Chapter 1: Sneeze

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For the past few days she had been sneezing, it wasn't something out of the ordinary, but there was not dust, it wasn't summer or the harvest season anymore to say the sneezing was caused by any of those.

She had already gone to the doctor and got medicine, but none of those had worked, but her sneezing did alleviate slightly but not enough.

A sneeze rattled her body as she sat at her desk in her bedroom.

"In the past people believed that a sneeze could release the soul, and without a soul the body would die.  Though others believed that a sneeze was a sort of premonition of danger to come, especially in the direction one sneezed.  If you sneezed to the left it was unlucky if you sneezed to the right, it was considered good luck.  There are many superstitions about sneezing, if you have lived back in those times or maybe someone to this day believes that stuff, would be treating you like the plague."

Angela remembered the words her cousin had told her not that long ago.  A cousin who paid more attention to anything paranormal than to living a "normal" school life.  Though normal was a very vague word, since normal was different to each person.  At least it was often said by that cousin, but Angela believed in that as well.

Angela typed the simple words onto the keyboard of her laptop at her desk.  The clicking of each key rang in the quiet room and she typed and eventually tapped on the final key and waited for the page to load.

"Sneezing superstitions." Angela mumbled to herself as she looked through the many sites stating various superstitions, "One ancient superstition suggested that sneezing caused the soul to leave the body and is why people say God bless you.  It's thought that a blessing would prevent the soul from leaving the body." She read out loud.

Letting out a sigh she continued to read, 'How on earth did these people believe in such things?  Did people die after sneezing?' She thought to herself as she scrolled done the page, "It was most likely some plague or illness going around and causing people to sneeze left and right."

She came across various articles relating to sneezing, some were possible illness related to it, while most of them were stories of superstitions.

'Sneezing left and right.  Now that I think about it, some people believe that if a cat licks its self facing a certain way, it means that a person will come and visit from that location.  The same with tortillas, if the tortilla ends up folding from the right while it's placed on the griddle to cook, then it means someone will come from that direction.  Sometimes it's true, but sometimes it's not.' She mused to herself as she propped her elbow onto her desk and thought to herself, "There's lots of superstitions." She sighed, then a sneeze came to her once again.


Angela had lost count of how many times she had sneezed, and times she had blown her nose with a tissue to see if it would work.  She couldn't remember, but it was quite a bit if the already reddening skin under and around her nose were an indication of how much it was.  Though considering her light tan skin, it was less noticeable than it would have been on her cousin who has skin light enough to become one with a wall or they often joked about.

"I hate this." She muttered out as she stretched out on her bed, "Hopefully it stops before Monday." Angela picked up her phone that was beside her on the bed and looked at the date displayed on the screen, Friday October 27th, nine at night.

Monday was October 30th, she had arranged plans with her friends for that night and then Tuesday October 31st, the day many people were looking forward to.  And Angela was one of those people.

Angela got up from her bed and went to turn off the lights, "I'll just try to sleep, not like staying up is going to help." She muttered in distaste as she sneezed once again.

As she laid in bed her mind kept wondering back to the various superstitions she came across not long ago.

'I'm not very superstitious, but could it be that something is up?' She thought for a second then shook her head.  But what else could explain the reason why she was sneezing so much.

Medically there was nothing wrong with her that could explain the cause of the sneezing, medicines and home remedies didn't work.


To her dismay she was awoken with a sneeze.  A sneeze that seemed that it would have been able to wake up the dead from how loud it was.

Angela cursed as more sneezes followed after that, "What the heck is wrong with me?" She cried out as she sneezed again.

After the sneezing had stopped, she reached for her phone and decided to call in sick for work.  There was no way that she would be able to work in this condition, one or two sneezes would be okay, but these sneezing fits were something that she would most likely be forced to stay home for.

Unlocking her phone she dialed her supervisor's number and waited for the call to be answered.

"Good morning Jessica, I'm not going to be able to go into work today.  My sneezing has gotten much worse, and if I'm getting sick I don't want to pass it on to someone else." Angela said into the phone, "I'm sorry for the late notice." Her nose began to tickle with another incoming sneeze.

Angela was to stay home until she got better.  But when was she going to get better?

"Should I ask my doctor to refer me to a specialist?" She mused with a sighed as she laid back in bed, after all it was only 6:40 in the morning.

Just as she settled in once again into bed, she sneezed again, but something strange happened.

Everything had begun to go dark.

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