Arc Intro: The Invasion

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US Armed Forces Radio Chatter starts playing*

"The Russians have everything east of I-95, my sector is gonna fall within the hour!"

"We've lost contact with Annapolis, where's the air support?"

"The Counter battery fire is unable to engage, enemy paratroopers have infiltrated our position, we are cut off, i repeat, we are cut off!"

"Look it out, look it out, drop that 1000 mortar on the red smoke, NOW!"

US Armed Forces Radio Chatter stops playing*

Eve starts narrating*

All of this, wouldn't happen if it was due to a group of people who have taken over Russia as well as most of all over the world.

At the same time, satellite surveillance is impossible to use, mainly because of a Kessler Syndrome event.

In a post-apocalyptic world like this, you need to fight to survive.

I was trained to fight since the first day, so i'm always ready in case something happens.

"Reaper 2-1, this is Overlord, requesting assistance, over"

"Overlord, this is Reaper 2-1, go ahead, over"

"An allied convoy leaded by Raptor Actual, is stuck along the Virginia region, your mission is to secure them and rescue them."

"Understood, i'll aproach myself to the zone, send me the coordinates."

Reaper 2-1, Going To War.

To Be Continued...

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