An Orange Splatfest

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(Sorry. Been dealing with some stuff in my life and a writer's block but now I'm back but let me explain something. This takes years ago before Team Splatatic became a thing. They use to go out but decided to stay as friends years later. I'll get into it if you want that.)
The lovely two duo was chilling at the Square until the news came on the big screen. It was Off The Hook with breaking news! They said it was a splatfest this weekend.

"How do you like your orange juice? Pulp or no pulp?" Pearl asked. "No contest. What kind of barbarian likes pulp in their or-" Marina said before getting interrupted by Pearl. "PULP ME UP, YO!" She shouted then continues on her statement by saying, "Put me on the pulpit... 'CAUSE I'M A PULPITARIAN FUH LIFE! I'm so pulpified I majored in pulpology at the University of Pulpsburgh. Seriously, orange juice without pulp ain't even juice. IT'S ORANGE WATER." Marina then retort back by saying, "Pulp is NASTY. I shouldn't have to floss my teeth after drinking something. Do you sprinkle coffee grounds in your lattes too?" She asked Pearl as she answers back. "If you can't appreciate OJ in its natural state, you don't deserve to drink it." Then Marina starts to shout which shock Sunny a little. "If you want orange chunks in your mouth, JUST EAT AN ORANGE!" Marina shouted as she continues. Why you gotta ruin OJ for the rest of us?! OJ with pulp is for indecisive cowards who can't make up their minds!" Then Pearl shouted back at her. "People who don't like pulp are broken inside...AND I DON'T TRUST 'EM!" It was silent for a moment as the Square was in shock of what just happened. "Look, we both said some things..." Pearl started. "All's fair in love and Splatfest." Marina finishes her statement. "How do you like your OJ? Head over to the Splatfest terminal and pick a side..." Pearl said then continues on the maps updates.

 "So what side you joining, Sunshine?" Jax asked with a smirk. "Isn't it obvious? No-Pulp. Pulp is nasty." He chuckles. "And you know that?" "I tried some when you had some." She answered. "So I'm guessing your team pulp?" She asked as Jax nods. They both smirked at each other. "I'm not going to hold back." Jax said as Sunny retort back. "Neither am I." Let the battle begin.

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