Chapter-9) The Wrath Of Gods Among Us

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•Rose's Pov•

Life has been one twist and turn after another. To speed you up on my life over the past month, my markings keep getting worse, a girl named Gypsy, like Cisco had threatened to take H.R. from us. Luckily that issue was resolved. Plus my sister almost disintegrate because of some Meta human named Clive Yorkin from Flashpoint.

Oh, and everyone is helping Barry get faster, which Julian thinks is impossible but clearly he hasn't been with us for the first two seasons. Insert eye roll.

Anyways I'm having lunch with my sister and she seems distant. "Iris?" My sister was looking down at her latte and I frown.

"Iris?" She snaps out of it and gives me a smile. "Hmm?"

"You okay?" She nods and take a sip of her now cold latte. "Yeah, I'm good. How about you? You haven't told Barry abo-"

"Nope, that is something else to worry about. Besides I don't even think it's true. Like who cares about puking in the morning. I puke when I eat too many slim jims. And craving French toast is a thing. I crave food all the time."

"Yeah you do, so are you going to tell dad?"

"Absolutely not, I'd rather tell him about you

My sister mock gasps. "Rose-" I scoff and chuckle. "I'm only kidding, besides you're not dying. You're going to be there for another birthday, another Christmas-"

"And possibly my niece or nephew being born."

"It may be twins." I mutter. "What?"

"Nothing, hey are you going to eat that?" I snag her bagel before she could answer and take a huge bite so I can't touch that subject.


Since we've caught up somewhat let's go to the present.

Barry had fixed our door, after our no touch meta problem and I had to say the door was nicer than the last.

"This baby is going to be way better than the last door. I added three extra locks." I chuckle as I pat the seat on the couch next to me.

"Is three extra locks really necessary?" He sits down next to me and I place my legs on his lap.

"Well, Cisco did offer to build us a custom security door, but we both seen how well those things keep people out of S.T.A.R. Labs. So..."

"I like deadbolts. Deadbolts work."

"Yeah. It's just with, everything that's going on, I want to make sure you feel safe."

"I do. You make me feel, safe and loved and happy, Barry Allen. We're going to find a way to save Iris. And stop Savitar. And once that is all settled, we can plan for the future. Like a wedding. Honeymoon. Maybe a few kids someday."

Barry smiles at that. "All of that sounds wonderful, all because it's with the woman I love. I can just imagine our kids running all over this place. Hopefully they won't be speedsters." I place my hand on my stomach and smile to myself.

"Who knows." Barry goes to kiss me but it was interrupted by a call from dad.

"Almost forgot we're going to be meeting Cecile and her daughter." Barry says as he goes to answer the phone...

Dad was excited for Iris, Barry, Wally and I to meet with Cecile and her daughter, Joanie we were at Jitters for drinks and dad was passing out what we had ordered.

"French roast for Cecile."

"Thank you." He then passes Joanie her drink. "Non-dairy green tea latte for Joanie. You not much of a coffee drinker, Joanie?" My dad asks as sits down.

"Well, I used to be, but then I learned Hot roasted coffee beans contain cancer causing levels of acrylamide. They're even showing signs that it could be in milk product."

After she said that everyone at the table looks at me as I'm about to take a huge gulp of my strawberry milk. "I'm just here for a good time, not for a long time." I then proceed to drink my milk.

Barry smiles at me and then asks Joanie a question. "Uh, Joanie, Cecile says you're at Coast U?" She nods. "Mm, what are you studying?" I ask her.

"I'm undecided." She answers. "Are you leaning towards anything?" Iris asks.

"Not really." More silence. As the conversation plays around the table I look at my phone and skim a comic book.

I almost get really into it until I heard, Joanie was a huge kid flash fan.

"Kid flash is the one thing you miss about central city?" Barry ass with a chuckle. "Whoa, Barry, slow down. You don't have to be so skeptical about it. Kid flash is cool. What do you like best about him, specifically?" Wally asks.

"Well he's fearless. He's brave. And he's a hero, he's probably pretty cute under that mask to."

"Oh, I would agree. Though I think the Avenging Angel is cuter."

"I like her too. She's like so cool and she has a feel about her that just makes her awesome." I look at Wally when she says that and smirk.

"Well I'm all for the Flash." Cecile comments. We nod and I look at dad as he takes a long drink.

"So dad, if you had to choose, whose team would you be on? Flash, Kid Flash, or Avenging Angel?" Iris asks. We all look at him and I sigh.

"Who is your favorite dad?" I ask as I bat my lashes. "All three are my favorite. All three of them do great things for Central City."

"But Joe if you had to choose, who would it be?" Joanie presses.

"I--I don't think I could choose."

"Oh come on dad. It's not like you're choosing your favorite child here." I say in a tone that makes Wally, Barry and I raise a brow.

"Vincent, how about you go get me some cream." My dad hands me the cup and I nod.

"Sure father, and when I get back. We should definitely continue this conversation." I chuckle and walk off to get my dad his cream that I'm sure he didn't need.

"Cream please." I say to Tiffany at the counter. As I wait, I look back at the comic on my phone.

"Rose West." I look up to see a figure at the door. I put my phone down and frown.

Why are they covering their face?

"Do I know you?" Without any warning they look me in the eye and I go flying across the room.

I was sure my back was about to smack the wall but Flash was there just in time. "Are you okay?" I nod and he places me down.

"Everyone go! Get out of here!" Flash tells them. Everyone takes off running. "Barry something is off with them." I whisper.

"Stand down, or I'll shoot!" Dad yells from up top. The figure looks at him and I see them smile with their eyes.

"Dad!" The figure sends a table his way and thankfully Flash gets to him in time to block him.

"Stop! Please, just stop!"

"Rose West, how can I stop when the story has begun. Tick. Tock, your family doesn't have much time left."

The figure winks at me and phases through the floor.

Strangely I feel like I know who it was but I can't put my finger on it.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs we were telling the others what had happened.

"This person, whoever they were. Something was off with their eyes. Like when they looked at me I felt like I was staring into a black hole." I shutter thinking about the eyes and Barry comforts me.

"Rose, I think you should stay here. At least until Barry and Wally can stop whoever is coming after you." I shake my head.

"No, I don't want them involved."

"Rose this isn't up for discussion. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to do my part in this and-"

"Dad, please tell me your aren't going to see if you can find this lunatic."

"Iris, that Meta was after your sister. I may not be a speedster but I'll be damned if I sit around."

"Dad, didn't you hear what the Meta said?"

"Iris don't." I warn her. She looks at me and gives me a sad smile. "Rose, he needs to know."

"I need to know what? What's going on?"

"Dad, the Meta said that this family didn't have much time, and they were talking about me."

"What do you mean, by that Iris?"

I don't want to be in here. I don't want to be in here. I chant in my head.

When Iris tells him about my visions he looked right at me and I felt like I was a little girl again. A little girl who disappointed their father.

"'re telling me, that in a few die?" Iris nods and Wally walks over to him.

"Unless we can change the future, dad." Dad moves away from him and he walks to me, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Jo-" Barry tries to call out but he ignores him.

"How long has everyone but me, have known about this, Rose?" I was silent. "How long!" He snapped and I jump.

"A couple of weeks ago..." I answer. "I'm just finding this out now? That's your sister!"

"Dad, we didn't want you to have to worry-"

"No, Iris! This is not what you do. You do not keep this kind of secret from your own father. And you? You know better. You grew up under my roof and you know how things are. You know what your sister means to mean. What all of my children mean to me. I'm sorry but I can't even look at you right now." With that, dad left leaving me feeling empty.

My father has never hit me before, but after that talk, it sure feels like a slap to the face...


It's been four days and the nightmares are getting worse. I keep dreaming of the figures eyes and I keep seeing Savitar kill my sister on repeat.

"Rose! Rose wake up!" Barry was shaking me and I get up breathing heavy. "You were talking in your sleep again." Barry says as he ruffles his bed head. "I'm sorry. I'll be right back, I need milk." I get out of bed before Barry could stop me and open the window. I take a leap and my instincts tells me go find him.

Go find my dad and ask him for forgiveness.

I knock on his window moments later. I had almost left until he opened his window. "Rose, do you know what time it is?"

"Dad, I know it's early, but I wanted to talk to you."

"Can we talk when there's at least some sun out?" I push my way in and hug him. "Rose-"

"I'm not letting go. I'm not letting go until I know you don't hate me." He sighs and hugs me back. "Rose, I don't hate you. I was just disappointed that all of you kept this secret from me."

"I know you're disappointed, but we just thought that this would be a better way. And now I know we were wrong. You're always so willing to fight the worse battles for us that we wanted to do the same for you." Dad smiles at me and kisses my head.

"Sometimes I forget you're not my little baby anymore. Always hanging on my leg. Always begging me to read you stories. You're the hero now. You, Barry and Wally."

"This hero is saying she needs her dad to chase the boogie man away." Dad chuckles at that. "I don't think you'll need me, like you think you do."

"Yes, I do. We all do, and that boogie man is Savitar. I want to stop him from taking Iris away from us. He's not going to kill my sister."

"No, he isn't. Not if this family can stop him."


After all the chaos going on and my training, I was sitting on the couch with Jessie trying to explain to her the setting for Casablanca.

"...we can watch something else if you want." I offer. She takes the remote and turns the television off and turns to me.

"Or we don't have to watch anything at all." I smirk at her and we both kiss each other. She then leans back and smiles.

"You know what I could go for?"


"Big belly burger." She whispers. "Wow. Ow." I fake clench my chest. "Thank you." Jessie says as I get up and go get her some food. "I'll be right back." I give her a kiss on the lips before I go and run to Big belly burger.

Once I get to the building I was about to go in but I see white light in the corner of my eye and see Savitar and Hereties.

They both lunge at me and I fall back. When I blink. They were gone....

I don't know what happened last night but I don't mention it to the others, and definitely not to Rose.

I was running against, Barry, and Jessie while Rose was keeping track of us with the others at S.T.A.R. Labs.

When I make it to the simulator I hear my sister cheer.

"0.21 seconds! Wally you beat your fastest speed!" I smile hearing Rose and Barry pats me on the back. "We're both proud of you." I feel good until I look on a rooftop and see Savitar and Hereties standing there.

I shake my head and, again. They were gone. "You okay?"

"Yeah, Jessie. I'm fine. I'm just excited that I'm faster enough now to save Iris from Savitar."

"We all are, Wally. We all are." Barry praises.


All I could do was think about seeing those two when Rose came over and hugged me. "I'm so proud of you!" I hug her back and get out of my thoughts. "Thank you, thank you. It was you and Barry really who helped me get faster."

"Awe, you hear that, Barr? I feel like a proud mom. Come here lemme pinch those cute cheeks." I swat my sister's hands away as I laugh and Cisco came in.

"There's a three-alarm fire in the Raab building. Fire department is evacuating it now."

"Ready to go?" Rose asks me. I nod. Her, Barry and I all suit up and head to the location.

Rose flies ahead of us, while Barry and I take a short cut through an alleyway.

Just as I was about to turn the corner I get snatched back, by my throats and thrown into the wall.

"Hello, Wallace." Hereties looks at me with her crazy eyes and I'm frozen in fear. "Looks like he needs a jump start, why don't you do the honors, my lord." She says to Savitar.

"With pleasure." He punches me square in the face and I go flying. I get up and try to fight back. But Hereties grabs my throats and begins to squeeze.

"Pathetic speedster. I could simply squeeze and your life would be over. Fortunate for you, you're not the sibling we want. Though hurting you will make Rose and Barry hurt."

Just as I thought she was going to snap my neck, Rose was right in front of me along with Barry.

"Wally. What's wrong? What's happening?"

"Where'd they go?" I get up and look around to see if they were really gone.

"Who?" Rose asks me. "Where are they!"

"Wally, calm down. Talk to us."

"Savitar and Hereties." I answer...

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs Caitlyn was checking my vitals to make sure I was okay.

"I feel fine." I tell her.

"So now, Savitar and Hereties are mind-pulling you. Oh boy. This never stops stopping." Cisco chuckles but stops when he sees Rose glaring at him.

"How long has this been going on, Wally?" Barry questions. "Like a week."

Rose scoffs. "A week and you're now telling us?"

"Rose, I'm sorry. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what this was. I thought that this was just maybe in my head. You know, I wasn't looking at it like I was keeping it to myself."

"But that's exactly what you did though, Wally. You did keep it to yourself, and with both Savitar and Hereties, that's not something we can do. This is Iris' life we're talking about."

"Yes, I know that, Barry."

"Do you, though, Wally?" Rose snaps. I notice the white markings start to crawl across her temple and I take a step back.

"Yes." Jessie stands between us.

"Until now, you only saw them right?"

"Yeah, this was the first time it was physical."

"Wally, they weren't there! Okay? You weren't fighting them. They were messing with your head. It was all in your mind." Rose says in a stern voice.

"Why don't I run a brain scan on Wally, see if his brain waves are functioning normally." Caitlyn offers.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Wally shouldn't be in here anyways." Barry says as he stands up.

I was about to speak but dad steps in.

"Barry, he knows he messed up."

"Dad, that's not what this is about, okay? Look, it's..If Savitar and Hereties are using Wally, how do we know they aren't spying on us through Wally right now?"

I scoff at my sister. "Wally, we don't know how this works. How do we know they can't see and hear everything were doing? Look, you're out."

"Really Rose? I'm out?"

"You're out. End of discussion." I was about to snap on Rose but she walks away from me and I just leave.

I was running and running and running to get my mind off of that ridiculous talk with Rose and Barry. But I just can't help but feel that maybe they are right to not have me involved.

"You can go faster than that, Wally. Run!" H.R. yells as I keep running. I come to a stop and he calls time.

"That was, uh...good." I shake my head. "I was fast enough this morning, why do I feel like I'm getting slowly all of a sudden?"

"You're in your head. You gotta get out of your head, man. You gotta just run, you gotta push everything else to the side."

"Yeah, I'm trying, H.R. I can't do it!" I snap at him. He gives me some space and I pace a bit.

"Okay, Wally. Why not?"

"I don't know." I sit down and try to think. "I do. You're afraid. Which is...totally understandable. I mean if I were in your shoes, I'd be terrified. But you can't run from a place of fear, all right? Nobody can do anything effectively coming from a place of fear. Trust me, I know."

"Savitar and Hereties can both get inside of my head. What am I suppose to do if they do that at the wrong time? It sure would be a lot easier if I just knew exactly how that night went." I say thinking about Rose's dream.

"Boy would it ever." H.R. says with a scoff. We then share a look. "Are you picking up what I'm putting down?" I nod and we both go to see what Rose saw.

We go to Cisco and tell him the plan.

"No way. I'm not gonna vibe you there for you to watch one of your sister's die and the other go all glow worm."

"Okay, just-just-just-This is to help Wallace. To help him see what happens so he knows what to do in the moment."

" come on, Cisco, please. If Savitar and Hereties are coming and I'm the only one that can save Iris and Rose. I have to do everything I can to make sure that happens."

"And you're sure you want to do that? Because this is not something you can unsee, Wally." Cisco says sternly. "If this is gonna help me save my sister's, yeah. I have to see it. Please."

"Okay, if you have to see it...come on down be my guest." Cisco leads the way and I follow along with H.R.

"H.R. You know how this works, right?"

"Of course, Francisco. I know how to work this. Yeah." We both look at H.R. and he sighs. "If anything goes wrong, I will get Caitlyn down here ASAP. Now go. I know what I'm doing. I was down here last time. All I gotta do is do this." Surprisingly he actually got it semi right.

"You have to wait for us to be over there."

"Right, okay chop chop." We both go to the spot we needed to be and Cisco takes a deep breathe.

We vibe to Rose's dream and I feel a bit unease. "Wanna give it a light touch next time, H.R.!" Cisco snaps.

"Sorry! Really sorry." We hear him say. Cisco and I then walk on.

We get to the part where Rose was being held by someone. "...please don't do this." I hear my sister plead. "Okay, so that's the distance I need to cover." I say more to myself.

I then see Barry try to run towards Iris but Savitar stabs her right in the back and the pain I feel was unbearable.

Rose was screaming and before I could get any closer, she was glowing pure white.

The person who was holding Rose, their hood falls and I see who it was.

"That's not possible. It's not possibl-" My sister screams to the point that the ground cracks beneath us and Cisco grabs a hold of me.

"Come on!" Cisco vibes us back and I'm shaking.

"Wally-" Cisco tried to talk to me but I shake my head and step back from him and H.R. "Wally, what did you see?"

"I couldn't see anything, that white light coming off of Rose was pretty intense." Cisco commented as he rubbed his eyes.

"I...I gotta go." I go to look for Rose and find her in the lab, she was sitting there thinking.

"Rose, you and I need to talk." She looks up at me and I see she's scared. "Wally I don't want to talk right now."

"Well that's too bad, you need to tell me who Hereties is." She gives me a genuine confused look.

"I don't know who she is."

Does she really not know? Or...?

"She's-" Before I could get the words out I get this headache in the front of my brain.


"Wally are you okay?" Rose reaches for me but I back up. "I'm fine. I'll be right back."

"Oh...kay..." I leave out and down the hall I see mom.

"Come Wally." I know this isn't real. A trick, of some sort. But this feels real. She looks real.

"Mom?" She nods and holds her hand out to me. "You know you're never alone, sweetheart." I hear someone else call my name. Maybe Jesse? But I ignore her and leave out of the building.

I follow her outside and I feel my heart break when she speaks again. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too." I hug her and this has to be real. Her scent is just like I remembered as a kid.

"I'm so proud of you. Of what you're trying to become." She says as she holds me face. "That's all I want. I just want you to be proud of me."

"I am, son. I'm so very, very proud. But you have to stop."

"What? Why, mom?" She purses her lips. "You're working so hard. You don't see how dangerous it is. Son, you're not fast enough. You never will be." I take a step back from her touch.

"But I cant- -I can't stop I have to save Iris and-" She shakes her head and I know this isn't real.

"You're in my head again." I feel a tear drop and my fake mother smiles. "They don't give you enough credit for that big brain of yours, little brother." Slowly she morphed into a sadistic version of Rose and she pulls her hood up.

"Too bad, I don't like you enough to care." I try to take a step back but her eyes glow and I'm moved into her right grip.

"Let's go have some sibling bonding shall we?" She flies off and I hear Jesse scream my name.

I try to fight her but she holds my throat tighter and keeps flying.

We land in an abandoned area she throws me. "Poor Wallace. I bet you were shocked to see me in the dream." She laughs and I scramble to my feet. "You can't be alive. Rose got rid of you last year."

"She did, and I was like her. Pure, good, I was an exact copy. I wanted her to accept me. To love me. But you all didn't want her to love me. So I tried to show you all that I was her equal and I deserved to be with her. But no, you were jealous and you all had her send me away. Do you know where that little fucker sent me?" Before I could answer she flaps her wings and I see a large glowing breach behind her.

"She sent me to hell. But not just any hell. She sent me to my own personal hell. I swear I was going crazy. So fucking crazy. Seeing all of your faces. But yours caused me the most pain. All because mom kept you. And she dumped me."

"But you're not re-" She snapped at me. "Dad was perfect Detective Joe West. Iris was beautiful and Barry was smart. Me? I didn't fit in. I never fit in! And you always reminded me why. Because I was just a copy of Rose. Well guess what Wally. Welcome to hell!" She screams and I dodge away from her.

"You are pathetic, Wallace! You want to be like the Flash. You want to be a hero, but you're the fake! Not me!" She flaps her wings and I go flying but thankfully I catch ground and dodge the breach.

"Is that the best you got? You freak!" I taunt her. She then smirks and does something strange. She lands and kneels.

"What are you-" I feel a cold metal hand grab me and throw me towards the breach. "No!!" I look and see Barry and Rose both coming towards me.

"No!" Rose flew to me and I try to reach my hand out. But it was too late, the breach sucks me up and I scream as I enter my own personal hell...



So I celebrated my 25th birthday last week (oct. 6th) and I'm going to watch the new flash this week, ahhh you guys are gonna flip when I finish season 3 get your tissues ready...

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