Chap 10

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Chapter 10

Yuri moved back into her old apartment, sharing a room with Sooyoung like the old days. It didn’t feel foreign to Yuri though, because Yuri sometimes spent the night here when Hyomin wasn’t home. Dropping her bag on the ground with a loud thud, she started unpacking and settling in.

Yoona immediately woke up and entered the room to help. Seeing that Yuri was visibly distraught, she knelt down beside the girl, and tried to think of something comforting to say.

“Yuri, she’ll be fine eventually. You know, breakups happen everyday all over the world. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Yuri wiped off her tears with her hand. “I know how much she needs me and yet I left her. What kind of a person does that make me?”

“The way I see it, you’re just a normal human being.” Yoona said as she put an arm around her shoulder. “You can’t be living your life for someone else, Yuri. You have to look out for yourself too. Remember what you said about it being unfair to all 3 of you if you stayed with her?”

“But when I look back, it just seems like I’m being selfish.”

“We’re all selfish in one way or another.” Yoona sighed. “Well I’m glad that you feel bad. At least we know our Yuri’s not heartless.”

Yuri slightly smiled, taking a little comfort in her comment.

Suddenly, there was a loud slam of the door. “YURI!! WELCOME HOME!!! “I’M HUNGRY! COOK COOK COOK!!” Sooyoung screamed as she entered the house.

Yoona rolled her eyes. “Told ya, we’re all selfish in one way or another.” Getting up on her feet, she glared at the approaching shikshin. “Is that all you care about? Can’t you see she’s upset?” Yoona yelled.

Sooyoung ignored the screaming deer and walked towards Yuri. Resting both hands on her hips, she glared at a visibly upset Yuri with her big eyes. “Kwon Yul. I don’t see why you should be upset. You have, TWO!” she gestured with her fingers, “I repeat, TWO, GORGEOUS, girls who are CRAZILY in love with you!” she huffed. “You’re like… the gay version of Bella Swan! And I don’t see Bella complaining!”

“Sooyoung!!” Yoona exclaimed.

“WHAT? Am I wrong?” Sooyoung retorted.

Yuri chuckled amidst her tears. “No… You’re right. I am very lucky.” she wiped the last of her tears and walked towards the two girls. “And I have two gorgeous friends whom I’m in CRAZILY in love with too.” she smiled. “Thanks for taking me back.”

“No problem.” Sooyoung put an arm over her shoulder. “This is OUR home from the start! You are welcome anytime!”

“Yea, and besides, it doesn’t concern me since I still get my own room.” Yoona grinned. “Good luck with Sooyoung!”

“What do you mean, good luck?” Sooyoung glared at Yoona.

“Oh please. You wanna discuss Sleep Like Choi Sooyoung 101?” Yoona shuddered. “It’ll take me a whole month. Maybe two.”


Yuri smiled at the bickering duo, enjoying that warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach. She reached forward and hugged them; taking comfort in the fact that she had the best friends in the world by her side.

And… ‘TWO crazily gorgeous girls who were in love with her’.

“Love Mush, hugging doesn’t solve hunger.” Sooyoung stated in the middle of their group hug.

“Right.” Yuri rolled her eyes at the unstoppable shikshin.


“Are you two ready? We’re gonna be late! I’m not gonna run to school again!” Jessica yelled as she knocked on her neighbors’ door. There was no response. Sensing that the two were busy with whatever they were doing, she huffed as she leaned against the wall and waited with her arms crossed. Bored out of her wits, she started spacing out again.

I wonder how it would be like with Yuri… She paused, her face suddenly getting hotter. What am I thinking!

“Morning Sica!” The door opened to reveal Taeyeon and Tiffany, who had the words ‘panting’, ‘messy’, and ‘pervy’ written all over their faces. Trying her best to mask her own flustered face at the indecent thought earlier, Jessica exhaled before narrowing her eyes at them and shooting them a disgusted look.

“Let’s go.” she stated and started walking ahead.

The couple followed closely behind. Sensing that Jessica might feel like she was a third wheel, Tiffany walked beside her. “Jessi! So how was dinner with Yuri?” she asked as she clung onto her arm.

“Good.” the Ice Princess responded in her usual icy tone.

Taeyeon, who was on Jessica’s other side, looked at her inquisitively. “So did she… uhhh… are you…” she uttered as the trio stepped into the elevator.

Jessica sighed as she tapped on the elevator button. “Phrase your question properly, and then ask me.”

With that, Taeyeon and Tiffany leaned slightly backwards behind Jessica, and then turned to each other, engaging in their little telepathic conversation.

Ask her!

No, YOU ask her! You’re her best friend!

But Tete!

“ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH YURI?” they both ended up asking at the same time.

Jessica jerked in surprise at the sudden question, but kept a straight face. Acting as indifferently as possible, she replied, “Yea. So?”

Like a chirpy little girl, Tiffany started skipping around in the lift. “Awww! Yuri’s feelings are finally requited! Actually, I kinda thought you two already had a thing in high school! And then you went away for so long and now suddenly you’re back and in love--” Tiffany paused, wearing an expression of revelation. “Omgawd. Is SHE…” she stopped in front of Jessica. “Is she the reason you came back?”

Jessica didn’t respond. Grabbing onto Tiffany’s shoulders, she turned the girl around and pushed her out of the elevator. “Keep walking. I don’t wanna be late.”

“It is, isn’t it?” Tiffany asked again. Beside her, Taeyeon had the “OHHHH” face.

“So that’s why you’ve been bugging us to meet up with Sooyoung ever since you came back! And then you forced me to make all those phone calls to Sooyoung just so you can get to—“

“Yes.” the blonde cut Taeyeon off and walked ahead.

Tiffany side-hugged Taeyeon tightly, who did the same. “OMGAWD Tete. Is that Jessica Jung?” the couple stopped in their tracks and stared at the blonde wide eyed as she walked ahead.

Taeyeon strode towards the blonde, dragging her stunned girlfriend along. “Does Yuri know that you specifically came back for her?”

“No. But it doesn’t matter.”

Taeyeon frowned at her reply. Concerned, she continued questioning. “Did it occur to you that throughout these years, she might have uhhh… found someone else?”

Jessica’s expression darkened. “She did.”

“WHAT?!” the couple exclaimed.

Tiffany ran ahead and parked herself in front of Jessica again. “W-W-Wait so… she has someone and she has… you.” Tiffany said. “That two-timing b--”

“Had.” Jessica replied, lightly pushing Tiffany aside. “She HAD a girlfriend. She broke it off with her.”

Tiffany looked at her inquisitively. “When?”


“Did this happen before, or after you came back?” Taeyeon asked.

With much reluctance, Jessica replied, “After.”

Taeyeon frowned. “This is extremely messy, Sica. So you waited all these years just to come back for Yuri, a fact that remains unknown to her. And during these years you were gone, she got involved with someone, and now that you’re back, she’s breaking off with her girlfriend, I assume, for you?”

Jessica sighed. “In short, yes.” She knew how ridiculous it sounded to her two concerned friends, but it was the cold truth she couldn’t deny. There was no way to sweeten the story.

“What if she’s lying about breaking up with her and then continues to two-time you? Or what if she still has feelings for her girlfriend?” Taeyeon questioned. “You trust Yuri THAT much?”

Jessica glared at the shorter girl. “Yes.” She couldn’t deny though, that Taeyeon had a point.

Sensing that Jessica was slightly offended, Tiffany put an arm around her girlfriend, gesturing her to stop the interrogation. She then turned to Jessica, and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me anything all these years? I would have at least kept a close eye on her.”

“You guys weren’t even in contact after high school. But I know it’s hard when you go to different schools. Besides, you two only hang out with each other doing… Whatever.”

Both girls looked away instantly. Jessica had been spot on.

Changing the topic swiftly, Taeyeon asked, “So why did it take you this long to come back?"

“I had to prove to my father that I was capable of living on my own. He only let me come back because I’m older now.” Jessica replied, avoiding the questioning looks of her two friends. Jessica hated the interrogation; it was driving her crazy.

“Whoa. Kwon Yul is like the luckiest girl in the world.” Taeyeon stated.

Tiffany crossed her arms and glared at the shorter girlfriend. “Oh I thought you were the luckiest, Kim Taeyeon.”

“Oh of course I am!” Taeyeon immediately said while clinging on Tiffany’s arm, afraid of incurring her girlfriend’s wrath. “I’m luckiest in the UNIVERSE.” she said, cheekily.

“Better.” Tiffany smiled and patted Taeyeon’s head. Jessica cringed.

“So are you girls an item already?” Tiffany asked, unaware of Jessica’s disgust.

“Yea, we thought you were actually, considering that night at the club when you two totally smothered each other.” Taeyeon stated.

Upon hearing Taeyeon’s comment, Jessica choked on her own saliva and started coughing. She had been drunk that night and it didn’t cross her mind then that the couple was also at the dance floor. She had been too focused on… Yuri.

“You alright?” Taeyeon asked, slightly smirking. “Looks like something did happen that night,” she whispered in Tiffany’s ear.

Jessica took some time to recover. She looked at the couple. “I-I was drunk that night!” she stated defensively.

Taeyeon and Tiffany stared at her, eyebrows arched upwards.

“Seriously.” Jessica glared back at their questioning stares. “And I don’t know if we’re gonna be together yet. I mean, she hasn’t said or done anything besides tell me about the break up.”

“Why don’t YOU ask her out?” Tiffany said.

Jessica opened her eyes in surprise. “Me??”

“Well, you’ve already waited 3 years! Why wait anymore?” Tiffany said.

Jessica hesitated. “Yea, but ME? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way round?” Jessica questioned.

Tiffany crossed her arms and stared at the girl. “What’s wrong? I was the one who asked Tete out too. This girl here is a wuss.” she said as she put an arm over Taeyeon. “She had feelings for me all along and she didn’t dare to act on it, so I did the job. No sweat.” Tiffany declared proudly.

Taeyeon lowered her head in shame at Tiffany’s comment.

“We’re all girls anyway, what does it matter?” Tiffany added.

Jessica thought deeply about what Tiffany said. “Should I?”

“Why not?” Tiffany smiled. “I’d love seeing you two get together.”

“Okay, so what should I do?”

The girls had reached school by this time. “We’ll discuss it during break later. Meanwhile give it some thought alright? See you later!” Tiffany said while dragging Taeyeon away with her.

“Alright…” Jessica said as she waved goodbye to the couple.

“What if she’s lying about breaking up with her and then continues to two-time you?

“Or what if she still has feelings for her girlfriend?”

I guess I just have to trust Yuri…

Inhaling deeply, she shook the negative thoughts out of her head and hurriedly headed to class.


“Do we really need this much?” Yuri groaned dreadfully as Sooyoung ran back with another bunch of snacks in her hands and dropped them in the trolley.

“Of course! We have 3 mouths to feed from now on!” she stated as she reached for more on the adjacent shelf.

Yuri sighed and rubbed her temples. The unstoppable shikshin, indeed.

“Oh gosh, I have to go for uhhh… something! I’ll see you guys at home later!” Yoona said and hurried off.

“Bye Yoong!” Sooyoung waved while dropping yet another batch of goodies in the trolley.

“Yoong! We can’t possibly carry all this back home!” Yuri exclaimed as she stared into the trolley. When she looked up, the deer had already disappeared.

That smart girl…

“Yuri, you’ll need the training now that you’re gonna be enslaved to the Ice Princess for life.” Sooyoung yelled from across the aisle.

“What do you mean?” Yuri pushed the trolley forward, stopping behind Sooyoung.

“Remember how in high school, you used to carry all her books for her? Well you’re gonna be doing stuff like that again now. This right here,” she patted the trolley, “is good training if you ask me.”

“Well whatever I’ll be carrying won’t be heavier than THIS!” Yuri exclaimed as she pushed the heavily loaded trolley towards Sooyoung.

“Oh hoho just wait and see.” Sooyoung stopped the trolley without much effort and gave a menacing laughter. “And ask her out already, would you?”

“Isn’t it too soon? I just broke up with Minnie.”

“So? It’s not like Hyomin knows about the both of you.”

Yuri kept silent.

Sooyoung put an arm over the girl’s shoulder. “Here’s the way I see it.” Sooyoung gestured. “You’re single, she’s single, and you both love each other. GET TOGETHER. And then move in with her, quickly. I don’t want a love sick mush running all over the house.”

Yuri laughed sarcastically. “Very funny, Choi Sooyoung. I’ve barely moved in for a day and you’re already chasing me out? So what’s all this food for? And what happened to ‘This is our home, you’re always welcome!’ huh?”

Sooyoung didn’t respond. Instead, she flashed an evil grin and pointed at the blinking phone in Yuri’s bag.

“Omgawd, SICA!” Yuri exclaimed as she took the phone out of her bag. She stared at her phone for a good few seconds as the word “SICA” flashed continuously on the screen.

“Wuss.” Sooyoung snatched the phone from her hands. “Hey Sica! It’s Sooyoung!”

“YA!!” Yuri tried in vain to snatch it back. Sooyoung was too fast, and too tall.

“Oh Yuri? She’s busy being all jittery and nervous about your call. We’re at the supermarket buying food.” Sooyoung said while dodging Yuri’s attacks.

Yuri could barely hear Jessica from where she was, but she did hear giggling sounds. “OMGAWD! Give it back!” she mouthed to Sooyoung.

Sooyoung stared at the tanned girl, amused. “Oh now Yuri’s desperate to hear your voice.”

The faint giggle from before had exploded into audible laughter.

Highly embarrassed, Yuri screamed into Sooyoung’s ear. “YA!!”

“ARGHHH!! KWON YUL!” Sooyoung snapped as she brought a hand up to her ear. “Sica, she’s soooo possessive. That psycho doesn’t even want me talking to you! You better watch it. I’m gonna pass the phone back now before I get killed. Bye!” Sooyoung threw a glare at Yuri and then handed the phone back to her, before disappearing down the aisle to look for more food.

Yuri immediately put the phone to her ears. She could hear Jessica still laughing, but there seemed to be more than one voice. “S-Sica?”

More laughter. There’s definitely more than one voice…


“Hehehe. Sorry, Yuri.” she could hear Jessica pause and cough a little.

“Who’s there with you?”

“Hmmm? Oh, Tiffany and Taeyeon.”

Ahhhhhhh craaaaaaaap. How embarrassing!

“I was wondering if you’re free tomorrow night. Dinner.”

Jessica’s asking me out!

“Uhhh YEA!” Yuri responded a little too excitedly, because she was too... excited.

“Great! Just come over at 7 tomorrow okay?”


When the call ended, the girl immediately pushed the trolley down the aisle to locate the shikshin.

From a distance, Sooyoung spotted a tall, tanned dork slowly approaching her, wearing a huge smile on her face, skipping behind a trolley loaded with a mountain of snacks. She shuddered. People in love.

“So what does Sica want?”

“She asked me out! Tomorrow night!” Yuri exclaimed happily. “And I’ve decided.”


“I’m gonna ask her out tomorrow night.”

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