Chapter 23: truth about friends

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Both Tadayoshi and Alexa fought each other while tracer was taking care of the octolings

Tadayoshi: your skills aren't that bad, why couldn't you do this when we met

Alexa: I was weak, but I trained when the traitor left

Tracer: don't hurt her, break the mask, I think that's what making like this

Tadayoshi: if you say so

Tadayoshi kept trying to hit the mask, but Alexa kept dodging

Suddenly Alexa swings a hit on Tadayoshi which he gets knocks out

Alexa approaches him

Alexa: Well, that was easy then-

Suddenly Tadayoshi moves Alexa's gun and pulls out a small pen and brings it close to her neck, but Alexa dodges it, but Tadayoshi ends up cutting her mask, which breaks and Alexa falls to the ground

Tracer: you broke the mask, she should awake now

Alexa slowly get up

Tracer: are you awake, it's me, tracer, your friend

Alexa gets up and smiles

Tadayoshi: why is she smiling

Tracer: I don't know

Alexa raised her hand and the octolings backed off

Alexa: huh, you are strong, but not strong enough

Tracer eyes sink in

Tracer: she isn't hypnosis, she is awake

Alexa: I've always been awake, and this fight ain't over

Tadayoshi: sorry to tell you this, but I don't think the Alexa you know is coming back

Alexa jumps up to a building and Tadayoshi and tracer follows her

Alexa: this place is better, more room, now shall we continue

Tadayoshi: yes, we shall


Alexa, tracer, and Tadayoshi were now on top of a building dodging and they each take turns throwing attacks at each other, while the octoling stands outside of their arena watching them

Tracer swings at her, but Alexa kick tracer down, which cause her to hit a wall

Tadayoshi then swung his pen at her, which cut Alexa's arm

Tadayoshi thrust his pen at her, but she dodges and hits Tadayoshi on the side of his head, knocking him out, this time

Alexa sits on top of him

Alexa: I always thought you're a cute one...

Alexa aims her weapon at his head

Alexa: ...but it's too bad that I have to put you down

Suddenly red ink hit on the side of Alexa's face, she turns to see who shot her

Tracer, who is shivering, was aiming at her

Alexa: So you finally got me

She stands up

Alexa: your next, traitor

Tracer was still aiming at her but was backing up

Tracer: w-why did you leave with me, he broke your mask too, so we could've been free together

Alexa looks at her then begins laughing

Alexa: free?! Together!? Oh please, Octavio gave us everything we wanted, and you wanted to leave from that, plus even if I wanted to escape, I don't escape with you

Tracer falls, crawling back against a wall

Tracer: what... why

Alexa: you see, ever since I met you, I thought you would be a good maid for me, you did everything I need to get done with, you did everything I wanted to do, you gave me something that will accomplish my goals, you were something I need to get rid of my problems, you were a good pet

Tracer looks down

Tracer: w-we weren't friends

Alexa: friends!? No, why would I befriend someone like you, why have friends, when you can have someone to listen and does your things for you

Alexa put her foot against the wall and aims at tracer

Alexa: you were a good pet, but right now you're in my way

Suddenly and a pen hits the wall, nearly missing Alexa

Alexa eyes sink in

Behind her was Tadayoshi, who is now awake, with his teeth clenching, and squeezing his fist tight. Alexa smiles and turns at her

Alexa: ooohhh, someone's salty

Suddenly when Alexa opens her eyes, a fist was coming at her, she barely dodges it, but she sees in his eyes that he knew where she would dodge

He grabs his pen from the wall

Tadayoshi: pet? You call her nothing but a pet

Alexa: why do you care anyway

Tadayoshi suddenly cuts her, and Alexa fall back


Tadayoshi: you don't consider anyone as a friend don't you

The other octolings look at her

Alexa: no... that's not true, I-I consider you guys as-

Tadayoshi: you just want to get notice and become the next ruler of the octolings, don't you

Alexa: I-I

Tadayoshi steps on her and raised his pen at her

Tadayoshi: your not a real cephalopod, you're a one of those people

Tadayoshi strikes his pen, but misses her, which cause Alexa to knock out

He turns at the octolings, who go scared

Tadayoshi: this is your chance to run, but if you come back again, you won't find a light in your afterlife

The octolings quickly runs off

Tadayoshi calls for Marie

Tadayoshi: hey, it's me, I need you to escort someone


This story is interrupted by a chibi tracer dazing at chibi Tadayoshi while  he is sharpening his pen


After a few hours, the squidbeak arrives and took care of Alexa and treated tracer and Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi notice Alexa still by the wall, putting her face on her knees

Tadayoshi approaches to her

Tadayoshi: hey

Tracer looks up and Tadayoshi finally sees her face, which she was crying

He sits next to her

Tadayoshi: you alright

Tracer: I met her when I was young, we would play together, and we call each other, best friends, but now I see why she was so nice to me

Tracer tears up

Tracer: she didn't want to give away her true self, and now I realize, I was always alone my whole life

Tracer begin bawling and Tadayoshi watches her

Tadayoshi put his hand on her shoulder

Tadayoshi: it ok, it's ok

Tracer: it's not ok, you don't even know how it feels like to realize that you have been betrayed by your friend

Tadayoshi: ... I do know, I experience it

Tracer looks at him

Tadayoshi: when I was young, I wanted to make friends, I always told myself, "I am going to make the most friend in the whole world"

Tadayoshi: he, it was stupid

Tracer giggles

Tadayoshi: every day, I would meet new people and try to make friends with them, but they reject me, I did realize it, so I kept going for 5 years, but until one day, I met a group of people and tried to befriend with them, but they told me

Tadayoshi: "look, you been going on like this for 5 years straight, don't you realize that no one wants to be near you, hey so do I, sorry, but we don't hang out with losers, and nobodies like you, go home and stay there, don't ever come back and make another attempt"

Tracer looks at him in shock

Tadayoshi: I ran home crying, but when I got over it, I realized that what I have been doing for them meant nothing to them, so I gave up, and I learned, later on, the truth about a friend...

He turns at tracer

Tadayoshi: so just so you know, people aren't the only ones that betray, friend and family can too

Tracer then jumps on him for a hug and was still crying

Tracer: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Tadayoshi: for what

Tracer: for you to suffer through that

Tadayoshi pats her back

Tadayoshi: it's ok, it's not your fault, just don't go through what I went through, after all, you've real friends, right

Tracer then remembers him, Marie,  and others cephalopods that, not only treated her as a friend but like a family to her

Tracer let's go of him

Tracer: thank you

Tadayoshi: don't thank me, thank them

He gets up and leaves while tracer follows him


Tadayoshi arrives at Marie and Callie's place to drop tracer off

Tracer: thank you for this date

Tadayoshi: well, I would call it a date, because-

Tracer: I know, I know

Tadayoshi turns to leave

Tracer: oh and by the way

Tadayoshi turns at tracer, who is now licking her finger around

Tracer: come back here someday and we'll have some real fun

Tadayoshi rolls his eyes and continues his way home

Somewhere in an abandoned building

The group that was spying on Tadayoshi were all on the ground beaten

?: did you have to beat them

?2: come on they were spying on senpai

?: but we do you know

?2: yeah, but only us, can spy on him

The stranger began to walk out the door leaving the group knocked out

?: so now what

?2: let's go meet him in person soon

?: will he talk to us

?2: I sure... I'm sure he will

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