Spiders ~ Part 1

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"Come on! It'll be fun! I haven't seen Percy smile in who knows how long!" Connor urged as he tugged on Travis's shirt. Travis chuckled at his brother. Connor quickly moved up to his arm. Practically hanging off of the teen's body.

Travis grinned widely, looking his brother in the eyes. Giving a small happy sigh, he spoke to Connor. "You really want this, don't you?"

Connor gave him a small smile.

"Yes." He said, attempting to make his voice childish and angelic. Rolling his eyes playfully, Travis gave in.

"Okay, okay! You win!"

Connor smirked at the surrender. The two sitting in the strawberry fields of Camp Half blood. "We need a subject, and a prank." Connor began, his fingers wondering to a large bush. He plucked a strawberry from the clutches of the bush.

Popping it in his mouth without a second thought.

"Percy." Travis stated. No hesitation or apprehension in his voice. Connor smirked, "I like it." His brother commented, Travis soon developing a sly smirk of his own.

"Now all that's left is to decide what to do. . ."

The two sat in silence for a moment. The only noice being Connor rustling the berries out of their bushes, then swallowing them loudly. Biting his lip, Travis went wide eyed.

"Spiders!" He exclaimed.

Connor let out a small chuckle. "Spiders?" He questioned, earning a firm nod from Travis.

"He went pale when I mentioned it to him last weekend." Travis explained, having Percy over for group projects had its perks. . . With sea animals. But once Percy learned that Travis was doing one with spiders, he was eager to leave.

"Okay. We could put a fake spider on his table tonight." Connor suggested. "That'll work." Travis confirmed.

The brothers shared a quick fist bump of victory before relaxing in the fields again. "Travis." Connor said, Travis turned.

Connor faced him, his eyes misty. "Connor? What's wrong?" Travis asked, concerned.

Pulling him into a fierce hug, Connor buried his face in the crook of his older brothers neck. "Never leave me again."

Travis sighed, hugging Connor back. "I have to. It's what mom wanted."

The two sat in silence afterwards. Both hiding their excitement for dinner.

**Time Skip Names George**

"Got the spider!" Connor said in a sing-song-y voice, handing Travis a lump of rubber. The spider looked pretty realistic.

It's black body covered in hair, eyes painted red. The only think that would truly give it away was the limp legs that were lazily attached to its body.

"Perfect." Travis told his brother, running over to Percy's table. He placed the spider on top of the demigod's plate. Percy had yet to show for dinner.

Travis turned, seeing Annabeth guiding Percy through the crowd. Something was off about him though.

He seemed. . . Blank.

As he got closer, Travis observed him from the Hermes table.

Percy's eyes were dull, a frown planted on his soft lips. His movements were sluggish. Body slowly moving to his table (with the help of Annabeth).

His girlfriends face held sadness. A deep level of concerned etched into her grey eyes.

Percy's lips here moving. But no words came out.

His eyes then darted around the pavilion. Then going back to his plate.

The couple froze.

Annabeth looked wide eyes at the spider, her body trembled slightly. Everyone was looking now. But not at her.

At Percy.

His lips moved quicker than before. A few murmurs of "no" was hear from the son of Poseidon. His eyes were wide with fear, tears leaking out. One sliding down his cheek.

"No!" He screamed in terror, grabbing Riptide from his pocket. His breathing was rapid, and Annabeth soon saw the spider was fake.

With a final shiver, she turned to Percy. Well knowing what was happening.

"Stay back! He's having a flashback!" She shouted.

Requests are open. Fears can be shared. Whatever you want, I guess. Bye!

- Bridget

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