Chapter 5: Times Up

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If divine animal guardians existed, then this would be a perfect example of one.

The size was clearly larger than a tiger, white with a grey underbelly.  It looked like a giant tabby cat.

Angela stood up from her sitting position, stood up and began to walk towards this cat.

'Is it friendly?' She looked over to the group of children playing with its tail, and the three adults casually talking with it, 'They don't seem to be afraid of it.'

She took tentative steps as she fully took in the cat like beast.  There were no signs of discomfort she could see from the cat; in fact, she could hear an occasional deep purr make its way to her.

But what surprised her the most was the deep voice that came from that direction.  A voice that clearly didn't belong to the children, nor to the adults near it.  Unless they were able to make such a deep voice.

'Can it talk?' She thought as she finally walked up to them.

The group stopped talking as she walked in and greeted them, "Hello."

"Hello." They replied back.

One of the young men in the group looked at her for a few seconds, "Is there something you need?"

Angela shook her head, "No....I mean, well, I had never seen a cat this big.  No offense." She glanced at the large cat, "If you don't mind, would it be possible if I touched your fur?" Angela asked hoping that she didn't sound like some cat obsessed person, though she did like cats to be honest.

'Please say yes.  Please say yes.' She pleaded internally waiting for a positive reply.

The large cat, who had its eyes closed, opened them and looked at her before it dipped its head, "Of course." The same deep voice she heard before resounded in front of her.

She walked up closer to the cat, ignoring the chatting that began amongst the others near her, and she placed her hand on the cat's nape.  The large cat let out a purr once again as she ran her fingers through its fur.

'It's so soft.' She breathed out a sigh as she dug her fingers deeper into the fur.  With startled gasp she quickly retracted her hand as she realized that she nearly forgot her purpose for doing what she was doing.

She didn't have allergies, but sometimes depending on how badly a cat or dog was shedding, she would sneeze.  After all, if something gets in someone's nose, they're bound to sneeze at the tickle or discomfort.

Just as she placed her hand back on the cat's fur, one of the children climbed onto the back of the cat and ruffled its fur, and white colored strands of fur began to fly out of its coat and head in various directions and one of those directions was at her.

She noticed that some of the children swat at the fur that got on their face, but she didn't.  She waited for the fur to get near her face and took in a deep breath.

'I'm going to regret this.' She thought as she felt a few strands of said fur make its way into her nose.

And just as she had expected, she began to feel discomfort in her nose, "Now you can finally go home child." A voice rung out in her head as she quickly looked up at the large cat who gave her one last glance and then she sneezed as her eyes closed.


She rubbed at her nose as she slowly opened her eyes and her mouth hung open in shock.

"I'm home." She breathed out as she took in the sight of her room, "It doesn't seem like anyone has come in."

"Hold on what time is it!" She nearly screamed as she quickly turned to her nightstand to look at the digital clock. It was 8:50 in the morning, when she had called her supervisor, it had been 6:40 in the morning.  And now she had a little bit less than an hour to be back in her body.

Not knowing what to do, she slapped herself, pinched herself.  At seeing no change, she went to try and hit her own body to see if she could shock her body awake.  But nothing.

"Maybe I can jump into my body?" She took a step back from the bed and jumped.  Her body, her soul was met with nothing of a change.

It was now 9:35, she had a little more than five minutes to go.

"Oh god, is this is?" She clenched and unclenched her hands.

9:39, she closed her eyes not wanting to see the time when it finally reached the three-hour mark.

Taking one last breath through her nose she waited, but she got something she didn't expect.

She sneezed.

"Am I dead now.  Is the sneezing how I go back?" She slowly opened her eyes waiting to see the same people she had seen not long ago.

But all she saw was a ceiling.  Her ceiling, in her bedroom.

Angela sat up and looked around only to see that she was in her bed and in her body.  She pat her body and quickly got up, ignoring the small bout of dizziness that hit her, she ran over to the mirror on her closet door and looked at her reflection.

At seeing herself, Angela let out a loud laugh and began to cry tears of joy, "I'm really back." She cried out as tears trailed down her cheeks.


The days past and there was no more sneezing like before, "Maybe it was a warning of something bad about to happen." She said to herself as she opened up her window as she cleaned.

Taking a glance out the window for a few seconds she froze.  She saw people, it wouldn't be strange to see people like every other day.

But these people were ones that she had seen back when she had been spirited away.

"Oh, if you do make it out, you'll most likely never be the same again." Amy's words rung in her mind as she saw those people walk by her house.

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