Chapter 3: Falling Apart

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It has been days since Marco's confession. Every time they crossed each other, they quickly avoided talking. For Marco was a torture being like that with Star. He noticed that Star has been distancing from him and that hurt him deeply. Star didn't know how to handle the situation, knowing that her best friend was in love with her it wasn't easy for her. She didn't want to hurt him and Tom. She was having a dilema with her feelings. And because of that she has been avoiding Marco. She told him that nothing will change between them. But she was doing the opposite.

Star's Pov

These days hasn't been the same for me. Between the search of my mom and my best friend confessing his feelings, my head has been a mess. I feel like my friendship with Marco is falling apart. And that saddens me. My relationship with Tom is being good, but my heart and mind are in a disagreement. Should I reject Marco? Should I stay with Tom?

Marco's Pov

These days has been difficult for me. Since my confession Star has been distant. She avoids me. Well, in part is my fault. I caused all of this. Now I have to assume the consequences. But when I told her how I felt it was like weight off my shoulders. But her distance is hurting me deeply. I told her that after we found her mom, I will leave Mewni and go back to Earth. But will it be the right decision?

Marco: (I need to fix this) (goes to Star's room)

??? (knocks on the door)

Star: Who is it?

???: It's me, Marco. Can we talk, please?

Star: Uhh... (nervous)

Star's Pov

What should I do? Talk to him or still avoiding him?

Marco: (sighs) Please, we need to talk.

Star: Can we not talk about that?

Marco: Why?

Star: Because I don't want to.

Marco: (shouts) So, that's it. You will avoid me forever and run away from your problems like always. Fine! If you want that. Forget about it. But I was honest with you.

Star: Marco I just want everything back to normal (sadly)

Marco: Well what do you think what I am trying to do? I want to fix this. (upset)

Star: I just don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt you. You're my best friend.

Marco: (Best friend, that's all I am to her) Well just tell me the truth even it hurts me.

Star: Marco, I don't know how I feel about you. Back on Earth I felt something for you. But now...

Marco: (sad and tears up) You don't feel the same for me anymore. Right? Your feelings went away. What I would expect. You're happy with Tom. It would be better if I leave Mewni.

Star: But Marco, you don't need to do it. (sad and tears up).

Marco: But I need to. Don't you think that every time I see you with Tom brokes my heart? (tears up).

Star: Marco I....

Marco: Do you wanna know something? (smiles and cries)

Star: What? (wipes tears away)

Marco: When you arrived to Earth, at first I didn't want to be near me, but after our first fight with Ludo, I realized that you were brave, friendly, optimistic. You changed my life Star. You brought excitement and colour and showed me things I didn't even know existed. Remember the day of The Blood Moon Ball?

Star: Yeah?

Marco: When you went to the ball as Tom's partner, I felt a little jealous, because I didn't want to lose you with Tom. And that day I realized that I had a little crush on you. When we were on your balcony, I wanted to tell you howcI felt, but when you told me "You don't need a hero, I need a friend", that broke my heart, so since that day I decided to forget about my feelings for you and go for Jackie.

Star: Marco, I didn't know that I hurt you.

Marco: I know I hurt you when I was with Jackie. And I'm really sorry. But I am thankful that our paths crossed. (cries and smiles). I will always remember you, Star. I know it's a cowardy to leave, but it's for the best. What matters to me is your happiness. I hope you the best, Star.

Star: (cries)

It was a death silence, Star was upset and heartbroken, knowing that Marco was leaving. And the same was happening to Marco, despite his tears, he was smiling.

Marco: Star, can I have hug, before I leave? (smiles)

Star: Marco... Are you sure about this? (cries)

Marco: I don't know. But time will decide.

Star: I can't change your mind, can I?

Marco: No, you can't.

Star: (opens the door)

Starco: (hugs)

Star: Marco, please don't leave. (cries) I don't know what I'd do without you.

Marco: (cries) I don't know what I'd do without you by my side either.

Both were heartbroken and sad because they will be separated. Star couldn't contain her tears.

Star's Pov

Why do I feel bad that Marco is leaving? Why do I feel empty? Why does my heart hurts?

Marco's Pov

I feel bad leaving Star. But I think it's for the best.

After minutes crying, their cryings become sobs. Their hearts were broken.

Star: So, I guess that's it.

Marco: (wipes tears away) Yeah. But don't worry. I will visit you.

Star: Promise?

Marco: I promise. Well, I should go to pack my things.

Star: Yeah, you should.

Marco: I hope you say goodbye to me when I leave.

Star: (smiles) I will.

Marco: See you later.

Star: See you.

Marco leaves Star's room. Star sits on the ground and starts to cry again, she couldn't contain the pain that was in her heart. She cried for 5 minutes until she fall sleep.

Hours later

Marco was ready to leave and he started to sob again, he couldn't handle the pain in his heart. He closed the doorbof his room and went downstairs. He was hoping that Star was there. But she wasn't.

Marco: (sighs sadly) I guess she won't come.

Meanwhile on Star's room

Star was sleeping on the floor, when she started waking up, she realized she fall asleep but she realized that Marco was leaving.

Star: Oh no! Marco is leaving. Why do you have yo leave Marco? Is this what I want?

After she fixed herself, she left her room running to the hall. When she arrived there, she saw that Marco was waiting for her.

Star: Marco!

Marco: Star?

Star: Hey...

Marco: I knew you would come.

Star: (grips her neck) Jeeje, I felt asleep.

Marco: I figured.

Star: So I guess that's it (sighs sadly)

Marco: (sighs sadly) Yeah. I guess this is a goodbye.

Star: Yeah.

Both they hug and start sobbing. They didn't want to let go from the hug. This moment was emotional.

Star: I will miss you Marco (crying

Marco: I will miss you too, Starshine (crying)

Star despites her tears she smiled at her pet name. But her smile fell down.

After 5 minutes, they both let go from the hug,  but they kept looking at each other, their hearts were beating fast.

Star's Pov

How I didn't notice that his eyes were so beautiful, they are like a chocolate sea. I would lost in them

Marco's Pov

I could lost on these crystal blue eyes forever.

They were so focused on each other that they didn't know that they were leaning their heads and closing their eyes.

Star's Pov

Why is my heart beating so fast? Not even with Tom I feel like this. When I am with Marco I'm happy, when he is not with me I feel sad and when I saw them without soul it was like a knive went through my heart, I thought I lost him. Oh, my god I still like Marco. But is it right to tell him, after I practically rejected him?

Marco's Pov

Oh my beautiful Star, I wish you were mine. I love you with all my heart. But unfortunately that is not the case.

Before they kissed...

Marco: I love you Star

Marco kisses Star like his last kiss with her. While he was kissing her, he started to tear up, Star seeing this she decided to stop running from her feelings, so she kissed back pouring all her emotions in the kiss. Marco was surprised that Star was kissing back. Marco was feeling happy in that moment, it was a tender and a kiss of a pure, wonderful love. Star was feeling a million of butterflies on her stomach and she was happy because she finally admited to herself her feelings for her best friend. After 5 minutes they broke from the kiss and touch their foreheads and smiled at each other.

Marco: Wow that was...

Star: amazing (smile) I know.

Marco: Oh no, we kissed again (guilty) I don't want Tom to hate me.

Star: Hey, it will be okay. I will talk to Tom. I will tell him the truth.

Marco: (confused) About what?

Star: Uhhh... (blushing) That I still like you.

Marco: You still like me? (surprised and blushing) But I thought that...

Star: (blushing and smiling) Shhhh...I know. But when you told me that you were leaving it made me realize that I didn't want to lose you again and how much you mean to me.

Marco: (smiling and sobbing) Star you mean a lot to me too. I was a dense idiot to not see that in front of me there was a wonderful girl.

Star: It's not your fault. It was mine, I was an idiot to realize my feelings when you started dating Jackie. I was so heartbroken, I thought I was losing you to Jackie.

Marco: Hey, we were both a dense idiots. But it's in the padt now.

Star: So, are you still leaving?

Marco: Well, now that you told me how you feel. I guess I will stay here with you. But please talk to Tom.

Star: Don't worry, I will.

Star and Marco were feeling a happiness that they didn't even know they could achieve. After a supposing "emotional goodbye" they went upstairs to Marco's room.

Each one went to their rooms.

Star: (nervous) Okay calm down. Call Tom.

???: Calling Tom.

Tom: Hey, Starship

Star: Hey Tom. I need to talk to you.

Tom: Sure.

Star: Meet me in five minutes in the rose garden.

After five minutes

Tom appears in flames.

Star: Hey, Tom. Thanks for coming.

Tom: So, whst did you wanna talk sbout?

Star: Well, first I need to be honest. I wanna tell you that I really enjoyed being with you. But I think we should break up.

Tom: What? (surprised and confused) Why? I thought we were great.

Star: I know but in these days I realized that...

Tom: you still like Marco?

Star: (confused) How did you know?

Tom: The way you look at him when you see him. I realized that when I saw you how sad you were when you saw him without his soul, and besides Marco told me that he kissed you, but that he kissed you it's not true. Right?

Star: No, I reciprocated it. In thst moment I realized that my feelings for him didn't go away. But we kissed because the gnom told us that the only way to get out of the booth it way that we kissed. And also Marco told me that things were different for him since my confession back on Earth. And the other day, he told me how he feels about me, at first I didn't want to admit that I still have feelings for him, but today I realized I still like him when he was almost leaving.

Tom: Wait, was he leaving? Why?

Star: Because he didn't want to torture himself seeing me with you. I was hurting him,Tom. And I didn't see it. He told me that he realized his feelings for me the day when we went to the Lava Beach and he saw me kissing you, and since that day it was hard for him.

Tom: (guilty) Oh no. I hurt my friend. That's why he always denied going with us, because he didn't want to be a third wheel.

Star: I know. Because he wanted me to be happy, even if he was hurting. He suffered for months, Tom.

Tom: Now I feel bad. But I am glad that you told me the truth.

Star: I like you, Tom

Tom: (sad) But you don't like like you like Marco.

Star: (looks down) No.

Tom: (lifts her head) Hey, it's okay. Dies Marco make you happy?

Star: (smiles) He does. He always has been there for me.

Tom: If you're happy, I'm happy. But if we broken up, we can be friends.

Star: Of course. I'd like that. And I hope that you find someone who can be your best friend and who knows became something more.

Tom: I will. So friends?

Star: Friends.

They both hug.

Tom: Well, see you.

Star: See you, Tom.

Tom opens a portal to the Underworld and leaves. Star was relieved she told Tom the truth and sad that she broke his heart. Now she can be with Marco. But she decided to wait a little while to formalise their relationship.

???: (knocks the door)

Marco: Who is it?

???: It's me, Marco.

Marco: (opens the door and let Star in) Oh hey Star. So how did it go your talk with Tom.

Star: Well he took it well. Besides he knew that we like each other. And I told him the truth. I told him about the kiss and your confession.

Marco: Oh well, I am glad. He really changed.

Star: Yeah, he did.

Marco: So what about us?

Star: I thought that it'd be better if we wait for formalise our relationship. I just broke up with Tom.

Marco: Yeah, you're right. But I guess we have to focus on your mom's searching.

Star: Yeah. But I don't know where she is.

Marco: (holds her hand) Hey, we will find her. Don't lose hope.

Star: I know. And thank you (kisses his cheek)

Marco: (eyes eyebrow) For what?

Star: For always been there for me.

Marco: (smiles) You're welcome.

They stayed talking, making jokes and talking about random things but mostly enjoying each other's company.

Marco: (I love you, Star)

Star: (I love you too, Marco)


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