Chp 15. Triplets Trouble

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"Arnost don't do that ! Bliss no hanging !! Orlilah !?!? Oh...she does nothing" Springtrap exclaimed as he watch the triplets at the exact time.

"You weally had to have twiplets" Teddy said with a disappointed expression across his face. "Didn't your mum and dad teach ye how to mind everyone's business ?"Mangle asked. "Hey I'm a fast leawner, I leawned how babies come fwom....." Teddy stared down Mangle. "Never mind Lad....." Mangle said.

"I say.....Arnost ! Bliss ! " Springtrap yelled as he catch the two bunnies. "How much energy they have ?!? " he exclaimed. "I guess it had to do with twelve times a charm for having triplets......." Mangle blushed. "Right.....I remembered...." Springtrap disappointed.

"Springy think Orlilah will ever uncover her face...look at her...a little cutie" Mangle gushed at Orlilah, who is struggling to get up.

"Up you go you two " Springtrap start putting Arnost and Bliss on the wall. "Wow....that's a good grip they had" he compliment the oldest triplets. Mangle pick up little Orlilah and snuggle her,"look at you little cutie. Don't be scared of your parents" she cooed as she nuzzle Orlilah's little nose. "M-M-Mo....." Orlilah struggled. "Oh my gosh ! She saying her first word !" Mangle exclaimed as she held Orlilah on her lap. "Come on sweetie....say it...." Springtrap smiled. "Mom....." little Orlilah called as she hide her face. "Aww...look at you Orlilah always a shy one like your father..." Mangle cooed. "Hey I can hear you...I'm not shy ! " Springtrap mumbled. "But you are Springy....that's what make you fall in love with you" Mangle start kissing Springtrap on his cheek to his lips.

Arnost goes 'eeww....' while Bliss goes 'awww....' and Orlilah goes blushing. Springtrap and Mangle stopped kissing, since one of the triplets is not pleased. "Yucky...kissing and some sowt !" Arnost disgusted. "That's what two does when they lowe each other" Bliss gushed, while make Arnost give her a stick of his tongue. "Hey...that be wude ! Mama !! Dada !" Bliss screamed. "We're right here Bliss...we are need to scream" Springtrap said as he pick up Bliss. "Awnost is being wude to me...." Bliss said, Springtrap pet Bliss. "There there little little cutie. I'll just let you play with Teddy" Springtrap insisted as he carried her outside go Kids Cove. "Bye bye Blis..." Orlilah whispered.

Meanwhile, at the big Party room. Goldie is seen writing down some powers about his son, Teddy. "Teddy sweetie....your were birthed by us, supernatural animatronic. Let's see if you my powers or mama's powers" Goldie explained. Teddy doesn't looked confused, he look around the room and tilt his head. "Aw...don't give me that look" Goldie growled. You might know Teddy can handle his father's rage and growling, also he know what some mushy stuff is.......

"Hey Goldie, I thought if Bliss can play with your son" Springtrap said as he held onto Bliss. "Eh...sure why not. He did calm her down and kinda friends with her ? " Goldie smiled awkwardly. "Okay" Springtrap put down Bliss right beside Teddy, who is seen shy around her. "Aww...don't be shy Ted, you remembered her don't you ?" Goldie cheered Teddy up. Teddy seen nervous....he can't stop staring at Bliss's eyes, it was lovely. Sure he can be lovable and nervous at the same time, he had to approach her. (Even if he's older than her) "ummm...hi ?" Teddy greeted Bliss, he smiled nervously."Hi" Bliss replied, she smiled back.

"Aww...look at those two seeds blossoming to bloom into flowers" Goldie gushed. "What you mean ?" Springtrap asked. "I meant these two look adorable together" Goldie answered as he elbowed Springtrap. "Hey ow bro bro" Springtrap playfully yelled.

"Hey Bliss...want to see my powews ?" Teddy asked. "Wow ! Weally ? You have powers" Bliss gushed. Teddy carefully got his telekinesis on, he carefully lift Bliss up. "Fle fle..." He says, Bliss float from the ground and to her father's arms. "Aye ! Where you come from ?" Springtrap smirked. "You learned Ted...good job !" Goldie congrated Teddy.

"Thanks you dad..." Teddy blushed, as Bliss start giggling with glee. "Again ! Again ! Again!" Bliss exclaimed. "I think that's enough...Ted would be tired right now" Springtrap said as he take Bliss with him. "Aw man" Bliss moaned.

"But don't worry, you'll play with him again."

"Yay !" Bliss cheered.

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