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  Peter woke up, eyes straining from a bright light gleaming from above. He shifted to his side as he turned his head from the light. A finger poked him in the stomach, which made him decide now was a good time to wake up. As his eyes adjust to the light he looks around to see a tired looking Tony Stark in the corner of the room sitting in a chair. Turning his head towards the unknown stomach poker to see an anxious and curious Lucas crouched down next to him.
   Peter raised a questioning eyebrow as they stared down at him. A small nervous smile spread across Lucas's face as Tony walked over to them.

"Hey bud, you were out for a while, do you know what happened, we found you soaked past out in the cold".  Tony gave him a suspicious yet relieved smile. Peter was nervous, if he were to tell Tony what happened he would have to say what Flash did. Peter gave a nervous sigh and shook his head no. Tony put his hands on his  hips  and sighed he turned his head upwards and spoke to his AI in a rough, exasperated manner.
   "Friday, what happened with peter and why was he soaking wet?" Peter let his head fall into his hands as his anxiety shot through the roof.
  "According to Karen peter had been walking out of the building when a large industrial sized bucket of water was dumped on him. His spider half had difficulty in regulating his body heat and thus he passed out. Though it should be said that even a normal human would have trouble if dealing with the same conditions". Tony gave Peter the angry dad look as he rubbed his temples and sighed. Lucas gave his stomach another gentle poke. Which brought Peter's attention back to the concerned teen still crouched next to him. Lucas stared at him before he let out a small whisper asking for a hug, which Peter more than happily obliged to. Right as Peter  released Lucas from his hold he was hit with a sudden realization.
" karen you snitch!" Peter spoke not quite yelling but raising his voice just a bit. Lucas laughed at this, letting out small giggles as he glanced at Peter's expression of complete and utter betrayal. Tony let out a breathy laugh before he became lost in thought. Lucas and peter began to leave the room, so they could let the others know that peter was okay. As Peter left Tony took notice of the phone sitting on the bed. Peter's cell, Tony picked up the phone and looked through the contacts. After memorizing the few contacts he had been looking for, as well as being surprised by a few he found, Tony placed the phone back on the bed. He then went too his room with his newly obtained information silently, he had some calls to make.

Peter and Lucas were met by the concerned expressions of the avengers and Bucky, and Peter was hugged over and over by the excited group of well trained fighters. Peter laughs happily as he is soffecated by them. Soon Peter was telling the group what had happened to him though he had been leaving out some parts, or individuals. Only for those details to be brought up by a slightly disgruntled vision who had been informed by karen. Leaving peter to try and prevent the murder of a teenage boy. Which he was semi successful in giving Lucas an exasperated plea for help, all the while he giggled uncontrollably at him. Tha is until he was pulled into a huge group hug he stiffened at first but soon relaxed into the hug. Still happily giggling in there hold.

They spent a couple minutes like that before settling down on the couches to watch a movie. Not long after they were joined by a smirking Tony and a happy Pepper. They spent the rest of the evening like this and were even joined later by a happy may parker. The group was content and happy.

The next day was seemingly going to be an average day for peter and Lucas that is until they were met with Layla, Ned, MJ, and the most surprising was a certain individual who was wearing a mask and beany to cover a very familiar scared face. Peter had to blink twice before looking down to Lucas who was just as confused by this new turn of events.
   "Hey Wade what are you doing here?" Peter asked absolutely confused. The other group break out in grins. Little giggles escaped from them. The Wade stepped forward and placed a gentle hand one his shoulder rubbing his shoulder with his thumb as he speaks.
  "Me and a few others received a few calls from an unexpected individual who gave us some considerably upsetting information and made an offer to us, which let's just say most of us took without hesitation." He said giving peter a wink. Peter stared him down then was hit with a sudden realization.
  "Wait what do you mean, who were you called by, who else did they call? What are you supposed to do?" Peter spoke up, confused and surprised. Wade who was obviously trying to process the sentence that just left his boyfriend's mouth. Letting out a little laugh as he tried to grasp the question s.
  "Pete, calm down, I was called by Tony and he told me about your little water situation. He asked me and a few more people around our age to attend school with you guys. As for who he else called I have no idea." Wade said as quickly as he could so Peter wouldn't end up interrupting him halfway through. They watched as Peter processed what Wade just told him. They all watched as Peter's eyes slowly lit up with understanding then shifted to that of confusion or surprise. It was sometimes hard to tell with Peter and then he intelligent response to what the other had said being.
   "Wait, Tony, called you!"  Which got a chuckle in response. Wade nodded as peter processed what his boyfriend just told him. They stood there in a comfortable silence until they were interrupted by the bell.
  "Oh shit, we better get going before we're late!" Wade said as the group scattered too their respective classes. The last thought Peter had was, who else did Tony call.


Yo I'm back for a while and I am so excited to see y'all are excited to read this. I will try to update again tomorrow and mabey update the one shot book again today. If you have requests comment them otherwise please enjoy the story's I've got published. Thank you so much for the support.

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