Chapter 4: Starco's Feelings

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It passed 1 week since Star and Marco broke the curse. But what Star didn't know it's that Marco was "dating" Kelly. Well it was not really dating, they were "break up buddies".

Star and Marco hadn't spent so much time together as they used to. Marco spent time with Kelly and Star was still dating Tom. But Star didn't feel the same for Tom, she saw him as a friend, but she didn't want to break Tom's heart, because she saw how he changed, he was sweet and caring.

Star missed her best friend. She felt like he was keeping his distance from her. That was saddening her, knowing that her "safe kid" was distancing from her.

It was a beautiful day in the city of monsters, Eclipsa was feeding Meteora. Our favourite girl was waking up and she was feeling a little better, but that day she would see something that it would break her heart.

After Star got dressed, she went to the dinning room where she found Eclipsa with Meteora.

Star: Good morning Eclipsa.

Eclipsa: Morning darling. How are you feeling today?

Star: I feel a little better. It was hard for me.

Eclipsa: Well, I'm happy to hear that.

Star: Did you see Marco?

Eclipsa: No. But I saw that was going somewhere.

Star: Do you know where?

Eclipsa: No.

Star: Oh okay- sighs sadly-

Eclipsa: Sweetie are you okay? You've been acting loomly since you and Marco broke the curse.

Star: I feel like I'm losing Marco.

Eclipsa: What do you mean?

Star: Well since that day we haven't spent time together. I feel like he's keeping his distance from me and that hurts. I really miss him, Eclipsa. I know I'm dating Tom but I realised that my feelings for Marco are real and not because of the curse. Our friendship is not the same anymore. When I try to talk to him, he avoids me. The day we broke the curse I asked him what he felt for me, he dubted his answer and he told me that he saw me as her best friend, but I realised that he was hiding something from me.

Eclipsa: I think I know the reason.

Star: You do?

Eclipsa: Of course. Before you broke the curse, he went to me saying that he wanted to get rid of his feelings, because he was hurting and also told me that he had feelings for someone else. But I told him that it wouldn't be good to get rid of his feelings even if they hurt.

Star: (Marco, it's that true that you wanted to move on from me with someone else. I'm such an idiot) -sheds a tear-.

Eclipsa seeing Star crying, she standed up and went to hug her.

Eclipsa: (I'm sorry dear). Star, I know what it feels like to love someone. The same happened to me when I fell in love with my Globgor. Love is complicated.

Star: -wipes away tears- Thank you, Eclipsa. I feel much better. So, what should I do?

Eclipsa: Just try to talk to Marco, dear.

Star: I guess you're right. But is it even worth trying?

Eclipsa: Just follow your heart. Tell him how you feel. -looks at the door- Speaking of him, he is coming.

Star: What?

Eclipsa: But it's better that you don't turn your back.

Star: What do you mean? -turns around-

And she found something that it broke her heart.

Star: (Marco and Kelly? How did this happen? When? Why didn't he tell me about it? It's that why he was keeping his distance from me? Because he was with Kelly?)

Eclipsa saw how upset and sad was Star in that moment. After Star saw that scene, she was holding tears, she didn't want Marco to see her cry. Marco saw Eclipsa and Star, but his eyes were focused on Star. He noticed her expression.

Marco: Hey, everyone.

Eclipsa: Hi, dear. How are you?

Marco: Well, I am fine. -looks at Star- Oh hey, Star.

Star: Oh, hey Marco -forcing a smile- I didn't see you this morning.

Marco: Well, I was with Kelly.

Star: Well, that's good. Well if you excuse me, I'll be in my room. -Star leaves-

Marco: Star, wait!

Star: -turns around- Yeah?

Marco: -worried- Are you alright?

Star: -forcing a smile- Yeah, I'm fine. See you later. -leaves-

Kelly: Is she okay?

Marco: I think so. (What's wrong Star? I know when you're lying?). Eclipsa, do you know what is happening to Star?

Eclipsa: It's better if you talk to her.

Marco: I guess you're right. I never saw her like this.

Kelly: Talk to her, Marco. She's your best friend.

Marco: You're right. Well see you soon. -kisses her cheek-

Kelly: -blushing- See you.

But they didn't know that Star saw that kiss.

Star: (Marco? Since when I lost you? It hurts me seeing you with her.) -sheds a tear-

Star turns around and goes to her room.

Meanwhile in the dinning room, Marco was wondering what was happening to his best friend.

Marco: Eclipsa? Do you know why is Star like this?

Eclipsa: (He's so oblivious) She's sad, dear.

Marco: Why?

Eclipsa: Because she misses you.

Marco: She does?

Eclipsa: Yeah. She's been like this since the day you broke the curse. She feels like you are keeping your distance and your friendship is not the same anymore. She is hurting, dear.

Marco: So she's like this because of me?

Eclipsa: -nods-

Marco: How could I make this happen? But did she told the real reason beside that she misses me.

Eclipsa: Yes. But it's not my part to tell you that. But she told me that she loves someone, but that someone doesn't know that.

Marco: (She loves someone? But who? But she's with Tom)

Eclipsa: Marco, are you okay dear?

Marco: Yeah, I was thinking. So, what should I do?

Eclipsa: Dear, can I ask you something?

Marco: Sure.

Eclipsa: What is your relationship with Kelly?

Marco: Well, actually. We're break up buddies. We decided to be like that to forget about our broken hearts. She wanted to forget about her ex-boyfriend and I wanted to forget about my feelings for Star.

Eclipsa: But are you sure about having this relationship? I know you wanted to move on from Star, but do you like Kelly? Like you liked Star?

Marco: (Do I really like Kelly? Or I'm just trying to forget Star? Why did my heart break when I saw Star sad? Do I still have feelings for her? Why do I still feel this way for her? Oh no! I still like Star. No I'm in love with her. Oh no. What have I done?). You're right, I like Kelly, but I see her as a friend, but I see Star as something more. I realised that I'm in love with Star.

Eclipsa: So why don't you tell her?

Marco: Because -sighs sadly- she's dating Tom. And he is my friend. And I don't know if Star feels the same way.

Eclipsa: Well, you will never know if you don't ask her. (If you knew how much she loves you.) Talk to her.

Marco: You're right. But first I need to talk to Kelly. See you. -leaves-

Eclipsa: (Aww young love). -turns to Globgor- Oh dear, Star and Marco remind me to us. I hope they confess their feelings.

Star's room

Our favourite girl was sleeping after she stopped crying. She was heartbroken.

Star: (Oh Marco, if you knew how much I love you.) -sheds a tear-

Her love for Marco was strong. She didn't know how long could hid her feelings. She needed to tell him, she had faith that Marco feels the same way. But she needed to talk to Tom.

*On the phone*

Tom: Hello?

Star: Hi, Tom. Can we talk?

Tom: Sure.

Star: But in person. Not on the phone.

Tom: Okay.

Star: Can you come to the temple right now? It's important.

Tom: I'll be right there.

*Hangs up the phone*

Meanwhile, Marco went to Kelly's dimension to talk to her.

Marco: Kelly are you there?

Kelly: Oh hey Marco. What's up?

Marco: We need to talk.

Kelly: Sure, come in.

Marco comes in Kelly's house.

Kelly: So, what did you wanna talk about?

Marco: I think we should stop being break up buddies.

Kelly: Why?

Marco: Well---

Kelly: Let me guess. It's Star, isn't it?

Marco: How did you know?

Kelly: You're so obvious, Marco. I saw the way you looked at her when she was upset.

Marco: (I'm so obvious) Wow, I didn't realise. But yeah, it's about Star. I realised that I still have feelings for her and those feelings were not because of the curse, they were real. First I thought it was a crush, but that feeling become more stronger to the point that I have been always in love with her, but I was so focus on Jackie that I didn't realise that I had an amazing girl in front of me.  But I don't know if she feels the same.

Kelly: Of course she does. I saw how Star was upset and jealous when she saw you with me.

Marco: You think so?

Kelly: I know so.

Marco: I'm sorry Kelly. But I had fun with you. Can we still be friends?

Kelly: Of course, buddie. Now go get her.

Marco: Thank you. Bye. -leaves-

Back to the Temple

Tom arrived to the Temple and went to Star's room.

Tom: -knocks the door- Starship, are you there?

Star: Yeah, come in.

Tom comes in and sits nexts to Star. So what did you wanna talk about?

Star: Tom, it's hard to tell you this. But--

Tom: we should break up.

Star: -shocked- How did you know?

Tom: Well, when you called me, you told me it was important.

Star: I'm sorry Tom.

Tom: Don't. Let me guess, it's about Marco, isn't it?

Star: Yeah. I thought that my feelings were because of the curse, but it turned out that they were real.

Tom: I figured out that you still have feelings for him, I saw the way you look at him, everytime you talked about him, your eyes brightened. But it's okay. We think different, you need to be with your best friend, because what you two have it's better than a curse. This love came from your friendship. I hope I find someone who I will spend time and be my best friend. But this time that we spent together, I enjoyed it. So tell to Marco how you feel. He's a good guy. He really cares about you, Star.

Star: Tom, thank you for understanding. But can we still be friends?

Tom: Of course.

They both hug, but Star sheds a tear because she was the one who broke his heart.

Star: Thank you Tom. I really enjoyed our time together. Hope you find your happiness.

Tom: I know. See you soon, Starship. -sheds a tear-

Tom opens a portal to the Underworld. Tom was happy about his decision. Star needed to be with someone who makes her happy.

Star: (Tom really changed. I hope you find someone who will make you happy.)

After they both broke up with their exes, they were relieved that they understood the situation.

Star/Marco: (I need to tell her/him how I feel. It's time to stop running away.)

After awhile Marco arrived to the Monter Temple to talk to Star. He was really nervous. But he had hope that Star will feel the same way.

Marco: (Here I go).

He opens Star's door and he sees her on her bed.

Marco: Star?

Star: -surprised- Oh hey Marco.

Marco: Can I come in?

Star: Sure.

Both were nervous around each other. Star patted a spot for him on her bed.

Star/Marco: We need to talk.

Star: Okay you first.

Marco: Star, why didn't you tell me you were feeling sad.

Star: Because I didn't want you to worry.

Marco: But Star, I hate seeing you like that. You know I care about you. It's my job to cheer you up.

Star: -smiles- I know. But I need to tell you something. First Tom and I broke up.

Marco: What? Are you okay?

Star: Yeah, it was mutual. He knew that I still have feelings for -blushes- you

Marco: -blushes- Oh.

Star: -looks at you- So, what did you wanna talk about?

Marco: Well, I "broke up" with Kelly. She knew that I still had feelings for you. So it was mutual.

Star: Oh. Is she okay?

Marco: Yeah, we still are friends.

Star: Same with Tom. Marco, do you remember the dance before we broke the curse?

Marco: Yeah. I thought I wouldn't remember it, but I was wrong. What about you?

Star: I remember it so well. That moment was special to me, because that dance felt different that when we danced the first time. And in that moment I realised that my feelings were real and not because of the curse.

Marco: Yeah, I felt that too. So I guess we feel the same, eh?

Star: -blushes- Yeah. Marco, I'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't notice that you were suffering when you saw me with Tom. It's just that when we kissed on the booth, I was confused. But the day when we fought Meteora, when Tom came back, and I saw you without your soul in that moment I realised how much you meant to me. When you got your soul back, I was so happy that I got you back.

Marco: And then why didn't you say anything?

Star: Because I didn't want to break Tom's heart. He showed me how much he changed.

Marco: You know how much I was hurting? It was a torture Star. I had to hold seeing you with him. I was an idiot to realise my feelings too late the day we went to the Lava Lake after I saw you and Tom kissing, that was like a knife in my heart. That day I wanted to tell how I felt but it was too late. I hid my feelings because I saw how happy you were with Tom.

Star: Marco, I'm really sorry.

Marco: Hey, it's okay. The important thing is that we both feel the same.

Star: Yeah. So what happens now?

Marco: Well, there is something I wanted to do a long time.

Star: Yeah, what is it?

Marco: Close your eyes.

Star: What?

Marco: Close your eyes, please

Star: Okay. -closes her eyes-

Marco: -leans forward-

Star: -opens an eye-

Marco: Star, I saw you.

Star: Fine

Marco: -leans forward-

Star: -leans forward-

And finally the kiss they have been waiting happened.

Marco holds her wrist and pulls her close to deep the kiss. And Star puts her arms around Marco's neck.

Marco: (Her lips are so soft and warm, I feel in a cloud. I don't want to stop)

Star: (His lips are so warm and soft. I'm in heaven. I am losing in this feeling. This kiss is not compared to the kiss on the booth. This kiss is magical. I don't want to stop)

But they pull away to catch breath.

Star: -blushes and smiles- Woow that was...

Marco: -blushes and smiles- amazing. I know.

It was time that they confessed their feelings. They both were blushing and with their hearts beating fast.

Star/Marco: I love you.

Marco: I love you so much Star.

Star: I love you too, Marco.

After they confessed to each other, they both embraced each other. Since that moment they will have a new adventure.

Marco: So Star, will you be my girlfriend?

Star: Yes, yes ,yes. -kisses him-

Marco: -kisses her back-

So since that moment they became boyfriend and girlfriend, and they couldn't be more happy. Because they were finally with their love of their lives.

But they didn't know that more challenges were coming for them, but they will face them together.


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