My thoughts on the riot

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As you know on may 25, geogoe Floyd (Rips) was killed by a policeman and then caused a huge riot that has been going on. Now I'm am just giving my thoughts and opinion on the riot, so please don't get salty on my thoughts.
In my thoughts, I think the people in the riots are going overboard. Yes a policeman murdered a black man, but destroying and killing is not gonna do you anything, in fact it maybe worst than what the police did. They can protest it, which is fine and they might gain something, but murdering people and destroying place isn't goanna get them anywhere and what do they gain from it? So I think they should've just protest then putting other people's lives in danger when they didn't anything about the murder.

So I hope the one that live in cities and you guys stay safe and hope u get and understand my thoughts on the riot.

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