Chap 23

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Chapter 23

“OH MY GAWD, FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME!!” Sooyoung cried out loud as she turned around and shut the door, or rather, slammed it shut. Leaning against the wall and huffing, she could hear audible giggles from within the room. She rubbed her forehead and sighed. “5 minutes, FULLY DRESSED!” she yelled.

Omgawd, first YulSic, now TaeNy. They're going to be the death of me...

“Why are you standing outside the door, Sooyoung?” Yoona walked over and asked. Getting only a shrug from Sooyoung, she opened the door out of curiosity.

“OH MY GAWD, SORRY!” Yoona apologized and hurriedly closed the door. “Why didn’t you warn me beforehand?!” she scolded and smacked the arom of the shikshin, who apparently, was already chuckling.

“I wanted you to witness firsthand what I just went through.” Sooyoung smirked and got herself a glare from Yoona in return. “Are they even dressing up?” Sooyoung asked dreadfully.

“No.” Yoona sighed. “Well they were still on the bed from what I saw.”

“Wait. WHOSE BED??” Sooyoung exclaimed, suddenly realizing that there was a 33.3% chance that it could be hers.

Yoona narrowed her eyes and smirked. “Of course it’s the bed in the middle.”

“GAWD.” Sooyoung groaned, as she walked over and banged on the door. “DAMN YOU TAENY!!!!” she yelled as she pounded hard on the wood with a clenched fist.

Yoona chuckled and dragged Sooyoung away to the living room, sat her down, tore open a pack of nuts and handed it to the shikshin. “Relax. You can take Yuri’s bed tonight. I’m pretty sure ‘I’m sending Sica home’ means ‘I’m not coming home’.” she said with an evil smile.

“Fine.” Sooyoung huffed. She leaned back against the chair and started snacking away.

Yoona looked at her for a moment, and then reached into the pack of nuts in Sooyoung’s hands. “So… Sunny seems really cool. Like when we all freaked out at Yuri’s disappearance, she totally stepped in and took control.” she said, taking a little glance at the shikshin.

Sooyoung didn’t respond. In fact, she was strangely quiet again, which was untypical of the girl. Deciding not to beat about the bush anymore, Yoona finally asked, “You like her don’t you?”

Sooyoung stopped chewing and looked away. “So what if I do. Nothing’s gonna happen.”

“Why? Because Choi Sooyoung’s afraid of rejection?” Yoona teased.

“No. Because there’s no point.”

Yoona frowned immediately. Crossing her arms, she asked, “What do you mean? You haven’t even tried.”

“And why should I.” she said as she popped another nut in her mouth nonchalantly, only to be met with Yoona’s disappointed face. Sighing, she said, “You won’t understand, Yoong.”

Dissatisfied by Sooyoung’s abrupt dismissal and lack of explanation, Yoona stated, “I may be totally inexperienced in this area, but after watching Yuri all these years… Well I learned her lesson. And I thought you would too. It doesn’t hurt to try.”

No response was garnered, except for the sound of the crunching of nuts in the shikshin’s mouth. Yoona grabbed the pack of nuts away in frustration. “Are you listening, Sooyoung?!”

“YA. Give it back.”

Reluctantly, Yoona handed the nuts back and sighed. “Just… think about it.” she urged.

Once again, the girl met with Sooyoung’s silent treatment. But Yoona took comfort in that; as a friend of hers for years, she understood that Sooyoung’s little act of indifference meant that she actually cared. It was just a cover to save her pride.

“At least you have someone. I don’t. I don’t even know what it feels like to like someone.” Yoona pouted as she said it, staring into space and wondering when it would be her turn.

The hotel suite was silent for the next few minutes, with the 2 girls spacing out in the living room, both pondering on their own love lives, or their lack of one. Breaking out of her trance, Yoona narrowed her eyes when she noticed the commotion ahead. “I spot 2 semi-naked girls scrambling to the bathroom.”

Without even looking back, Sooyoung sighed as she popped another nut in her mouth.


Silently opening the door, Jessica peeked in and scanned the interior of the living room. It was dark and everyone was probably asleep. Creeping in, she hurried up the stairs and did a quick check of the second floor.

All doors were closed, all was dark.

Smiling brightly, she hurried back downstairs, out of the front door and towards the gate, where a certain tall, tanned girl was waiting for her. Opening the gate silently, she grabbed the girl’s hand.

“Yuri.” Jessica called out to her softly. “All clear.”

Yuri nodded and followed closely behind. Opening the front door again, Jessica scanned the surroundings a second time just to be safe. Hastily, the two girls tiptoed their way into the house, up the stairs and straight into Jessica’s room. Swiftly and silently. Like ninjas.

“This sneaking around sure is scary.” Yuri whispered as Jessica locked her room door.

Switching on the room light, Jessica stood silent in front of Yuri and just looked at her for a good few seconds.

Yuri arched her eyebrows upwards in curiosity. “You okay, Sica?”

At that instant, Jessica threw her arms around the taller girl’s neck and embraced the girl tightly. “Don’t ever leave me again, Seobang.” she muttered, burying deeper into the tanned girl’s shoulders. “Please.”

“I won’t...” Yuri comfortably wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist. “I’m here, aren’t I?” she kissed the blonde on the top of her head.


“Promise.” Yuri rubbed the girl’s back in assurance.

The two girls lay in each others’ arms for a while, before Yuri spoke up. “What are we gonna do now, Sica?”

Jessica lay on Yuri’s shoulder and looked at her left hand, admiring that little rock sitting comfortably on her fourth finger. “We’re getting married, that’s what we’re gonna do.” she smiled as it sparkled beneath the room light. “The Tiffany Setting… Must have cost you a bomb.”

“It’s worth it if it’s you.”

Yuri’s little comment combined with the little rock on her hand made the girl gush. Even the word ‘blissful’ is an underestimation of Jessica’s emotions right now. She buried her face in Yuri’s shoulder and squealed a little, skipped a little, and spazzed a whole lot.

Yuri chuckled. “Silly. I thought you already had your fill of squealing at the bridge.” she patted Jessica’s back.

“This will keep me going for ages, Seobang.” Jessica exclaimed excitedly.

Indeed. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.

“Sica.” Yuri spoke up. “I hate to break the party, but what are we gonna tell your family?”

Sighing, Jessica broke off the embrace and held onto Yuri’s hands. “Everything... But one step at a time. As for tonight, I just want to enjoy being engaged to you.” she grinned as she looked down at their hands.

Engaged. The word itself brought some sort of ecstasy to Jessica.

“Alright.” Yuri nodded, acceding with Jessica’s request. “You must be tired. Take a bath and then we’ll sleep.”

Stretching a little, Jessica nodded and proceeded into the bathroom while Yuri settled on her bed. Upon sitting on it, her bottom sank right into the mattress.

Whoa. This girl really enjoys the comforts of sleeping.

Just like the bed back in Korea, this one was equally, if not, more fluffy and comfortable. Yuri wondered if this was one of the factors that contributed to the girl’s abnormal sleeping habits.

Then again, the girl could fall into slumber anytime, anywhere.

Sighing, Yuri got off the bed and started inspecting Jessica’s room out of boredom.

Closet: Exploding. Yuri had to dodge a couple of cloth projectiles the moment she opened the door to the closet.

Shelf: Books, books, more books.

Desk: Calendar, pens, the usual. And at an obscure corner, that little eraser.

Yuri’s mouth hung open as she picked it up. It was left in the exact same state as the last time she’s seen it. The 22 and 21 hadn’t faded much.

That psycho. Keeping this since high school. Yuri giggled a little as she flung the little thing in the air a few times.

Putting the eraser back in its place, Yuri settled back on the bed after having her fill of poking around through Jessica’s stuff. She was bored. Jessica seemed to take forever to come out and she was slowly nodding off with the wait. The bed wasn’t exactly helping either.

Just as Yuri was about to enter dreamland, she jolted up upon feeling a sudden impact. Jessica had pounced on her, throwing the full weight of her body onto the sleepy girl. Yuri’s eyes widened as she awoke, and the first thing that greeted her eyes, was the blonde wrapped in a towel, water dripping from her hair.


“Sleepy?” Jessica smiled as she got off Yuri and settled beside her. Yuri gulped. The towel was amazingly useless in covering up the girl. She desperately tried to keep her eyes above Jessica’s neck by tilting her head upwards in an awkward angle.

I was, but not anymore.

“S-Sica, go get dressed...” Yuri muttered, eyes dangerously close to the borderline; Jessica’s shoulders. Huffing, she looked away.

Jessica pouted. “I never like to get dressed immediately after a bath. Don’t you already know that?” she smiled at the tanned girl.

Yuri rubbed her temples. Oh gawd, I WILL die young at this rate.

Jessica narrowed her eyes. “Pervy Seobang.”

Yuri stared at her, incredulous. “I wasn’t thinking dirty thoughts!” she cried out softly, conscious about being an intruder in Jessica’s house.

Jessica raised an eyebrow and leaned closer towards the girl’s face. “Really?”

Yuri gulped and nodded her head, tilting her head upwards again. “I really wasn’t…”

“I see…” Jessica backed away and reached for the little knot on her towel. “Well then I should probably get dressed…” she muttered as she started loosening the knot.

“No!” Yuri raised a hand immediately and stopped the girl.

“What’s wrong? You said you weren’t pervy so you should be comfortable seeing me naked.” Jessica said as she continued fiddling with the knot.

“Uhh… I… uhh…” In a flash, Yuri scurried to the bathroom. “I-I... take... bath...” she muttered incoherently as she hurriedly shut the door.

Despite having been intimate with Jessica before, Yuri was a total nervous wreck now. Maybe it was because she hadn’t seen the blonde in years, because right now, Yuri was gushing again, like an idiot ala 2 years ago.

Lifting the faucet, she winced a little as the cold water came into contact with her body. The cold shower was probably the solution to Kwon Yuri's problem right now.

“Dammit, Sica. You’re obviously doing it on purpose.” she cursed as random thoughts invaded her head.

Shortly after, she was done. The temperature of the water wasn’t to be endured for long. She cursed inwardly as thoughts invaded her head again, and it wasn’t helping that the whole bathroom smelled like Jessica.

SHEESH!! You ARE a perv, Kwon Yul. she mentally cursed.

Stepping out of the shower, the girl cursed again when she remembered that she didn’t bring along a towel. Opening the door slightly, Yuri stuck her head out and noticed Jessica sitting on the bed, still clad only in a towel, and with a face that says “I knew it”.

“Uhh Sica, could you pass me a towel please?”

Slowly, Jessica got off the bed and walked towards Yuri. “You want a towel?”

Yuri nodded slowly, sensing that Jessica was probably up to no good again.

Stopping right in front of the bathroom door, Jessica rested her hands on her hips. “Okay, get it.”

Yuri’s eyes widened. “Huh?”

“There’s a towel right in front of you.”

“B-But… don’t you… uhhh… don't you have another towel?”

Jessica shook her head indifferently, though on the inside, she was exploding with laughter knowing how vulnerable Yuri was right now. Ice Princess Powers.

GAWD. She can’t be serious!

I’m totally enjoying torturing this dork.

Am I really supposed to just grab the towel like that?!

Let’s see what you’ll do now, Kwon Yul.

Yuri gulped. Very slowly, the girl extended a hand out the door and reached for the little knot. Shutting her eyes tightly, she used a thumb and an index finger to tug on it. She could feel it shift just a little.


The towel didn’t seem to budge. Slightly opening one eye, she carefully observed the knot, made sure she had the correct end, and then tugged on it forcefully. With her eyes closed, of course.


The prized towel was now in her hand. Very swiftly, she retracted her hand back, and happily began drying herself up with the damp towel.

“Yuri-ah.” Jessica had conveniently stepped into the bathroom.

^%&@###(@* OMGAWD #&^@@#%*@**^@###*%%@!!!!

Unfortunately, the dork had been so preoccupied with the towel that she forgot two things.

1) The door wasn’t shut.

2) Naked Jessica was up to no good.

“Arghhhhhhhhhhhh…” Yuri struggled to keep her eyes shut as she wrapped the towel around herself. “What do you want from meeeeeeeeeeeeee?!!”

Jessica started laughing at Yuri’s minor breakdown. “Is it so hard for you to look at me?”

“YES!” Yuri exclaimed, using a hand to shield her eyes. She would do everything in her power to prevent the impending nosebleed.

“Aww… Seobang.” Jessica walked forward. “It’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before.” she said as she leaned towards Yuri. The latter could feel Jessica's body slightly pressing against her own.

“W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Yuri exclaimed, incredulous about the 1 inch distance between her and Jessica.

“My body lotion, you pervert.” Jessica began leaning forward to reach for the cabinet behind an in-the-midst-of-a-nervous-breakdown Yuri. Despite her closed eyes, the latter could sense that Jessica was really close, because the distinct strawberry scent of the girl was overwhelming her sense of smell. She winced upon feeling another slight physical contact on her bare shoulder. The dork was acting as if Jessica was acid.

GAWDDDDDDD....... I am not surviving tonight.

After several seconds of extreme "acidic" torture, the scent had disappeared.

She should be out of the bathroom by now? Yuri thought.


There was no response. Yuri sighed, relieved that the ordeal was over. But upon opening her eyes, the first thing her eyes caught onto was the blonde right in front of her, smearing lotion up and down her legs.

Trouble trouble TROUBLE... Yuri could just hear the song blasting in her head.

“W-Why are you still in here?!” Yuri exclaimed, shielding her eyes with her hand again.

“It’s cold outside.”

“Then get dressed!!”

“But my clothes are outside!” Jessica rebutted.

Yuri groaned. “Gawddddd... Okay Yuri, you can do this. You can... You can do this, Yuri." she mumbled under her breath. "I’ll go out and get your clothes.” she said.

Hanging her head down and peeking through her fingers at the floor only, Yuri proceeded to navigate her way out of the bathroom. Slowly, step by step, bathroom tile by bathroom tile.

The door! The bathroom door's right ahead! Yuri thought happily as she skipped another step forward.

Until Jessica stopped her.

With a tight hug.

“Arghhhhhhhh Sicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”

“Shhh." Jessica silenced the girl. "You’re nice and warm. This is so comfortable...” she stated matter-of-factly, like the physical intimacy didn’t matter.

It was the final straw; the two girls were now separated by a single towel and nothing else. Frustrated, Yuri put down the hand that was shielding her eyes and opened her eyes wide, staring Jessica down.

Jessica smirked. “Why are you looking at me like you’re gonna—EEEKK!”

Catching Jessica off guard, Yuri had bear-hugged the girl, carried her out of the bathroom, and then dropped her on the bed.

“You were courting death, Sica baby.” Yuri crawled on top of the blonde.

“I know.” Jessica said before removing Yuri’s towel.



Yuri desperately shook the girl but to no avail. Assuming her usual sleeping posture with one arm above her head, the girl was a complete log on the bed.

“Omgawd, wake up Sica! Someone’s at your door!”

The knocking on the door ensued while Yuri tried in vain to get the girl’s attention.

“Jess! You’re gonna be late for work!” came a voice behind the door.

It was all too familiar; the voice quality that belonged distinctively to the man who was responsible for the bulk of the brunt in their relationship. Yuri immediately recognized it, and a part of her panicked at the thought of the obstacles they would soon face as a result of their impending marriage.

But that would have to wait. Jessica needed to be up now and Yuri needed to hide. Out of nowhere, a sudden idea popped into the tanned girl’s head. Creeping under the covers, the girl positioned her face on the blonde’s belly and started rubbing her face against it.


It worked. Albeit too well.

“Jess! What’s happening in there?” the knocks persevered, with more intensity now.

With one hand, Yuri immediately cupped Jessica’s mouth to muffle her shrieks. The stunned blonde held her eyes wide open, savoring the familiar face right in front of her.

Yuri… Is this another dream?

And it wasn’t. Upon recognizing the fear and panic in Yuri’s deep dark eyes, and noticing the ring that rested comfortably on her left hand, Jessica woke from her trance and began examining her surroundings.

“Closet, Seobang.” she gestured, pushing the taller girl into the claustrophobia that’s in it. “I’m fine, Dad! Just give me a moment!” she yelled as she took out a hoodie and a pair of shorts before she shut the closet door.

Reaching for the door knob of her bedroom door, she spotted the ring on her hand. Alarms rang and she hurriedly took it off and hid it in the drawer. Doing a last spot check for anything suspicious, she braced herself and unlocked the room door.

“Morning Dad. What’s up?”

The man had a look of disapproval in his eyes. “It’s 8:30am and you’re not even dressed for work.”

“I was tired, Dad. I had a long night.” Jessica replied, almost chuckling when she mentioned the last two words.

“I know.” he sighed as he walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. “I was waiting up for you, but I slept eventually.”

Almost immediately, Jessica ran in and parked herself in front of her closet. Concealing her discomfort, she hurriedly resumed the conversation in an effort to appear normal. “Why?”

“I wanted to personally tell you that there’s going to be a dinner party tonight, and you are going.” he replied cheerfully.

“Whatever happened to asking, Dad? I should have the option to say no.” Jessica rebutted, crossing her arms.

“My dear,” the man stood up and walked over to Jessica, effectively placing himself right in front of the closet. Her heart skipped a beat when he held onto her arms. “Tonight the prospects of clinching that contract with Henney will be high.”

“So how will my presence affect anything?”

“Daniel’s the one we’re tendering to.”

Jessica frowned. “So I’m just a tool for the betterment of your company?”

Mr Jung had a look of hope in his eyes. “Two birds with one stone, Jess. Daniel’s a good man.”

Unknown to both parties, the figure in the closet was hot, squashed, and almost writhing with anger at this point.

“I can’t believe you’re fixing me up with him just for your company’s sake.”

“Please, Jess. The company has been in quite a fix these months. Tonight’s extremely important.” The man urged.

Huffing, Jessica answered, “I don’t like Daniel in that way, and I am not going.” Her mind was more preoccupied with the proximity between her father and Yuri for her to shoot her mouth off at the man for his double agenda.  Although she would come clean to her father eventually about Yuri, now wasn’t the time. Especially when her Kwon Seobang was undressed, flustered, and packed tightly with the rest of her clothes in the closet.

“A car, an all-expenses-paid holiday, I’ll promise you anything after this.”

“Anything?” A sudden thought popped in Jessica’s head.

Mr Jung nodded once with a smile, earnestly. It was as if Jessica was the key to saving the turmoil.

“Put it down in writing.” Jessica demanded.

“Do we have to? You should trust your father. I’m a man of my word. A promise is a promise.” he declared.

Pondering for a moment, Jessica finally agreed. “Okay. I’ll go tonight.”

“Good!” the man replied. “Now let’s pick out a dress for you…” he said as he reached for the closet handle.


Without hesitation, Jessica grabbed the man’s hand, effectively stopping him, but also leaving the man bewildered. Doing her best to mask her panic, she quickly swallowed the lump in her throat and said, “Don’t you trust your daughter’s taste?”

Mr Jung smirked. “Of course I do, dear.” he retreated and walked towards the door. “Now get dressed. You’re gonna be late for work.” he said as he left the room. "I'm heading out."

Heaving a huge sigh of relief, Jessica shut and locked the room door. Turning around, she spotted a straight-faced Yuri crawling out of the closet.

“Sorry, were you okay in there?” she quickly tended to the taller girl.

“Yea.” Yuri responded as she put on her clothes. Her one word answer spoke volumes about her unhappiness.

Sensing Yuri’s disappointment in her decision to go for the dinner party, Jessica quickly held onto the tanned girl’s hand. “He said he would promise me anything after this…”

Yuri turned her attention to the blonde, waiting for her to complete her sentence.

With determined eyes, Jessica continued, “I'll make him promise my return to Korea.”

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