Chapter-7) The White Plague..

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~Rose's Pov~

It's been quiet. Too quiet for comfort. I look at the closet and find myself opening it. She's still inside but I now feel sorrow.

What is going on in her head?

I look at her face and notice a small streak across her face. "What is that?" I ask as I lean in. The streak gets more ugly as it goes to her temple and I lean back.

Her face is scarring. Why?

I start to leave out of the closet but I hear the glass crack. I freeze and see the crack turn into a spider crack.

"No, no, no, no!" A large gust of wind knocks me against the wall and I look at the casket shatter.

I see her stand and her face was a large ugly scar. "That's impossible, you can-" She raises her hand and I feel my throats closing. "Because of you, I'm sick. I'm sick and I won't get any better."

"Ro..." She winces and when her face relaxes she smiles as if she heard a funny joke. "They're coming, and they're coming to kill us all...starting with you!" She pulls me forward and I feel a meaty pop in my chest. I look down and there was my heart in her clenched fist...

I wake up with beads of swear all over my face. I hold my head and lay back in bed. That was the eighth time I've had that one specific dream.

"Rose?" I hear Iris' voice and I just ignore it. I've been sleeping over at her place for the past few weeks. "Rose, I know you're awake. You were screaming." She says at the door.

I sit up and look at her. "I'm fine, go back to bed." She sighs and sits at the foot of the bed. "You know you can talk to me right?"

"I know, and there's nothing to talk ab-"

"Do you remember the promise?" She interrupts. I try to think about it but she just continues. "We had promised that we would always be there for each other. Especially after mom died." She holds my hand and I feel a bit at ease.

"When you're ready, I'll be ready to listen." She gets up and leaves me with my thoughts...

My place in this whole...picture is becoming more and more clear now. But the outcome isn't what I signed up for. Savitar....Hereties, they're coming for the real Rose, and I'm afraid I can't do anything but play my part in all of this, either as the hero or the vill-

My thoughts are cut short as I see the main room decorated, like a Christmas elf threw up all over it. "What in the holy night?" H.R. was standing there smiling with a cup of coffee in one hand and a strawberry milk in the other. "You seem to be in a daze for the past few weeks, so I figured this would cheer you up. You know after the aliens physically scalping you, and leaving you brain-de-okay you look angry. Here you go." He hands me the milk and I sigh.

I don't really know why Rose stomachs this junk.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, which tells me that Barry was close by. So I do what I've been doing for the past few weeks. Avoid him.

I leave out of the room and find Iris. "Hey." I feel Barry coming and I duck under the table and put the sheet in front of me. "Iris have you seen Rose? H.R. said she went in here."

"Uh, no. You just missed her." I hear him leave and Iris kneels down pulling back the sheet. "You know you can't avoid him forever." She helps me up and I nod.

"I know but I just...don't want to." She gives me a concerned look. "Why, Rose? Ever since you were rescued you haven't been able to be in the same room as Barry. You know pushing him away isn't the answer. He loves you."

He loves her, not me.

"Iris, do you ever think about what the big picture is? What would the world be like if I never existed?" Iris frowns. "Wh-"

A beeping noise occurs indicating that trouble is happening. "Gotta go." I go into the main room and Cisco tells us about a fire happening. Wally looked happy that he could finally help, Barry on the other hand?

"Rose can we have a second."

"No, we need to help take out the fire, and train Wally." I get my suit and take off towards the trouble.

As Wally and Barry run beneath me, I flap my wings hard and start to dive but in my reflection I see my face becoming distorted.

I shake out of it but when I do, I find myself about to hit the ground. I pull up, hitting my foot against someone's car and my back hits a building. Wally and Barry both begin to stop but I wave them off.

"Go! I'll catch up." I yell. They nod and I land catching my breathe.

As I look across and see the fire being taken care of, I notice something on my arms. I see white scars and I blink. They were gone. "My mind must be playing tricks on me. And clearly it's not funny." I mutter.

I decide to go check on my sleeping beauty. When I get to the house, I go right to the closet and see she's still sleeping inside. "Thank God.."

"I don't remember doing anything requiring your thanks." I look in the mirror and there was Hereties. I turn but no one was there.

"Stop, this isn't real. She's not real." I hear heavy breathing and before I could react, I feel something strike my chest.

"Sleeping awake now, you bitch." I hear her whisper against my ear and she pushes me off. I cough up blood and hold my bloody chest.

"St--" Rose winces in pain and white marking crawl across her face. "You did this! You made her have easy access to me! Now you won't get anymore chances, to lock me up in my own closet!" She raise her hand and I feel my back break. I spurt out blood and she covers her left eye with her hand.

"They all die. They die because of me..." I feel my body going limp. Rose stands over me and behind her I can see Hereties smiling. "You started the white plague." I feel my finally breathe pass my lips and--


As I drag my doppelgänger into the prison she kept me in, catch my reflection in the mirror and I shy away from it.

I'm sick, not just physically but mentally as well. Why? Because that monster put the sickness inside of me.


My hand trembles as the images of my sister dying floats in and out of my head. "Can't let that happen, can't let that happen, I can't let that happen." I feel myself dry heave and I hold my stomach as I feel the white markings on my skin, continue to burn me.

"S...S.T.A.R. Labs. I have to get to S.T.A.R. Labs..." I hold myself as I get to the roof and unfurl my wings, letting the wind catch them. They glide me to where I need to go and I land, holding myself.




I begin the dry heave and yack up whatever was in my body for the past nine months. I wipe my lips and manage to get inside of the building.

"Ca...Caitlyn!" I scream her name and collapse in the hallway. I hear footsteps, and as I lay there looking at the ceiling, I get images rushing to my head.

My sister dying, as I'm forced to watch. I slaughter my family and friends. And lastly, I destroy Earth-1.

The markings scorch my skin and I see someone running in my peripheral vision. "Rose? Oh God." I turn and my vision blurs, but I know it's Caitlyn. I know I'm in good hands.


I sit there with Caitlyn shunning a light in my eyes and I want to tell her my eyes are fine, it's my stomach that wants to devour all the food I see. "Tell me again." I sigh and open my mouth for her to check. Once she's done I go on.

"The person you all thought of as me, wasn't me. She was from the Flashpoint, another doppelgänger, so to speak. Anyways she had came here to ruin my life by putting me to sleep for the past nine months-"

"Which explains why you're extremely malnourished." My stomach grumbles and I side eye her. "I'm sick, Caitlyn like there's something wrong with my head and this." I point the to white marking on my arm and on the side of my neck. "I'll need skin samples to see how to treat that. This may hurt." She gives me a shot and I barley flinch.

"Caitlyn I can't feel that." She frowns and removes the needle, applying pressure afterwards. "What do you mean you can't feel that?" I look down at her supplies and grab the scalpel. Before she could stop me I stab the middle of my palm, making her scream.

I hold my hand up showing her, that I don't feel it. I take out the scalpel and she moves the rest of her equipment away from me.

I show her the already closing wound and she looks at me dumbfounded. "I know you and Barry heal fast but-"

"That was insanely fast? Yeah I know. There's this other thing I want to talk to you about. I've had these bad drea-"

I hear someone walk in and turn to see my dad. I want to jump off of the table and hug him but I don't.

"What happened? You were out there wth Wally and Barry and no-" I hop off of the table and glare at him.


"You're my father and you didn't even know you were looking at the wrong person the whole time."

"Rose-" I glare at Caitlyn and she goes quiet. "What are you taking about?"

"Tell me, dad. Did I drink any strawberry milk in front of you? Read any good comics? Did I check on you at the precinct?" He was about to answer but stops.

I scoff and back away from him. "No one knew that she wasn't me. All of you just kept going on with your lives, laughing and joking as I had to face my biggest fears over and over. Do you know I got a vision of me coming into the CCPD not moving a muscle, but everyone gets their brain melted, why? Because I thought of it? Or how about a vision of me looking you dead in the face and snapping your neck."

"Calm down." I look at Caitlyn after she said that. "No, you all forgot about me, while I was in hell. Burning for my sins." I look back at my father and I see fear in his eyes. I turn in enough time to see the scalpel I had, was in the air and aimed at him. I snatch it down and go sit far away from those two.

I place my head between my knees and take long deep breathes and exhale.

"I'm a good person. I'm a good person. I'm a good person." I chant over and over. I hear everyone's voices and my body just can't take facing everyone and being disappointed. So I get up and decide to get food and take a walk.

I was at big belly burger, drinking the largest strawberry milkshake I could get my hands on, and eating a big steak burger. My teeth tore into that meat like a carnivorous beast and I didn't care.

You try not having food for as long as I have and watch all your food etiquette fly out the damn window.

"Are you enjoying your food?" My waitress, Tammy, asks. I just nod and slurp down my shake. "Can I get a refill?" She nods and leaves to get me another milkshake.

As I grab some steak sauce, I feel someone stand by my table. "I don't want to, see you, Bartholomew."

"You must be really angry to call me by my full name." When I look up at him, my heart flutters. My palms get sweaty and my tongue gets caught on the roof of my mouth.

I'm in love with him, but angry because he didn't know.

"Cait, told us everything." Tammy then comes over with my shake and I give her a polite smile. "Thank you."

"Oh, hello sir. Would you like anything today?" Barry shakes his head and she leaves us. As he goes to talk I take a long slurp of my milkshake.

He sighs and takes it from me. "Bartholomew..."

"I'll give this back when you listen. And no telepathy tricks, we're in a room full of people." He's got a point.

"Before you speak, just know I'm angry. Angry because you probably kissed her, looked at her with those loving eyes of yours and thought, this is the woman I want for the rest of my life. That hurts me. I'm hurt and I'm not afraid to show that."

He nods showing he understands. "And you're particularly right. But I did notice the little things, like when I kissed her, she didn't kiss me back like you would. When I looked at her from across the room, she didn't give me that smile like you would. She didn't make a joke in a bad situation like you would. She didn't read a comic book when the whole team was debating on the next plan of action and you just knew what to do. I noticed she didn't crave strawberry milk morning, noon and night like you would, and most of all, when I laid in bed at night, all I could think about was why doesn't she want me as much as I want her right now?"

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Fuck, I'm tearing up.

I use my sleeves and wipe my eyes.

"Deep down, Rose. I knew it wasn't you. I just didn't want to think that you weren't by my side this whole time,'re my other half. And I wanted to feel whole." I get up from my side of the table and slide in next to him.

"Bartholomew Henry Allen. All I could think about as I was trapped in my mind, was you. Being with you. Seeing you smile. Waking up beside you. I love you so much it hurts. But that's the pain I can handle. The pain that comes with love." He leans in and so do I.

I feel his hand on my face and in the first time in months, I actually feel something. "I love you. And I'm so-" I kiss him and he kisses me back. My body shivers in a way only he can make it.

We hear a few people whoop and holler and we move back.

I blush and so does Barry. I get up and go sit across from him again. "Bartholomew."

"You're still mad at me?" I smirk at him. "Give me my shake back and I'll call you Barry again." He rolls his eyes but smiles and hands it over.

As I take a drink my fourth shake, Barry tells me about everything I miss and the new people I haven't met yet.

"So, H.R?"

"Harry's replacement. He's from earth-19. He's nod a genius, but he has his charms." I nod. "And Wally has powers?"

"He's Kidflash." I laugh. "Sounds like something I would call him."'

"It's a name everyone is getting use to."

"...Julian was a, excuse my French, an asshole, now he's a friend and on team flash. Caitlyn had killer frost powers and is still fighting it, Savitar is the new bad guy, but also Hereties, thanks for my info. And we're back at it as a crime fighting duo."

"That all sounds about right, but are you sure you're up for all of this?" I look down at the white marking on my arm and roll my sleeve down.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. Besides Caitlyn is working on something for this. Which I hope can be made soon cause this thing hurts."

"May I?" Barry asks. I offer him my arm and he examines it. "I wonder what this is."

"No clue, but it spreading all over my body..."

•Caitlyn's Pov•

"Cisco, can you come here for a minute?" I call out to him. "Sure what's up?" Cisco asks as he walks into the room. "Can you just come look at this sample?"

He nods and looks at it then backs up. "Okay, that's looks freaky, what is that?"

"It's Rose's blood sample. I thought that it was something meta-human related and it is...sort of."

"What do you mean by sort of?" I motion him over to Rose's blood sample from last year. "See this?" He looks and nods. "Yeah, that's a meta-human normal blood sample. But that?"

"Cisco, I think she's evolving."

"Evolving? Caitlyn she's not a Pokémon." He says as a joke but I wasn't laughing. "I'm serious. Her pain tolerance is higher than the average meta-human. Also, these white makings on her skin, it's almost like a hard coating, like a armor of some sort."

"Wait, so if that's true, is she evolving into a more bad ass version of herself? Or?" I purse my lips and look at her weird blood sample again.

"That's the thing, Cisco. I have no clue what she's evolving into...."

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