Chapter 2: Starco Feelings

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The following day, Mewni was still getting up on its feet from the battle. However, this situation didn't bother to our princess as much as the fact Marco was leaving Mewni just because he wanted to move on from Star. The  night before Star couldn't sleep. She was remembering all the moments that she and Marco had spent together on the almost two years that they knew each other.

Star's Pov

When Marco told me that he wanted to go back to Earth, I thought that it was forever, in that moment I felt sad and upset, but when he taold me that it was for a few weeks it was a relief for me. But when I asked him why he needed to leave, he didn't told me. Now I have to deal with this and also the search of my mom. How am I gonna handle these problems? Why everything got complicated? Who I'm kidding. Everything got complicated since Song Day. I had to see Marco dating Jackie, dealing with the heartbreak that I lost my chance to be with him, and after the battle with Toffee when he left probably forever, it was like a half of me was ripped. But when he came back to my life, everything got confused, at the same time I was happy to see him again but mad because he didn't even give a heads up that he was returning here.  Now yesterday he told me that he likes me. I wonder when he realised his feelings. Maybe if I can convince him not to leave. Yeah I can do that, but knowing Marco he won't change his mind. But I have to try.

Then Star got up, dressed and after she went to Marco's bedroom.

Star: (knocks)

Marco: Yes?

Star: It's me Marco. Can we talk?

Marco: (opens the door) Oh hey Star. And sure.

Both come into Marco's bedroom

Marco: So, what did you want to talk about?

Star: It's about you leaving.

Marco: (looks away) Oh.

Star: Are you sure that you want to leave?

Marco: (sighs) I don't know maybe. It's a hard decision. First I wanted to, but now I don't know anymore.

Star: But Marco, we can resolve this problem. You don't need to leave.

Marco: But I had to deal with this problem since I came back here, Star. I 've been dealing with it for months and it has been hard for me.

Star: But why didn't you tell me sooner?

Marco: Because I was afraid that telling you my feelings would ruin our friendship, so I kept it for myself, but everytime (tears up) I see you with Tom it hurts, now I know how you hurt you were when I was with Jackie. And I realised my feelings the most painful way.

Star: What do you mean? (confused)

Marco: I saw you kiss Tom (looks away) (Everytime I remember that scene my heart breaks)

Star: (Oh no, the time I kissed Tom was when we went to the Lava Lake Beach. And Marco saw us. It happened to him the same when I saw him kiss Jackie at Love's Sentence Concert. I didn't want him to feel the same, it's awful feeling. But now that I know...)

In Marco's room there was an uncomfortable silence that it could be cut with a knife. They didn't know what to say. It was a difficult moment for both of them.

After five minutes, Marco decided to break that silence.

Marco: Star, look I.. Just forget about this okay. How about this. After we find your mom, I will probably leave Mewni permantly to organise my thoughts and feelings. And don't tell me not yo do it, because it's my decision.

Star: But Marco I don't want you to leave.. I suffered a lot when you left Mewni for Earth. Durung that time, I was asking myself when you would return to Mewni, while the time passed you never came back, I missed you a lot.

Marco: Ja(laughs) Don't you think that I suffered thinking that you wouldn't be my side anymore and I would come back to be again the boring Marco. Well, you're wrong. When I come back to Earth I couldn't get off the cape from me, because it reminded of you. And when I left Earth for Mewni, I thought you would welcome me with an open arms, and I find out that the cape was a meal blanquet and that you wanted to get me out of your life and throw me to be the Squire of the wash. I couldn't believe that my best friend did that to me. That actitute hurt me, Star. I just wanted to have and go on adventures with you, but you wanted to get rid of me. At first I wanted to leave because I saw that you moved forward with your life. But as a great best friend I am, I decided to stay here. But all these months instead of getting back our friendship, you've been drifting our ftiendship apart. But I guess I was right, when I came back here you didn't want me to be again in your life.

Star: Marco, that's not true. I was just shocked. I...

Marco: You what? Tell me!

Star: ...

Marco: Your silence says it. I was an idiot thinking that everything would be the same with us. But it's okay. I guess I was an oblivious idiot for not realising my feelings, even Jackie noticed that I wasn't happy with her. So she broke up with me because if I was staying for her it would make us miserable. But   I think that confession you told me on Earth was just a word. You know what it hurt the most is that the day of the Blood Moon Ball you told me that you didn't need a hero, you needed a friend, that moment I realised that you didn't see me more than a friend, so I decided to move on and try with Jackie.

Star: That confession on Earth it was true, I had feelings for you, every time I saw you with Jackie, I was dying of jealousy. So I kept it for myself. I saw how happy you were so I decided not to tell anything.

Marco: (shouts and cries) What about me? Don't you think that I am dying inside knowing that you don't feel the same and I have to handle seeing you with Tom.

Star: I...

Marco: Star, I need you to leave me alone, please (wipes away tears)

Star: But Marco we can figure this out.

Marco: Don't Star. Please leave (tears up)

Star: I'm sorry (cries and hugs him)

Marco: (cries and hugs)

They both were crying and didn't want to let go from that emotional moment.

Star's Pov

Is that it? Marco maybe will leave probably forever and get over me? Is that what I want? When I saw Marco without soul, I thought I lost him. And I realised how important he was to me.

Marco's Pov

How can everything got complicated in matter of months? Is it the right decision to get over her and move forward with my life? I love her but what can I do? Wait till someday breaks up with Tom. Is it worth to suffer to see my soulmate with my other best friend?

After they calmed down, they let go from the hug and looked away. Both were confused and broken, they didn't know what to do.

Star: So, would you stay for a while?

Marco: Of course. It's just... Would it be the right thing to do?

Star: I don't know either. I'm happy with Tom, he changed.

Marco: Yeah, he did (smiles). And now you, me snd him are friends.

Star: But If you leave, I know I'm with Tom, I would lose my partner of adventures. And I don't want that.

Marco: I know. But if you decide to stay with Tom, you will always have a place in my heart. If it takes long time, I will wait for you. If it means to be, good. But if it's not, it will be okay. But don't forget I will always love you (smiles)

Star: Marco I...

Star's Pov

He loves me and he will wait for me to reciprocate this love.

Marco's Pov

If she decides to stay with Tom. I will let her go, it would be hard me. Like the sentence says: If you love something, let it go.

Marco: If there isn't nothing to say. Please leave, Star. I need to be alone.

Star: I understand. See you later Marco.

Marco: See you later, Star.

Star opens the door and leaves but before she does that, Marco grabs her arm.

Marco: Star wait!

Star: Yes? (turns around)

Marco: Can I do something? Please don't hate me.

Star: Why would I hate yo--

Marco: (kisses her)

Star: (surprised kisses back)

Marco's Pov

What am I doing? She's with Tom. But if it will be the last time I see her. It is worth it to take the risk.

Star's Pov

What am I doing? I'm with Tom. But this feels amazing. This time there isn't a photo booth, I can feel that Marco in this kiss is pouring all his emotions and I can see that he is crying because maybe it will be the last time he will give me a kiss.

Marco seeing that Star didn't kiss back, he broke apart from the kiss, they look at each other, Star is shocked but Marco is upset because  what he expected.

Marco: I'm sorry. But I don't regret it at all. (serious).

Star: Marco I... I don't feel the same. (sadly)

Marco: I know (cries). Please leave.

Star: Marco, I'm sorry. (sigh sadly)

Marco: Don't (fakes smile).

Star leaves Marco's room and with a heavy heart Marco closes the doir and sits on the floor and cries.

Meanwhile Star, with a sad expression, she listens her best friend's crying.

Star: ( whispers) I'm so sorry Marco (cries).

But little she knew Marco heard her.

Marco: Don't worry Star. (wipes away tears)

That day was an emotional for them. Star was more confused than ever, Marco was left heartbroken.

Marco: If you are here on the door, I love you Star (smiles)

Star: ...


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