Chapter 2: Eclipsa's Advice

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It has been days since Star talked to Marco, but she still doesn't know who to choose. Her mind says to stay with Tom but her heart says to choose Marco, summing up, her mind and heart disagree. So she decides to ask Eclipsa for advice.

On Star's room

The rays of the sun were coming through her window and which was waking Star up. After a few minutes she got up and dressed with her narwhal dress and went to the dinning room and found Eclipsa feeding Meteora.

Star: Morning Eclipsa.

Eclipsa: Morning dear. How did you sleep?

Star: Actually I couldn't sleep well since Tom had asked if the kiss with Marco meant anything, I've been more confused than before, and I don't know what to do?

Eclipsa: Oh darling. Well, how do you feel when you're with Tom?

Star: Well, when I'm with Tom I have fun and happy. But with Marco, I feel safe, protected, happy and loved. When Marco left Mewni after I defeated Toffee I felt incomplete, sad and alone. But since he came back to Mewni, first I felt confused because he came unexpectedly and a little hurt because when I confessed my feelings to him he didn't give me a closure. That was the reason I started to date Tom, because I was so fixated that Marco will always see me as his best friend and no more, so I thought if I got together with Tom those feelings for Marco would go away, but I guess I was wrong, because everytime I spent time with Marco, those feelings that I thought would fade became stronger. So before Marco kissed me on the booth, he told me that everything was different for him after my confession. And in that moment I realised that Marco confessed his feelings.When Marco kissed me at the same felt right but wrong, because he kissed me knowing that I was dating Tom. Since that day we haven't talked about the kiss, and I realised won't be the same between us. All this time Marco put a wall between us and I didn't notice that Marco felt rejected and hurt. And the worst moment in my life was on the battle with Meteora when Tom came to the castle with Marco without soul, it was like something was ripped from my heart. I was so scared that I would loose him. And when he got back his soul, I was so happy to have Marco back. But I didn't have time to think about my love life because my priority was finding my mom.

Eclipsa: So, what I hear is that you have different feelings for two boys.

Star: Yes.

Eclipsa: But, did you ask yourself who was always for you, who supported your decidions, who gave up his life for you, for who matters is your happiness before his own.

Star: No, I didn't.

Eclipsa: Did Tom do those things for you?

Star: No, but he has changed. That's why I gave him a chance. But I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss.

Eclipsa: But what do you feel when you're with Marco?

Star: Well my heart beats fast, I get nervous and blush. And when we hug I feel like home. But with Tom I don't feel those sensations.

Eclipsa: So, did you have answer for all these questions?

Star: I guess, but I don't want to hurt their feelings, especially Tom.

Eclipsa: But don't you think you're not only hurting them but yourself.

Star: Why?

Eclipsa: Because you're not being honest about your feelings and with them. But the only option is look inside your heart and think who do you want to be with.

Star: I guess you're right. I need to stop running away from my feelings. And be honest with them. I know it will be hard that one of them will end up hurt, but this pain will go away in time. But for now I will think about it. I wish I wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't fallen in love with Marco. But I guess you can't control how you feel.

Eclipsa: That's right. But the more late time you tell them, it will be worst, but if you talk to them as soon as possible, it would be a relief for you. But that's your choice.

Star: You're right. Thanks for the advice.

Star stands up from the table and goes to her room.

On Star's room

Star: Why is love so complicated? But who do I want to be with? On one hand I could stay with Tom but on the other hand, I could be with Marco.

Star's heart starts to beat fast and a blush appears on her face.

Star: Agghh! Why can't I get you out of my head, Marco? Why did you have to be such a cute oblivious idiot? Maybe I will find answers on my diary.

Star takes her diary from her desk, but when she opens it there is the photo of the kiss.

Star:-blushing-I didn't know that I put it here. Okay, let's think. Everytime Tom kisses me my heart doesn't beat fast, but when Marco kissed me, my heart was beating thousand times fast and for me that kiss was special to me even we thought that the booth was magic, but in that moment it was the two of us like the time stopped around us.

After she looks at the photo, she sees what it was written on that page where she kept it. And read what she wrote that day.

Star: So how my guy of my dreams will be.

1-Marco: Caring, sweet, fun, supportive, handsome and always be by my side.

2- Tom: Caring, fun, sweet, controls more his anger, supportive but he's not dream guy.

Then Star after writes that descriptions she realised that the guy of her dreams is Marco.

Star: Oh, my god. How I couldn't realise that Marco was my choice and it has always been. I was an idiot for not notice it. He has always been by my side since he came back, he took care of me more than I could ask for, he is always worried about me, he supports my decisions. I guess I've been running away from Marco and lying myself all this time and I've been hurting him emotionally even I didn't mean to. I hate myself for putting myself in this mess. Just because I was avoiding to be hurt again.

Star sits on her bed and thinks about all her adventures with Marco, the Blood Moon Balll, when she gave up her wand for him, when he came for her when Toffee had returned, the hug they shared on the dungeon, the day he left Mewni and finally the kissed they shared on the booth.

Star: Oh no! I really love Marco. Why I didn't tell something to him on the booth. I guess I was scared of losing him. That's it! I made my choice and is Marco.

Litte she didn't know Marco was hearing her behind her door.

Marco:-heart beats fast-So Star really she loves me.-smiles-whispering-You have no idea how much I love you, my shinning Star.

Back to Star's room

Star: I wish you knew how much mean yo me Marco. But first I need to be honest with Tom.

Outside Star's room

Marco: I am glad that you decided to stop running from your problems, Star. I'm so proud.

But one problem will get in their way, the curse. Do they love each other because of the curse? Or do their love is real? You'll find out on next chapter.

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