Chapter 118: DJ's Date

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Melody was cutting up some celery and throws them into the pot while Yui was texting on her phone

Y: Senpai, Christmas is almost here

T: I know, I'm finishing up my Christmas shopping right now

Y: Kinda figured, but are we having a Christmas Eve party?

T: I believe so, I think it's going to be at pearls place

Y: Sweet! Can't wait to give you your gift~.

T: ... I don't think I'm ready for that step...

Y: I know, I just like it when you are so shy

T: ... Thanks...

Melody: Yui! Dinner is almost done!

Y: I got to go senpai, talk to you at the party?

T: Yeah see ya... love ya

She smiles and giggles a bit as she was imagining how embarrassed Terrence was writing that text. She puts her phone away and walks to the dining room.

Yui: What's cooking tonight

Melody: I'm just finishing up some gumbo

Yui: Do you need any help?

Melody: I'm good, thanks

She scoops up some and pours them into two bowls before bringing them to the table

Yui: They look and smell good

Melody: Well I hope they taste good

They sat down at the table as they begin eating the gumbo

Yui: Well, it is good!

Melody: I'm glad it is

Yui: You know, you should make some food for the Christmas Eve party

Melody: I would... but I'm worried about Terrence screaming at me...

Yui: Don't worry, if he does, I'll kick his ass with my happiness punch

Melody: Happiness punch?

Yui: I don't want to tell you right now since it will embarrass you

Melody: ... Ok

Yui: So, what's been going with you today?

Melody: Well... I went and hangout with BeatBox again... we played some games and watched some movies together.

Yui: I see, you guys a couple yet?

Melody: ... No...

Yui: ... At this point I think you two are, you're just not realizing it.

Melody: I-I don't want to assume we are Yui!...

Yui: Have you ask him?

Melody: ... I'm too scared to...

Yui: It's fine if you're scared, just act like he is some close friend like me!

Melody: I guess... Yui

Yui: Yeah?

Melody: ... I want to go out on a date with him...

Yui: Ah, you're going to the next step

Melody: Yeah... but I'm worried if he says no or if I mess up asking him or-

Yui: Don't worry you won't, I promise

Melody: But... I'm worried if I will...

Yui: Melody, when has he ever rejected you at all?

Melody: Umm... I can't of any.

Yui: Exactly! You'll be fine...

Melody: But what if I ruin our first date because of some guy, or I make things worst!

Yui: Hmm... how about I follow you guys?

Yui: What?

Yui: I won't exactly be on the date with you guys. I'll just hide far back and keep an eye on you two and make sure you guys won't mess up.

Melody: But... what if BeatBox finds out you are stalking us?

Yui: Melody, I was able to keep an eye on Terrence 3 days straight before, and he didn't know I was there, so I'm sure he won't

Melody: Ok...

Yui: Anyways, do you need any more tips on your date?

Melody: No... I think you taught me everything.

Yui: Did you remember them

Melody: Yes I did, even the one on how to escape a horrible date

Yui: Good!

She finishes up her gumbo and puts her dish into the sink

Yui: Well, I'm heading off to bed, good luck on your date!

She heads upstairs as she finishes up her gumbo as well and putting it into the sink until putting the leftover gumbo into some containers and the fridge

Melody: I'm scared...


Melody was wearing her disguise and looks up to the building BeatBox as she was shivering in fear and not from the snow. She looks back at Yui, who was wearing a disguise, and gives her a thumbs up.

Melody: Ok... here we go...

She goes into the building and makes her way to his room where she hears music coming from his room

Melody: Just say hi... that's all... that's all I need to say

She slowly reaches out her hand to the door and knocks on the door once and waits for BeatBox. For a few minutes, no one answers as melody waits patiently.

Melody: Maybe he-

Suddenly the door open as BeatBox had only a towel wrapped around her waist

BeatBox: Hi, sorry I was in the shower and- oh hey melody!

Melody stares at the six-pack BeatBox have as she turns bright red and steams starts to come out of her head

BeatBox: Umm... melody? Are you-

Suddenly ink bursts out of melody nose, and she collapses onto the ground

BeatBox: Melody!

Melody: I'm... fine

She slowly gets up while covering her nose, shaking a bit

BeatBox: Come sit down on the couch, let me get change, and I'll get you some hot chocolate... and some tissues

Melody: Ok...

BeatBox walks off to his room while Melody sat down on the couch embarrassed

Melody: "What the hell was that?! I made a fool out of myself... His body caught me off guard and... and..."

BeatBox abs appear in her mind which cause her nosebleed again, but she quickly shakes it off

Melody: "I can't be thinking of that stuff at this time! I need to keep my-"

Suddenly she gets a text which she pulls out her phone to see Yui texting her

Y: I would never think you'll get a nose bleed from a chest?

M: S-Sorry... he probably thinks I'm some pervert

Y: Hey, it's fine, it's normal for us to have a dirty thought, but I'll admit, I'm quite surprised about his body

M: Yeah...

Y: You should touch them

M: What?!

Y: I mean if you want to grow your relationship, you should make physical contact, and I don't mean fucking just so you know

M: I...

BeatBox: Got your drink

Melody: KYAAAA!!!

She puts her phone away as she looks behind her to see BeatBox with a cup of hot chocolate

BeatBox: Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you

Melody: It's fine, but thanks

She takes the hot chocolate and takes a sip from it and BeatBox sat beside her

Melody: So... when did you start working out?...

BeatBox: After our trip to Kyoto, I'm still trying to at least keep up with Tadayoshi and Terrence, since they've gotten stronger

Melody: I see... can I... touch them

BeatBox: What?

Melody: N-Nothing...

BeatBox: Ok?... But putting that aside, what brings you here?

Melody: Well... I was wondering if... you...

Somewhere outside, Yui was watching both BeatBox and Melody while being pumped up as she was trying to support melody.

Melody: ... want to go out... on a... d-d-date?

BeatBox: Sure! Why not!

Melody: R-Really?

BeatBox: Of course let me just get my jacket, and we will be ready

Melody: O-Ok

BeatBox walks off as Melody covers her face in embarrassment

Melody: "I did it! I asked him out!"

After waiting for a BeatBox, he comes out of his room, with his winter clothing on

BeatBox: ok! Are you ready?

Melody; Yeah... it is your head going to be ok in the cold?...

BeatBox: Huh? Oh yeah, I'll be fine, I just replaced it with a portable heater helmet.

Melody: Oh... well where should we go?

BeatBox: Why don't we do some karaoke?

Melody: Sure...

Both BeatBox and Melody leaves out of the room, and they exit out into the snowy inkopolis

Yui: Well those two seem to be doing fine... I guess I don't need to follow them.


They soon arrive at the karaoke as BeatBox orders a room which they go down the hall and enters a room

BeatBox: Well this place ain't worse than before

Melody: Before?

BeatBox: Remember when we came here but all we heard was moaning on the other side of the room

Melody: Oh.... right

They take their seats as BeatBox was setting up the karaoke

BeatBox: Do you want to start?

Melody: Nah... you can go ahead...

BeatBox: if you say so!

He picks out his song and clears out his breath and begins singing Old Me. As BeatBox was singing, melody stares at his boombox head as she begins to question herself.

Melody: "I wonder if he trusts me to see his face..."

BeatBox: Alright your turn

Melody: Huh already?!

BeatBox: Yeah, music are usually 3 mins long, but I finished my son

Melody: Well... can we get something to eat first... I'm kinda hungry...

BeatBox: Sure, what do you want?

Melody: Just... order some nachos and cola, please

BeatBox: Sure thing

He makes his order as he sits beside Melody waiting for their food to arrive

Melody: So how are you and yui going to be at the Christmas Eve party?

Melody: Yeah...

BeatBox: Perfect because I got a perfect gift for you!

Melody: A perfect gift?

Waiter: Here's your drinks and nachos

The waiter sets their food and drinks onto the table which Melody takes one and eats it

BeatBox: That was fast

Waiter: sir, it was just chips with melted hot cheese

BeatBox: I guess...

Waiter: Well have fun you two, and please use a condom if you're going the next step, I'm tired of cleaning them up

The winter leaves out of the room as melody was embarrassed by what she heard while BeatBox was concern

BeatBox: Ok then...

He takes a nacho and lifts his helmet to where Melody could see his mouth as he munches onto them

Melody: Say Bell...

BeatBox: Yes

Melody: Have you... taken off your helmet?

BeatBox stops chewing as he sits there quietly for a few minutes

BeatBox: ... Well... only when I shower or sleep, but I wrap some things around my face when I sleep

Melody: why?

BeatBox: ... I... don't want to talk about right here... I'll tell you back at home...

Melody: Ok...

BeatBox sips down his soda and Melody continue to stare at him

Melody: "I've never once heard him in a sad lower tone..."

BeatBox puts his helmet down and turn at her as nothing happen

BeatBox: Well, it's your turn melody! I would like to hear your voice.

Melody: Ok...

They spent the next few hours doing karaoke while melody continues to feel a bit worried about BeatBox's reason why he keeps the helmet on.

BeatBox: Well that was fun!

Melody: Y-Yeah...

BeatBox: Hang on let me pay for the food, and we will get-

Melody: Wait, I can pay it

BeatBox: I'm paying it

Melody: You brought me here, so I should pay for it

BeatBox: How about we both pay 50/50

Melody: ... Fine

They both played for their karaoke and food but as they set outside, they felt the colder air blow onto their face

BeatBox: Jeez, it got cold...

He looks at melody, who has her head buried beneath in her jacket which he almost unwraps his scarf and wraps it around her. She looks at the scarf and looks back at BeatBox.

BeatBox: Don't want you to catch a cold

Melody smiles but blushes a bit before leaning against him as they make their way back to BeatBox place


This story is interrupted by a chibi BeatBox and Melody singing Santa Claus is coming to town


They arrive inside BeatBox place as BeatBox lets melody in, and they go in together

Melody: So tell me... why do you hide my face

BeatBox: ... When I was young... I couldn't make any friends because I was scared to meet other people... my father left me and my mother for another woman... and my mother thought I looked so much like my father, saying it was like a cursed face, so she made me wear a mask to cover my face when I was around her... I felt like I was being like a new person that my mother doesn't know... I felt like I wasn't part of any family... but I also felt... calm because I feel like I'm in an empty room where I can't be scared of anyone... I only continue wearing this because... it feels like this is what I'm supposed to be... someone that isn't me... someone that can go up to people and talk like a normal person.

Melody: Bell...

BeatBox: I later moved out of the house... and that's when music came to my life...

Melody: How?...

BeatBox: ...

3 years ago:

Bell was cleaning up his dirty room which he lives in an old dirty apartment

Bell: *sigh* I need to find some more bandages to cover my face... I'm starting to-

Suddenly the door begin to knock, which he answers to see the old landlord

Old man: Hey sonny boy, I need you to pay up

Bell: I know, I'll get the money by noon I think

Old man: Well you better or else I'm going to kick the shit out of you

Bell: I will, I don't want to be beaten by an old man

Old man: *sigh* say sonny boy... would you like to learn music and fights?

Bell: What?

Old man: Well... I used to have a club where I teach people music and how to fight but most of them left because they couldn't handle the pain... so I was wondering if you like to?

Bell: Uh... I don't know... are you going to be ok teaching me, 'cause you're old and-

Suddenly the old man jumps up and kicks across the face

Old man: Don't underestimate me, sonny boy!

Bell: Ow! That hurts! How are you that fast!

Old man: I'm a former teacher that taught people how to fight, but since I can't move around too much, I just teach people music as well

Bell: I see... who did you teach

Old man: Well my first student was killed a few years ago... he was my best student since he was a strong fight that he made a name across the world after he left

Bell: He was that popular?

Old man: yeah... I still miss that sonny boy to this day...

Bell: I see...

Old man: So do you want to or not

Bell: Well... I got nothing else to do so... sure?

Old man: meet me outside, out back in a little bit

Bell: sure

Old man walks off as Bell finishes up his clean and head out back to see the old man and a purple inkling

Old man: About time you showed up

Bell: Hey

Old man: This is my other student

Purple inkling: Hey, the names Daniel, aka the next idol in the world

Bell: I see... so what are we doing out here?

Old man: Well I'm going to teach you music

Bell: Ok? But why out here?

Old man: 1. It's nice out 2. So you can feel the atmosphere.

Bell: Atmosphere?

Daniel: When you enjoy playing music, you get this feeling of a nice war atmosphere, or you feel like you in another peaceful world, depending on the music

Old man: Ah, so you remembered

Daniel: Told you I studied!

Old man: But yes, music is like the atmosphere you're in... calm music can feel like you're in a beautiful grass field while you're under the tree, but fights can be like music as well

Bell: What?

Old man: When you fight, not only the atmosphere changes around you, but the mood and skill you throw at your opponent is like your making music

Bell: I guess?

Old man: You'll learn soon now for starts, but call me sensei and you two start brawling as a warm-up

Bell: What?


Danny throws a punch at Bell as he throws a punch at him. Time flies by as Bell learn more about combat and music, but when he played his music, he felt like it was welcoming him to a family that can accept him. Bell was outside the balcony sipping some energy drink as he looks out the view.

Daniel: Yo, are you busy?

He looks over to the other balcony to see Daniel on the other side

Bell: We're neighbors?

Daniel: Yeah, how convenient

He hops over to bell balcony as he hands him another energy drink

Daniel: You're quite an interesting guy, you know

Bell: You think so?

Daniel: Yeah, but I'm just curious, why do you cover my face?

Bell: ... I just... I don't know... it makes me feel comfortable to talk?...

Daniel: Ah you're a nervous guy

Bell: Yeah...

Daniel: You know even if you're scared or nervous smile

Bell: Huh

Daniel: We all something we had a hard time with, but remember even if anything bad happens to us, we can smile about it, knowing it will be gone sooner or later or how a bad thing can be a good thing in our life for the future...

Bell: I guess...

Present time:

BeatBox: I could've taken off my mask for so long... but I kept it on because I believe something good may happen... and it did... I met a lot of people and made lots of friends... even if one of them denies it... I spent most of my time, hanging out together with him as we both became close friends we both decided to share the same goal. He was the one that gave me this helmet.

Melody: What happened to the old man?

BeatBox: He... died at an old age and Daniel split up and promise to meet again once we became famous... I still haven't seen him ever since... though... I still don't know who I am...

Melody: ... You are who you are bell...

BeatBox: Huh?

Melody: I've gotten to know you ever since we met... you are a wonderful person... you haven't change who you are... you are what you are no matter what... but you're not being some other person... you're just scared if your mother was right... you've already learned to communicate without your helmet, you just haven't tried it...

She walks over to him and grabs onto his helmet. BeatBox was about to grab her arm, but he felt like there was no reason too.

BeatBox: ... go-ahead

She lifts his helmet as she gets a good look at his face which surprises her

BeatBox: I'm... ugly right?...

Melody *smiles* no just adorable...

BeatBox: I... you think so?

Melody: Yeah... you are

She leans forward as both BeatBox and Melody lays their lips against each other in the moonlight before separating from each other

Melody: So are we a couple now?

BeatBox: ... Hehe yeah... yeah, we are...

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