VM: Two states - Part 8

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Vicky's parents arrived.His father was cool however his mother was upset as she had accepted Meenakshi as her daughter-in-law.They were welcomed by Meenakshi's family.


Sitting on a rock,Meenakshi enjoyed watching the lush greenery.Two puppies were hopping around her feet when it started to rain.To protect them from getting wet,she kept her umbrella open for them while she got drenched.

At that time,Sivakumar,came with Azhagappa.Siva who was trying all means and ways to call off the wedding until then,had a change of heart upon seeing the beautiful Meenakshi.

"Why are you waiting?Go and speak to her...tell her you don't want to marry her.."he prodded Siva.

More than her beauty,he was impressed by her character of caring for two puppies giving them shelter under her umbrella and instantly was attracted to her.

S: It's wrong to do so...😍

"Let's go...come..."

Azhagappa pulled Siva away.


In the evening the nalangu ceremony took place at Meenakshi's house.

*Nalangu is a ceremony where cool sandal paste is applied on the cheeks of the bride and sindoor anointed on her forehead by married elderly women of the family to bless her.

Vicky's mother was called to partake in the rituals.Muffling her sobs,she blessed Meenakshi quickly and went to her room where her husband and Vicky were.

V: Amma,why are you crying?What happened?

V's mom: I didn't see Priya as a daughter-in-law,I showered love on her like my own daughter but after her behavior that day I was shattered.When you married Meenakshi,I was happy and I truly hoped your life would be good but...

Vicky hugged his mother and consoled her.

V: Amma,don't call that a marriage...it never was...just forget that day.Think that we have come to attend her wedding and bless her.Nanna,tell her no...

V's dad: Yes.We have caused her mental agony now she's getting a good life we should be happy for her and not ruin it.You shouldn't open your mouth until wedding is over.It's my orders!

V's mom: But I can't...I will blurt it out.

V's dad: In that case,you don't come out of the room.Vicky,you don't worry.I will handle your mother.You be with them and ensure the wedding goes smoothly.


Meenakshi was at the terrace,lost in thoughts.Veni came up in search of her.

Ve: Akka,what are you doing here instead of sleeping?

M: Do me a favour,call Vicky up here...

Veni did as told.

V: Ms.Fish,you called me?

M: Yes.I need to talk to you...

He looked at her unsure what it was about.

M: Vicky,I was fine all these days but as the moment for my wedding is nearing there is this weight in my heart...I don't know how to express in words...I feel burdened...

V: What wrong have you done to feel so?

M: I threw the mangalsutra at you...I've committed a sin Vicky...🥺

He laughed.

M: What was that for ?

V: You're an educated doctor working in a city like Delhi but thinking so backward like old aunties...

M: I might be educated and city bred but I am a traditional girl and I have my sentiments.

V: So whoever ties a yellow rope  around your neck against your will,be it a drunkard,murderer or rapist you will live with him because of your outdated sentiments?

M: No I won't...

V: Exactly.Then why me?

She looked away as she didn't have an answer.

V: That day to save you from an ordeal and put her in place I did that.It happened on a whim but you did the right thing by walking out on me.You said it right,a marriage without the consent of bride is invalid.We don't love each other,we have not done anything immoral so why should we live together just for one stupid move of mine?

M: What if tomorrow Siva comes to know about this and mistakes me?

V: If that is your concern,I assure you it will not happen.After your wedding we won't be meeting again.Apart from me,my family and you no one knows this here then how will he?There is no way he is going to know unless you blurt it out and I beg you not to do anything silly as such.

M: You're not upset that I'm marrying him right?

V: Not at all.I'm happy for you!Mr.Siva seems to be a nice person and I'm sure he'll look after you well.If I hadn't crossed your path you wouldn't have been in this confused state and happily married him right?

M: Yes...

V: Now also think that way...you haven't met me at all.You don't know me.I'm just a guest who is here to attend your marriage.You will not face any problems in future from my side.

She smiled in relief seeing him cool and cheerful.

M: Even though I'm not around you are always welcome to come here.Do drop by once when you can.Everyone will be happy especially aachi...

V: Hahaha...without even you saying I would have done that only...this is no more your house,it is mine!

M: And please find a suitable girl and get married...if not for you atleast for your parents.

V: Definitely I will.It's getting late now...go and sleep...goodnight!

M: Goodnight...


Vicky went to his parents room.

V: Amma,nanna...let's leave tonight...

They looked at him in question.

V: I spoke to Meenakshi just now.Seems like she hasn't gotten over the fiasco and our presence is haunting her of that day.She feels she has wronged me.I've made her understand that it's not her fault but I think she's not totally convinced.I want her to be happy and peaceful on her wedding so I'm saying...let's leave.

V's dad: That is fine Vicky but you came here as a friend all of a sudden if we disappear without telling them won't they mistake us?They might think otherwise.It could affect her life as well.You waited these many days just wait for one more day.We can leave immediately after the muhurtham.

Vicky felt there was a point in what he said so he agreed to stay back.

Meenakshi Kalyana Vaibhogame

In a traditional red kanchipuram silk saree and minimal jewellery,Meenakshi looked like a goddess who descended on earth.

She was escorted to the dais by Veni and some girls and made to sit beside Siva.

The thaali was taken around to be blessed by everyone after which it was kept in front of the priest who took it and gave it to Siva.

"Tie this around the bride's neck."

Siva got up and removed his garland.

S: Amma,let's go...

He alighted from the stage with his mother and sister.All of them were shocked by his sudden deed.Meenakshi's parents and relatives rushed to stop him.

S: Listen,I don't wish to marry your daughter.

M's dad: But why?You agreed earlier but now you are saying you don't wish to marry her what wrong has she done?

S: Actually it was my mother who fixed this marriage without my consent.I tried telling but no one would listen so I waited until the last hour to call this off.

M's dad: If you leave now my daughter's life will be in question...I beg you pls marry her...

S: It will be worst if she marries someone who doesn't love her.Pls leave me alone.

Despite her father and uncles begging him,Siva left with his family.Meenakshi's parents were devastated.

"There must be some defect with the girl and they might have hidden it from the boy's side.Now that they got to know they called off the wedding..."

"She looks fine.Hands and legs are in good condition then what could be the problem with her?"

"Who knows?She was in Delhi maybe she got pregnant and had an abortion done or maybe she can't have kids at all.These things are not visible to the naked eyes."

Nosy aunties were badmouthing Meenakshi.Those talks annoyed Vicky who clenched his fist to control his seething rage.He would have lashed out at them if he had not been held back by his dad.

V: See nanna how they are talking...😡😡😡

V's dad: Vicky,it's their family affair we are only guests it's best we don't interfere.Be calm.

Due to such slanderous talks,Meenakshi's family were under pressure to conduct her marriage under any cost.

Some of her relatives suggested to get her married off to Azhagappa who was more than willing.Her parents also had no go but to listen to them.

Ve: Aiyoo Azhagappa maama is your groom ah?Akka don't want akka...rather you stay unmarried...I will also remain unmarried and give you company for life 😥Say no akka...pls say no!!

Veni nudged her sister from behind.

Meenakshi herself was stumped at the thought of Azhagappa as her groom.Aachi intervened stopping the heated arguments between people who had taken sides.

"All of you keep quiet!You're forgetting there is an elderly lady in this house!Is this the way you all show respect to me?"

Everyone became silent.Aachi spoke,

"Doesn't my grand-daughter have looks or does she lack brains?Why should she marry that goof when there is a King alike groom here for her??"

Azhagappa frowned as his only chance to marry Meenakshi got thwarted by aachi.She held Vicky's hand and pulled him to the center.

"I suggest to get Meenakshi married to Vicky."

Some of Meenakshi's relatives weren't happy about that.

"Aachi,have you lost your senses?How could you marry off our girl to someone from a different state and caste.It is a shame to us!"said one of them.

"Exactly!He is a friend and came as a guest that's all.We cannot accept him as a son-in-law.How do we face the society?Won't people spit on our faces?"asked another.

"Thoo!To hell with your casteism!Are all our girls who are married to the guys from our caste living well and happy?"argued Aachi.

"So,you will marry her off to some stranger?Do you know about him and his background?"

"I also don't know anything about this boy but the other day when she was fighting for her life you all ate and went and slept leaving her alone it was him who stayed awake the whole night by her side.I saw that.Isn't that one incident sufficient enough that he will keep her well throughout her life?"

No one spoke a word after that.Aachi looked at her son,

"You're the bride's father,you're not saying anything?"

M's dad: The groom we chose for her ditched her so I leave the decision to my daughter.It's her wish.

Aachi asked Vicky's parents for their approval who said it was their son and Meenakshi who should decide.She looked at Vicky wishfully.

"Ayya,will you marry my grand-daughter?"

Vicky looked at Meenakshi and then at aachi.

M: Say no...say no...say no pls...

She mumbled.

V: Aachi,if she gives her consent I am willing to marry her.

Veni kneeled down beside her sister.

Ve: Wow!Akka!You've striked a bumper lottery!You won't get this King type of a guy again...Say yes,say yes pls say yes...

Meenakshi glanced at Azhagappa who had a wide grin on his face expecting she would choose him and then at Vicky who was waiting for an answer.Taking a deep breath,she exhaled and gave a brief nod.


"Getti melam,getti melam!!(beat the drums)Mangalyam tantunanena mama jeevana hetuna kante badhnami subhage twam jeeva sarada satam..."

Amidst the chanting of the auspicious mantra,Vicky tied the sacred thaali around Meenakshi's neck.♥️

M mv: Game over...😑

V mv: Game starts!😀

People stood up and showered flowers on them.Vicky's parents were contented especially his mother who shed tears of joy.Meenakshi's parents and Aachi also blessed them wholeheartedly.

Vicky brought his hand around her head and anointed her forehead with kungumam.He also filled her hair partition.

They got up and holding each other's pinky finger,they circled the fire thrice.

Vicky crouched down and picking Meenakshi's feet delicately,he placed it on the grinding stone to put on the toe rings for her.She pressed her feet firmly on the stone as if crushing a cigarette stub.

V mv: Why does it feel like she is crushing me??🤔

To clear his doubt,he looked up and faced her.

V: 😱😱😱😰😰

Clenching his eyes in fear,he looked down again.

V mv: Huh...uh...not like...really I am going to get crushed beneath her feet for life...boo hoo...😭

Quietly he slipped the toe rings on both her feet.They exchanged garlands and she was made to stand on his left side thus becoming his better half for eternity.♥️

They were taken outside the mandapam to see the 'Arundathi'nakshathram.

As per the instructions of the priest,Meenakshi pointed her finger towards the sky and he held her hand also pointing at the direction.

"Meenakshi,ask your husband if he can see Arundathi."

M: Can you see?😏

Thinking it was a lady,Vicky looked everywhere but he couldn't spot any face except the light blue sky.

V: No I can't see anyone...😕

Everyone laughed at his innocence.

V's mom: It's not someone.Arundathi is the chaste wife of sage Vasishta.Due to her penance she got the status of being a star alongside her husband.That star is not visible to naked eyes but we still have to say 'yes' as per the customs.It is to remind the married couple to lead an exemplary life as that ideal couple.

V: Oh ok...I can see,I can see!😃

M: 🙄

Thus the wedding ceremony was completed.A family group photo was taken with the newly wedded couple.At last,Telugu abbayi Mr.Perfect found his Tamizh ponnu Mrs.Perfect!😍♥️


At Meenakshi's home,

Vicky and Meenakshi stepped into her house as a couple for the second time.Ladies took turns and fed them sweetened milk and banana.Meenakshi was taken in to change her saree.

She came wearing a light blue silk saree.The new bride and groom were made to sit facing each other.

There were a lot of items kept before them.Vicky was not sure why so he signalled Veni who crawled to his side.

V: Err what's going to happen now?

Ve: You're both going to play games!😃

V: Volleyball or cricket?🤔

Ve: Huh...hopscotch!Haven't you played post marriage games before?🤨

V: Yeah right...this is my 101st first marriage so I have experience from past 100 marriages to know exactly what is going to take place now...😏

Ve: Tit for tat!You wait and see for yourself what is going to happen maams!

V: Maams aa?

Ve: Yes!Akka's husband is called 'maama' in our side hmm like what you guys call as 'bava'...I've many maamas so not to confuse I have shortened it to maams which sounds modern also...☺️

V: Hmm...your akka can manage alone but I need help with translation so you stay in my team.

Ve: Ok ok...

First,a silver pot filled with water mixed in turmeric paste and rose petals was kept in their middle.

Veni whispered in his ears.

Ve: Athai will drop a gold ring inside now.You and Akka have to lower your hands into the pot and fight for the ring.Whoever takes it first is the winner and they will dominate the relationship!

V: Bahh...for this why we have to fight?Let her only keep it...Neither do I wear rings nor do I like to dominate...

Ve: Uff!It's a game...🤷🏻‍♀️

Meenakshi's aunt dropped the ring into the pot and mixed it well.At the count of three,both immersed their hands and fought for the ring.

They spoke through eyes,

M: I will get the ring!😡

V: You don't have to struggle,I will only give in to you...😉

M: I don't need your alms! I know how to win!😤

Their family cheered for both of them.Some of her aunts passed silly comments teasing the newly wed.Vicky caught the ring first and threw a victory look at her.

M mv: Oh shucks he got it! I will lose now...😕

However he did not remove his hand from the pot instead found hers and pushed the ring to her.

V: You can have it...😇

M: I don't want!😡

She pushed the ring back to him.Like that they were pushing the rings to each other.Waiting for them everyone got tired.

"You don't have to play this..."

He aunt removed the pot and both their hands were on the ring.

Ve: Ahaan!This is something new...both are holding on to the ring...what does it mean?

"That means no one will dominate the other.They will be equals and respect each other's opinions."replied her aunt.

Vicky wiggled his brows at her for that she mimed the action of spitting.He grinned and shamelessly mouthed a 'thank you' for that.

M's mom: Meena,put that ring on mappillai's finger.

Vicky forwarded his hand and she forced the ring into his finger.

V: Ouch...

M's mom: Don't be so harsh on your husband...

V: It's not her fault athai,the ring is a little tight.

M: 🙄

Ve: Ok let's move on to the next game...

There were little containers of pulses,grains and rice kept on one side then cash kept on another side.

V: Now what?

Ve: You give her some cash she will buy the items.

V: What is this for?Does she want to give up her doctor profession and start up a grocery shop?

Veni smacked her forehead.

Ve: Aiyooo maams...this means as a family man you have to go out an earn.Depending on what you give,she will buy the items and run the family smoothly.

V: Oh that...ok ok...hmm let's see...

Vicky picked a 1000 rupee note,the highest denomination kept there and gave it to her.

V: Assume this is the remaining after giving my parents.Keep the change...😎

Ve: Akka!You're so lucky!Maams  has given all to you!!😃

M: 😏😏

She took the cash and bought the items which was most essential then keeping it on a plate she offered him.He took it humbly mouthing a thank you.

However she had not used up all the money and returned the balance to him.

"Meenakshi,he told you to keep the change why did you return the balance to him?"one of the ladies asked her.

M: If I spend his income lavishly what will he have as savings?After household expenses the remaining he can only keep.

"Still...you could buy yourself sarees or jewellery..."said another.

M: I don't wear heavy accessories and yearly 1-2 sarees for an occasion will do.I don't believe in splurging money just because we have it. 

Vicky was at awe of her financial management skills.

V: Your akka should have been our finance minister.India would have had a lot of savings and cleared all the loans taken from world bank.😂

Vicky whispered to Veni who giggled in response.He looked at the plate in his hand.

V: Now I have to eat these raw items and praise her cooking talents right?

Ve: Lol...No need just leave it there we're moving on to the third game.

Meenakshi stood up and gave him a mini grinding stone which was placed on a red silk cloth then returned to her place.Vicky panicked.

V: Oh no does this mean she's going to kill me with this?😰

Ve: No no...she has given you a heir...now you have to look after your baby.

V: This is our baby ah...in no angle this resembles me or her...

Ve: Just assume it is!

Pretending that it was their baby,Vicky cooed to it and mimed the action of feeding it milk from a bottle.Seeing that all ladies laughed.

Ve: You'll make a great father maams!Well done!

V: Hihihi thank you.(mv:Thank god they skipped the step before getting a baby else what would have been my state if I had to enact a first night scene before so many people...phew😥)

Everyone got up.Her aunts took Meenakshi away.

V: Hey where are they all going?Ms.Fish,wait for me!!

He got up to follow her but was pulled back by Veni.

Ve: Maams,you can't go now...she's gone to take rest.

V: Huh...uh...so that's all?No more games?😟

Ve: For now that's all later at night there is one big war game which only you and my sister have to play...😉

V: War game?🤔Oh chess ah?I know it.Can I get the white pieces because it's my favourite colour?😁

Ve: 😟😟😟

Veni placed the end of her voni over her head thinking of her impossible maams.🤦🏻‍♀️

To be continued...

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