💙Chapter 10: New Allies & Conflict💙

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Eliza's P.O.V.

Tonight, I was going to be in a tag-team match. I was teaming up with Nikki against Rachelle and Eva. The Shield wasn't going to be there, because they have a match against Ryback, Randy, and Dolph.

Ever since I woke up in the bed, finding Roman, Seth, and Dean with me, I've been feeling really...conflicted.

They replaced me with Rachelle. Dean admitted he loved her. The other two didn't want me as their best friend.

So, what gave them the right to just burst in my room and sleep with me?

I understand they were my roommates, but still.

A part of me wanted to beat the living shit out of them.

But, a part of me wanted them to be there with me.

Part of me felt like there was something uneasy with them I didn't know about.

Part of me just wanted to talk this shit out with them.

Nikki was already in front of the ring, talking smack to our opponents.

I was in my gear and had my title around my waist. My gear was a Harley Quinn inspired outfit. My hair was in high side ponytails. My makeup was done perfectly and I had my gloves on.

I walked out to screaming fans who jumped out of their seats.

"And her tag-team partner! From Columbus, Ohio, representing The Authority, she is the WWE Women's Champion, Eliza Hardy!" Lilian announced.

I smiled as I took off my gear belt with my blue and pink skirt and tossed it away. I grabbed my title and rose it up, walking down the ramp.

I got to Nikki, the two of us hugging. We walked to the ring and got on the apron.

She did her flip over the top rope while I did the splits, sliding in the ring. I got up as I rose my title  sending a wink to the camera.

I gave my title to the referee and he handed it to Lilian.

"I'll start things off." Nikki told me. I smiled and nodded, hugging her.

She was going up against Eva.

*10 Minutes Later*

Nikki and Rachelle were both down.

Nikki had just hit her with the Rack-Attack, but they both got hurt.

My partner was crawling towards me while Rachelle tried to go to Eva.

"Come on, Nikki!" I encouraged her.

The redheaded Diva extended her hand out to Rachelle.

She went for a tag. Then, the most sudden thing happened.

Eva slapped her harshly, sending her down. She jumped off the apron, leaving Rachelle alone.

"You're on your own, bitch!" she yelled.

Michael: "Oh, boy. This doesn't look good for Rachelle Deville."

JBL: "Rachelle's own best friend has just turned on her! What the hell is going on?!"

"You really think I didn't know?! You're a selfish bitch! I don't need you anymore!" the redhead said as she walked away.

Rachelle was screaming at her to come back.

Eva looked at me and sent me a smile before staying in a corner.

Nikki managed to tag me in. I got in the ring as grabbed the little bitch. I tossed her across the ring.

I ran and hit her with a Running Knee Strike. I grabbed her and hit her with the Twist Of Fate.

I got on the top rope and waited for her to get up before hitting her with a Hurricarana.

I went for a pin.

"One! Two!" The little bitch kicked out.

"Stay down!" I yelled.

I got her up, but she rolled me up.

"One! Two! Hey, hey, hey!" the referee said.

I looked and saw her feet were on the rope.

Rachelle got up and smirked, thinking she got the win.

The referee told her he saw her feet on the rope. She argued with him, saying she didn't do anything.

I got up and hit her with a roundhouse kick.

She got dazed before I ran to the ropes and hit her with a Spear.

I grabbed her, performing a Fireman's Carry, eventually performing the Backbreaker.

I went for a pin with a smirk on my face.

"One! Two! Three!" The bell rang as my theme played.

"Here are your winners! Nikki Bella and the WWE Women's Champion, Eliza Hardy!" Lilian announced.

Nikki slid in the ring, hugging me tightly. I smiled as I hugged her back.

She helped me up before she raised my arm, pointing at me.

It was then we saw Eva come inside the ring.

We looked at her for a second before she grabbed Rachelle and hit her with the Sliced Bread.

The crowd was cheering as it happened.

Eva looked at us before she came in between us and raised our arms.

All three of us smiled at the camera as her theme played.

She wrapped her arms around us. Nikki and I wrapped our arms around her waist.

We both lifted her up in a hug, all of us laughing as she hugged back.

All of us got out of the ring and walked up the ramp, slapping some of the fans' hands.

We went backstage and they turned to me.

"I'm going to catering. Want to join me?" Nikki asked.

"No, it's fine. I'm gonna go change and probably head out." I told her.

She nodded before Eva and I walked down the hallways, eventually finding the Divas locker room.

We got inside and changed out of my ring gear.

I changed into a pair of black warm-ups, a pink tank top, and a black hoodie. I also had on a pair of light brown Uggs.

"You know, I thought it was funny when you slapped her." I told Eva as she changed as well.

She laughed and threw on a long sleeve.

"Well, I didn't need her anymore. I never considered her a friend in the first place. She only used me for backup. She didn't care about me or Cameron. It felt good giving that bitch a piece of my mind. I felt bad that I was aligning myself with someone who stole Dean, Roman, and Seth from you. I didn't want that, so I decided to ask Hunter and Stephanie for a face turn and I got it. I've got your back and I'm here if anything." she explained.

"Thanks, Eva. I appreciate it." I told her with a hug.

I untied my hair and let it fall past my shoulders. I brushed it until it was back to normal.

Once Eva was dressed, we packed our stuff before we set them next to our lockers.

We got out of the locker room and headed to catering to join the other girls.


I sighed and stopped in my tracks as I felt their presences behind me.

As much as I didn't want to look at them, I knew I had no choice.

I refused to say their real names. To me, they are just their characters, since their real selves wouldn't have hurt me in the first place.

I turned and saw Roman, Seth, and Dean all there.

"I'll give you a minute." Eva told me before leaving.

"What do the three of you want?" I asked them.

"We want to talk to you." Seth replied. I shook my head.

"Listen, I'm torn enough. I want to just beat the shit out of all three of you for sneaking into my bed while another part of me wants to forgive. I can't, guys." I told them.

"Dammit, Stella. Just let us explain ourselves." Roman told me with frustration.

"You three damaged me enough. I'm not surrendering myself to you anymore. You three hurt me. I've moved on. You don't need to explain anything. Actions always speak louder than words." I said.

"If we didn't care about you  anymore, we wouldn't have saved you from the Wyatts, now would we?" Dean asked.

I sighed, knowing that hit a nerve.

"I don't care if you saved me. What hurts me is that one moment, you try to reason with me and act like you're always gonna be there, then another moment, you all act like assholes who don't want nothing to do with me. Especially you, Dean. You act like I'm the only girl in your life." I told him.

"You are the only girl in my life." he told me.

"Last time I checked, I don't seem to be since you don't hesitate making out with that little bitch, Rachelle. You were the only guy I ever loved. All the other guys from my past hurt me just like you did. They cheated on me. They threw me away like a piece of trash. They abandoned me for other little sluts. I thought you were different. Turns out, you're just like the rest of them. Not even Jon Moxley would do that to me." I explained to him.

They all looked hurt and broken. Dean looked like he was angry and going to cry.

   "You're not Jon Good, Joe Anoa'i, or Colby Lopez. You're not Jon Moxley, Leakee, or Tyler Black. None of them would hurt me and stab me in the back. You're Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins. Three sellouts who don't care about anybody else other than themselves." I said.

I turned and ran off, ignoring them calling my name.

At this point, I was crying badly. I found an empty corner and slid down, burying my face in my hands.

I sobbed like there was no tomorrow.

Why do they always have to do this? This is just ridiculous.

They can't just waltz out of nowhere asking me to let them explain.

I've had enough of them. They should've thought about that a long time ago.

"Stella?" I heard someone ask.

I looked and saw Nick there. He knelt down at my level.

"Are you okay, Dollface?" he asked me. I shook my head in reply.

"Oh, Sweetie. Come here." he told me, pulling me to his chest. I grabbed a handful of his shirt and sobbed helplessly.

He stroked my hair as he whispered comforting words to me.

"Was it them again?" he asked. I sniffled and nodded, not wanting to talk.

"It's okay, Darling. You don't need to say anything. Let's get out of here. You can room up with me and Saraya." he said. I nodded and he helped me up.

We got my luggage and went to meet Saraya in catering.

All three of us got out of the arena and went to the hotel.

They bought me a shitload of food to make me feel better. Chips, pizza, sweets, and ice cream.

All of us had a movie night together, trying to get my mind off of what had happened.

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