn't the satellite." Cisco comments. Barry goes to the monitor and from where I was standing it looks like a meteor was about to hit downtown.

"Is that what I think that is?" I asked. "A meteor? Maybe." Caitlyn says. "Why yes it is a meteor, and yes it is heading for downtown." Cisco comments.

"We gotta go." In a blink of an eye, Barry and I were both suited up and heading downtown.

We see the fire ball headed right to the ground and just as we get there, smoke clears.

I land and Barry comes to a stop. We both look at each other. Barry tries to tell the others over his earpiece what was going on but all I hear is static.

"A ship..." I start to walk up to it. "Ro-" I ignore Barry and reach my hand out. A gust of wind pushes me into Barry and we both go flying.

When we look up, coming out were tall, ugly creatures.

One looked right at us and roared, and then took off with the other five just like it.

"Aliens!" Barry and I both say and unison...

"Aliens? Like little green men or--"

"More like the very unfriendly looking kind of aliens." I tell Cisco. Barry and I were back at S.T.A.R. Labs.

Barry had gotten off the phone and announced that Diggs wife was coming to tell us some information she had gotten on what we saw.

Twenty minutes later, Lyla was giving us a briefing. "Since we learned of them, we have been calling them the Dominators." She hands Barry a grainy photo and I peek over his shoulder to see. "Okay that does not sound like a name of a species that comes in peace." Wally comments. "No, no, it's very aggressive." HR agrees.

"So how long have you known about these Dominators?" I asked. "Since the 50s." Lyla answers.

"That was them. Redmond, Oregon. The government tried to cover it up." Dad says making us all stare, wondering how did he know that? "What? I watch Syfy channel."

"In 1951, they appeared under the same sort of circumstances. A ship crash landed. Little to no communication. We learned they were objecting humans to gather Intel about us. They attacked and hundreds of soldiers lost their lives. Then for some in explainable reason, they left. All contact has been lost until three months ago. When the DOD received this." Lyla plays a recording and we listen.

"We pose no threat, human inhabitants. Understanding is our purpose. Any action against us, as shown to us in the past, will prompt swift retaliation."

"So when we discovered four ships heading towards earth, we were concerned that it was happening all over again. One of them obviously, landed here." Lyla explains. "Right, cause we ain't got enough crazy going on here in central city."

Got that right dad.

"Do you know what they want?" Caitlyn asks. Lyla shakes her head. "They've ignored all attempts to communicate, but we do know, just like before, that the drop ships contain reconnaissance teams sent here together more Intel about us."

"Looking for our weaknesses." I mutter. "We need to do something."

"We are." Lyla answers Wally. "Nearly every member state in the UN is in talks to coordinate a response. Action is being taken." I scoff at her response.

"I'm sorry Lyla but having a conversation doesn't seem like that's going to help the situation here. These things can hurt or worse kill everyone if they choose to do so."

"Rose, I know where you're coming from. But you and Barry can't do this by yourselves. Just let us handle it for now. I'll keep in touch." With that Lyla takes her things and leaves.

"So the plan is it to just stay still and do nothing, right?" Wally asks me. "No."

"Rose, you heard what Lyla-"

I nod at my sisters comment. "Barry and I may not be enough this time to save everyone from this threat. But I'm pretty sure we can ask for some extra help. What do you say, Barr?" I look at Barry and he nods. "I know just who to call."

Hours later we meet up at an old hall hungar that S.T.A.R. Labs/ Barry owns. I was inside helping Iris with some equipment. "Is everyone here?" She asked. "No, we still need to get more people oh and Kara. And speaking of her, oh, my, god her cousin-"


"You have no idea."

We turn and see everyone walking in. "We've got team arrow. Team legends and team flash." Iris pulls me aside. "Wait Oliver is the arrow?"


"He just got hotter."

"I know right?" I say as we both look at him. I hear Barry clear his throat. "I heard that."

"Oops." I look at the ceiling and hear my sister laugh.

"I thought you were bringing in an alien." Oliver asks confused. "Yeah, I did. Everyone this is Kara Danvers, or as she's known on her earth, Supergirl."

"What makes her so super?" Jax asks. Kara floats in the air and with her heat vision she makes the Supergirl logo on the ground. "I'm convinced." Digg comments.

After we all introduce ourselves, we get down to business. Barry shows some photos. "OK, so these are the Dominators. We don't know much about them."

"Except they're really strong. I heard a lot of stories about them when I was a kid. They came to my planet before I was born. They did experiments on a lot of people. Killed a lot more." Kara explains.

"Well, they're not the only ones with superhuman strength, I hear. Barry says you're more powerful than a locomotive." Thea says to Kara with a smirk.

"We should use Kara as a stand-in for training." Oliver suggests. "Since when is Robin Hood calling the shots?" Mick asks.

"What I think Mick is trying to say is it would be nice if we knew who is in charge around here." Jax says.

"Maybe we should take a vote. Choose a leader." Ray voices. "Well it would only be appropriate, since Barry put us altogether. I vote him." I give Barry a smile and he blushes a bit.

"Okay, uh. Cool. Well, I guess as team leader, first thing to do is to start out by..." he fumbles his words a bit and I decide to help him out.

"Doing a test run." I whisper. "Let's do a test run. Yeah, let's do a test run..."

"Against Supergirl..." I whisper again. "Against Supergirl, all right? Test run against Supergirl."

"Are we supposed to pretend like we didn't hear her?" Sarah says to Barry. "So, just suit up. K? Look alive." We separate and everyone goes to suit up.  Stein and Jax both walk up to me and Barry. "Rose, before we start training, there's something you need to hear."

"A message that would be better if we could share with you in private." Stein tells me. "I can go and get ready with them-"

I stopped Barry. "No, no, it's fine. You can stay."

How bad could the message be right?

"OK. Let's just make it quick."

"All right, but no one else." We follow them to one of the private rooms. Stein then takes out an iPod impress his place so we can all hear.

"A war is coming, Captain Hunter, and at some point you're going to be called back to fight, it with the rest of the team. So you need to know that, while you and your team have been in the temporal zone, Barry made a choice that affected the timeline. As you know, whenever you alter the past, those changes affect the present and compound in the future. when you return, you will be in the new timeline very created, what everyone's past and everyone's future has been affected, including yours. When you come back, don't trust anything or anyone. Especially me."

The woman says in the recording.

What is this?

I feel a bit confused and a bit angry, but I don't let it play on my face.

"Where did you get this?". Barry asks. "We found it in a room inside the wave rider. It was sent by Rose, 40 years from now." Jax answers

"40 years from now? What the hell does this mean." I question. "It means, I screwed things up when I change the past." Barry explains. "What did you do?" Stein asks.

"I went back in time, and saved my mother. I created a timeline where she's alive. It's called flashpoint. I lived in it for a few months, until I realized that I made a big mistake, and I tried to reset the timeline, put things back to how they were supposed to be, but--"

"But it didn't work." I say as I stare off into the distance.

"So what's changed since you've been back?"

"Cisco's brother is dead. Caitlyn has powers. Diggle has a son now instead of a daughter...I didn't just screw up my life, I screwed up everybody's lives and, apparently everybody's lives in the future." Barry looks at me when he says that and I look away. "It felt like when these aliens got here, that maybe this was something I didn't cause and maybe I could make up for everything I've done to everyone, but I...-"

"We should tell everyone what's going on." Jax tells us. "We're going up against a bunch of aliens, and you want to tell people that their lives might have been affected by time travel? One sci-fi problem at a time." I say with a scowl. I look at Barry. "You made a mistake, and right now, I say we deal with that another day." I take Barry's hand and we walk out of the room.

Moments later we were training back to back and I have to say we were getting our asses kicked,  plus Kara wasn't even moving. "Let's go again!" Oliver orders. So we did. I get out of sight and from a distance, I focus on Kara and read her thoughts. I tap into her fears and I see a green rock. I leap in the air and slam into her thoughts about the green rock. She fumbles a bit but doesn't fall. Ray bumps into me and I get knocked out of the air. "Oh come on!" I yell.

"Should we keep going?" Sarah asks as she gets up wincing. "Yes, just, let's take a minute or two." Oliver says.

We break in Cisco walks over to bury with what looks like professor Stein's iPod. I begin to walk over by Cisco says in a stern voice, that I or Barry should tell the group. "Tell the group what?" Oliver asks hearing Cisco. Cisco gives Barry the floor to speak.

What the hell Cisco?

"Jax and professor Stein found a message from Rose in the future, saying that right now, my decision made this all happen."

"And why would future Rose say that?" Sarah asks as everyone looks over at me. Barry clears his throat. "I think it's because I went back in time and changed the timeline, and now things are different than before I left, including some of your lives." He confesses. "Some of our lives? Like who?" Kara asks.

"Rose. Cisco. Caitlyn. Wally. Dig-"

"Me? Why? What happened?"

" had a daughter in the other timeline." I tell him. He gives me a puzzled look and asks. "I had a daughter, Barry?"

Barry nods. "Baby John was baby Sarah..." Digg then gets this steely look in his eyes. "So, wait, you just--let me get this straight. You just, you, just erased a daughter from me life?" Barry nods with a guilty look on his face. "Yeah..."

"You can't just go back and change things like that Barry." Sara accuses. "I know."

"You know how hard it is for me to not alter events? To bring my sister back? But I don't, because I know the implications."

"And all those aberrations we spent the last eight months traveling through time trying to correct--you just decided that it was Okay for you to create your own?" Ray questions.

"We should've told them before."

Just then Felicity's phone and then alerts. "Guys? Guys, it's Lyla The president has been abducted by Dominators. She needs us now."

"Okay, you guys go. All right? I'm gonna sit this one out. Obviously, you have Supergirl, she's just as fast as I am. Get the president. We can talk about this later." Barry orders. He then comes to me. "You still trust me, right?" I nod.

"Always. But it might take more to convince them." He kisses my head. "If you--" I move back.

"This is crazy! Guys! Hey! Everyone is going, including Barry. I'm not going without him."

"Neither am I." Oliver voices.

"Then you two will be with him, Oliver." Digg says as he and the others walk out...


Barry, Oliver and I were behind and I let Barry and Oliver have a heart-to-heart chat. I walk the halls and stop when I see a picture of rose in Barry. I pick it up and look at it intensely.

"Even when you're not here physically, you warn them of me." I say with a smirk.

The building then shakes and Cisco tells me over my earpiece that I, along with Barry and Oliver were needed. I put the photo down and head to wards the others. I bumped into Barry and Oliver. "What's going on?"

"Somethings wrong with our friends. Come on." Barry orders. So I follow. We end up outside and face all of our friends.

"Guys?" I look around and all of our friends looked as if they wanted to kill us. Thea shoots and arrow at me, but Barry catches it. "Guess we can't talk about this huh?"

"Guess not." Oliver agrees. They all begin to attack at once. Barry grabs all over and we move quickly behind a van. "What's wrong with them?" Barry screams. "I don't know but we need to find out." Oliver answers. We continue to be under attack and I'm winded.

"Why, in all of gods green earth are we--" Barry snatches me away and we just dodge supergirl's heat vision. "Barry, whenever you want to call all of us to help save the world. Count me out." Oliver says as he shoots his arrow at firestorm.

We decided to face them head on, I leap into the air and feel Ray and firestorm coming after me. I send a purple fireball their way and thankfully that helps getting them off my back. Oliver was fighting with Digg, Thea and Sarah. While Barry was facing off with Mick and Supergirl.

While he runs out of nowhere and Knox Mcqueen out. I smile at his victory, until Supergirl punches him knocking him out conscious.

"Nooo!!!" Anger boils inside of me and my wings send off a thunderous club. I go right towards Supergirl and swim her head right to the side of the building. I land down by while you write a Supergirl was down for now. "Wally? Wally you got to get up!" Oliver helps me with Wally. Barry then runs to us. "Guys, Cisco says that the Dominators have to have some kind of device that's controlling everyone's mind."

"Find a way to destroy it, Barr. I'm going to get Wally inside." I tell him. "I'm going to hold them off as long as I can." Oliver tells him. Barry nods and just as he's about to run Supergirl gets in his way.

Hurry Barry, I don't know how much longer we can manage.

As Barry lead Supergirl away, the other start to wake up and come at us again. "Please tell me you have an infinite amount of arrows."

"Not really, Rose." Oliver says as I take Wally putting him down when I know he's safe.

I stand in front of Oliver and focus. "What are you doing?" He asks. Just then everyone freezes.

I feel my body tremble but I stay in control. "I'm keeping them at bay. I have maybe 30 maybe 40 seconds tops. Let's just hope Barry can destroy that device in time."

I can feel all of them trying to fight me and that's when I feel my nose starting to bleed. But I stay in control just a little longer.

My hold breaks and right when I think I have to fight or worse, kill them, they stop on their own and they wince. Their foreheads glow for a second but then dulls.

"Rose, he did it." Oliver says as he goes to me. I nod and stumble a bit. Oliver catches me and I smile as I look at Wally.

"Thank you Barry..."


We regroup and everyone seems back to normal. "So what was it like being all mind controlled?" Felicity asks the group. "I didn't realize he had a mind to be controlled." Jax says causing the group to laugh.

"Barry about before, message no message,we're with you." Ray tells him. "Thank you."

"Where is Supergirl?" I asked. As I rub my neck. "Scanning the city for any more of those orbs that whammied everyone."

"Okay? So now what?" Digg speaks up. "We call Lyla. Tell her these Dominators aren't here peacefully."

I start to speak and agree with all of her, but a bright light flashes before me. I go to call out Barry's name, but all I see is the fear in his eyes as I'm snatched up into the sky....

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