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   Peter led Wade,Layla, and Lucas through the hall. Wade knew his way around he just liked being behind so that he knew where they all were. The first person they met was Thor. Peter waved him over from where he was in the lunch area.
"Hello small one's, who are you?" Thor questioned in the small booming voice he naturally had. This made Lucas flinch a little at due to his volume. Thor notice this immediately and in a softer voice apologized for his volume.
  "Well this here is Lucas, he is Tony's son he's still a bit shy so just give him time." Peter spoke as Lucas gave a shy smile and wave. Layla gave Thor a huge grin and in a very happy manner putting out her hand out for a handshake. Thor let out a loud laugh as he took her hand happily. They spoke with each other for a good while before they decided that they should introduce them to the others. So they said bye and began to make their way to the training room.
  On their way there they bumped into  none other than Loki. Peter greeted him with a cheerful smile. Loki looked at the group skeptically but decided that there was no need for him to be that way.
"Hello there, I'm Layla it's nice to meet you." Layla grinning though this time she did not put her hand out for a handshake. Though she did give an excited wave. Which he returned though a bit a lot less excitedly.
"Hello it's nice to meet you my name is Lucas, Tony Stark has recently adopted me." Lucas spike giving Loki a soft smile. Loki gave peter a knowing look which he intern received a small smile from Peter.
  "Well I must inform you that my pronouns have a tendency to vary from day to day." This caused Lucas to brighten up a bit. Cautiously Lucas spoke up up a bit to make sure he was heard by the taller male.
  "Umm than what are you're pronouns at the moment?" Lucas spoke shakily though he had more confidence as he spoke. Loki smiled at the person in front of him and spoke in his naturally calm voice.
  "He/him the general pronouns meant for a male, and you?" Loki said questioning Lucas. Loki could tell Lucas was anxious however, he was also able to tell that he was building up some of his confidence as he adjusted himself to his new situation. A small grin spreads across his face as Lucas looks him in the eye with a confident smile and a happy voice
  "I personally go by he/him or any other male pronouns." Loki continued his small smile as he spoke to Lucas the same way he did with the rest of teens.
  "Loki of Asgard it's a pleasure." Lucas smiled and the group began to travel towards the training room. Loki following along adding his own opinion and comments now and then. As they enter the training  room they see Clint, Bucky, Steve and Nat who paused to see the small group enter.
    "Hey there, who might you all be?" Steve spoke to the group happily. Layla smiled but didn't anything yet as someone else spoke up In a cautious voice.
  "Hi I'm Lucas I am Tony and Pepper's newly adopted son." His voice was hesitant as he spoke with a nervous smile. One by one each of the avengers in the room as well as Bucky,he was not technically an avenger but still part of the makeshift family, introduced themselves. And of course Layla gave her at this point signature handshake to each one.
  For an hour the group talked only to be interrupted by a tired scientist and a multicolored Ai cyborg. As they entered the room the scientist gave the group of teens and gown adults who were huddled together hunched as they talked about an unknown topic. This time though before anyone can ask or answer a question the floating ai known as vision speaks first.
   "Hello there you must be Lucas, Tony and Pepper newly adopted son as well as a close friend by the name of Layla, am I correct?" The two smiled and nodded as an answer and walked over towards with Peter,Wade, and Loki following closely behind them. Banner held out his hand fist and greeted them they talked for a while and soon lost track of time and realized it was around nine thirty so they decided to head to bed.
   Wade went home on his own and peter decided that he would stay the night. Happy drive Layla home. Lucas was shown to an empty room next to Peter's. Lucas soon fell asleep as the events of the day slowly caught up to him. Peter on the other hand started some work before going to bed.

   The weekend passed quickly as the Stark household was busy. They were setting things up. Lucas was more comfortable when being introduced to everyone.
  It was monday morning and Peter was eating a piece of toast before rushing out of the building in order to get to school on time. He had just made his way to his seat at the first bell. As he sat down sighing as he prepared himself for the torment of the day.

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Timeskip ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

As Peter walked down the hallway he had to remind himself that it was winter, and he needed to put his jacket on. As he took his first step on the outside cement stairs he felt as though he had been slapped. The feeling of a sudden chill rushed through him.
   Peter looked in front of him to see flash with an empty bucket in hand. The sudden realization that he had been splashed with cold water in the middle of winter occurred to him. Tired peter makes his way to the bu and all the way to his aunt's without much issue.
   It wasn't until he was standing in front of his apartment building that something seemed odd. His vision became speckled and then grew darker until he could no longer see. Unable to stay conscious any longer peter drops hitting the frosted ground.

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