Meeting the Chancellor

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A/N: This chapter isn't completely important to the storyline, except for the arm. That's very important. I can't keep writing with the scomp-arm. Oh, and I am not the biggest Star Wars fan, so if I got ANY of the metals wrong, or if this metal and that metal actually can't be combined because of some reason, please tell me! I literally googled Star wars metals for the arm. However, the site with the metals DIDN'T TELL ME MUCH ABOUT THEM! The only ones I got information from are the ones with reasoning.

"Y/N, I know you've been having difficulties recently, so I've made you something." Tech starts.

Y/N raises her eyebrow, intrigued. Tech turns around and picks up an arm, which makes Y/N gasp. It hasn't been painted yet, so it's just shiny silver, but it has a hand, which is more than she can say for her current arm. (Just pretend it's a right hand and doesn't have the writing on it. I literally googled Sci-Fi Prosthetic arms.)

"Thank you, Tech!" Y/N smiles, throwing herself onto him, hugging him. "Could you help me attach it, please?"

Tech nods, "Of course, Y/N."

Y/N smiles, throwing her other arm away into the scrap pile as Tech attaches her new arm to her shoulder, little bits of pain going through her shoulder as the wires go into her skin.

"That should do it. I've also added a scomplink to one of your fingers so you can do what you could do with your other arm. It's made out of some salvaged metals from our missions, such as chromium, desh, ciridium, a small amount of frasium considering how hard it is to get, mullinine, pyronium to protect you from electromagnetic energy, rhodium, and some leftover songsteel plating to help protect against any Sith or deserter Jedi." Tech smiles.

Y/N tests her new arm, flexing her fingers, then bending the arm up and down, a smirk gracing her face as the arm continues to satisfy her.

"How much can this thing lift, Tech?" Y/N asks.

Tech shrugs, "I haven't tested the strength of it yet. It's still a work in progress, so if there's something that doesn't work or you feel any issues with, I need to know immediately."

"Well, we better get some Beskar, if it can combine with all those other metals.." Y/N smiles.

"Kid, I've just gotten a transmission," Hunter says, walking into the room. "The chancellor wants to see you. Is that a new arm?"

Y/N smirks, "Yeah! Now I can do things again! I can shoot with my right arm, making my aim so much better than before! Wait, did you say the chancellor wants to see me?"

Hunter nods. Y/N sighs, picking up her bag.

"Alright, let's go. The Sooner I meet with this chancellor, the sooner we can get back to normal missions." Y/N frowns.


Y/N smiles as the ship lands on Coruscant.

"It's more beautiful in person." Y/N whispers.

She walks out of the ship, testing her arm, which has a hidden knife compartment in it. Maybe she could kill Palpatine before he does anything to Anakin.

"Psshh! Yeah, right." Y/N mutters.

She then spots Obi-wan and Anakin and walks over to them.

"Generals." She greets.

Obi-wan nods, "Y/N. How's Clone Force 99 been treating you?"

Y/N smiles, "Wonderfully! I have a new arm now! The other arm was just awful. Now I'll be able to do many things I used to. Now, I've been told a chancellor wants to meet me. I don't know this place too well."

"Anakin can take you." Obi-wan volunteers his padawan.

Y/N chuckles at Anakin's surprised face.

"I would love that." Y/N smiles,

Anakin escorts the teenager to the chancellor's office.

"I must warn you of something, general. With those things that I just know, I know about you and Padme." Y/N whispers.

Anakin freezes in shock.

"Keep moving! We don't want to attract attention!" Y/N scolds.

Anakin asks, "How much do you know?"

"That you broke the code to marry her, and, spoilers, she's either going to be pregnant or is pregnant with twins. Congrats on being a father, by the way." Y/N smirks.

The two humans finally reach the chancellor's office to see Palpatine. Y/N almost gasps, realising which chancellor wanted to see her. Dammit.

"Hello, Chancellor." Anakin smiles.

Palpatine smiles, going to say something when Y/N turns to Anakin.

"Thank you for escorting me, general. Our chat was splendiferous! We should continue it sometime. But I'm sure that the chancellor would like to speak with me privately." Y/N smiles over-enthusiastically.

Anakin nods, leaving the room.

"It's lovely to meet you, miss Y/N." Palpatine smiles.

Y/N turns to him her eyes cold, but her smile still on her face.

"It's interesting to meet you, sir." She smiles through her teeth, keeping her temper in check.

Palpatine asks, "Is something the matter?"

"Before I answer that, are we alone? Is there any security cameras or droids around, or will I be able to speak freely?" Y/N asks.

Palpatine assures, "We are alone."

"Then let me tell you about a story from my planet, about a wolf and a few sheep. Sheep are fluffy creatures we sheer for our clothes. I don't know if other planets have them, but there are dozens of different wolves. Now, a wolf is a predatory animal, while sheep are kind prey, led by a shepherd. The wolf was hungry for the flock of sheep, but the wolf found great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing to the vigilance of the shepherd and his dogs. But one day it found the skin of a sheep that had been flayed and thrown aside, so it put it on over its own pelt and strolled down among the sheep."

She walks around the room, a deadly smirk gracing her face, "The Lamb that belonged to the sheep, whose skin the Wolf was wearing, began to follow the Wolf in the Sheep's clothing; so, leading the Lamb a little apart, he soon made a meal off her, and for some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals. So the phrase a Wolf in Sheep's clothing came about, where looks can be deceiving. Do you know why I'm telling you this story, chancellor?"

Palpatine shrugs, "No, I do not."

"So you can understand what I'm planning on telling you later. But first, you wanted to see me for something." Y/N frowns.

"I just wanted to make sure you were settling in alright after your encounter with the Techno Union." Palpatine smiles.

Y/N narrows her eyes at Palpatine, "I'm settling in just fine. I'm so glad I'm not Force Sensitive, I'd be on the dark side faster than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking competition. But, because I have morals, I leave the innocents out of the way and show compassion. And of course, the true evils of the world are colonialist hegemony and pink glitter, which I'm half sure the Sith actually don't care for."

Palpatine blinks in confusion.

"I'm just saying that I'd use the dark side of the Force for good, not evil. Unlike the Sith. The dark side uses a lot of emotion, which I have plenty of, Sidious." Y/N deadpans.

Palpatine's eyes widen for a split second before he turns his face back to neutral. Y/N smirks internally. She's got him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Palpatine frowns.

Y/N smirks, "You can cut the act, dude. You're Sith, with the crazy electric Jazz hands thing, the Jedi don't know, I'm the only one that knows, I'm not gonna tell anyone for reasons I can't tell. But be warned, Karma will come, and she will be mad. Especially if you hurt me, because I'll be joining her."

She starts pacing around, her eyes shining with a predatory gleam as she circles the Chancellor, starting to sing minus the music. It's a good thing that music taught her how to control her emotions and facial expressions.

"Beware, beware, be sceptical
Of their smiles, their smiles of painted gold
Deceit so natural
But a wolf in sheep's clothing
Is more than a warning

Blaa blaa, black sheep, have you any soul?
No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals?
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jill's a little w****, and her alibis are dirty tricks
So could you..."

Y/N grabs his shirt, pulling him forward to her, his breath slightly panicked, the hot air going over her chin as she continues.

"Tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!"

She drops him, circling him again. He's tense as she pulls out a knife, rubbing it along her new arm.

"Aware, aware, you stalk your prey
With criminal mentality!"

She grabs his shoulder with her left hand and tightens her grip, digging her nails into it as she sings the next line.

"You sink your teeth into the people you depend on
Infecting everyone, you're quite the problem!

Fee-fi-fo-fum, you better run and hide
I smell the blood of a petty little coward
Jack be lethal, Jack be slick
Jill will leave you lonely, dying in a filthy ditch!"

Y/N smirks, letting go of his shoulder, circling him again as she makes her face look a little bit more insane. It's not that hard to copy Harley Quinn's expressions.

"So could you
Tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt"

She then stops, her face becoming downcast as she turns back to Palpatine, a hope shining in her eyes.

"Maybe you'll change
Abandon all your wicked ways
Make amends and start anew again
Maybe you'll see
All the wrongs you did to me
And start all over, start all over-"

She interrupts herself and snorts, her face turning back to the one that made Palpatine nervous, only with more anger.

"Ah, Who am I kidding? Now, let's not get overzealous here!" She whispers so the Jedi don't hear her when she raises her voice, "You've always been a huge piece of Bantha crap, and if I could kill you, I would, but it's not your time yet. Having said that, burn in hell!"

She smirks, walking away from Palpatine, wickedly smirking as she twirls the knife with her prosthetic.

"Oh, oh, oh

So tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt
Karma's gonna come collect your debt
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!"

Y/N smirks as the song finishes, getting right into Palpatine's face.

"This can now go three ways, Palpatine. You could kill me here with your lightsaber hiding in your robes, which would reveal you to the Jedi, or we can wait for a droid to come in and I pretend someone's using the Force to make me kill you with your own sabers, which I will pull off flawlessly, ridding the galaxy of the most dangerous Sith in this day and age, not even dirtying my own vibro-blades, or, the easiest one, you will let me leave, no evidence of our little chat ever happening. Understood, Sidious?" Y/N snarls.

Palpatine nods, slightly nervous.

Y/N smiles, "That was a fabulous chat. See you in the future. Or never. Either works. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your secret. And it'd get pretty suspicious if I came in here alive and happy and came out dead."

She shoves the knife back into its hiding spot in her arm and opens the door to see Anakin.

"Hi, Anakin! I think Palpatine needs a little bit of help. I think I intimidated him... I really need to work on my people skills." Y/N pouts.

Anakin nods, "I'll send in 3PO."

Y/N chuckles as she walks with Anakin.

"I want to know more." Anakin frowns.

Y/N smiles sadly, "I know. But I've seen something bad happen to both of you. Anakin... Padme will die of heartbreak... Unless you're there for her. You have to be there for her, Ani. I'm sorry, General."

Y/N walks away from Anakin, not wanting to see his face, which is bound to be covered with fear and agony. He's probably going to think about this for ages.

"Hey, kid! Are you finished with the chancellor yet?" Hunter's voice crackles through the communicator.

Y/N looks down to her communicator and activates it, "Yup. I'm going to explore a little before you pick me up. Maybe see 79's or Dexters."

"Are you even old enough to drink?"

Y/N shrugs, "Don't know, don't care. I was just gonna order some food. I'm starving, buddy, and the food you guys have tastes awful. If you're worried about me getting attacked, I have my blaster, yoyo, and a knife."


Y/N chuckles as she watches the clones getting drunk on all sorts of drinks. 79's really is a great bar.

"You want anything, kid?" The waiter asks.

"Eh, what kind of food do you recommend? Rations taste like Bantha crap." Y/N shrugs.

The waiter chuckles, pulling out a fruit that looks vaguely familiar.

"Here kid, have a Meiloorun." The waiter smiles.

Y/N smiles, biting into it, savouring the new, strange flavour. Sweet, yet citrusy and tart. How do those two tastes mix so well? She starts coughing, covering her mouth with her left hand.

"That's very strong." Y/N coughs.

The waiter chuckles, "You don't get much food, do ya?"

Y/N frowns, "I finally left my home planet and all I've been eating recently is rations. You fill in the puzzle."

She stiffens as she feels a guy breathing on her back.

"Could whoever's behind me take five steps back so I don't feel so creeped out?" Y/N growls.

The man chuckles, and Y/N turns around, seeing a snivvian male chuckling at her, another human male next to him.

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" the snivvian asks.

Y/N retorts, "I was gonna ask you the same thing, ma'am."

The waiter watches from behind the bar, cleaning some glasses while holding in a chuckle.

The human smirks, "Oh, she's feisty. I want her."

Y/N glares at the human, "Your face looks like it caught fire and someone put it out with a baseball bat."

The snivvian chuckles, "Come on, girly, don't be like that."

"No touchy or you regret it." Y/N threatens, casually cutting the Meiloorun she ordered.

The men continue to annoy Y/N, one even putting his finger underneath her chin, to which she instantly slams her arm into his guts.

"I said no touchy. What part of "No" don't you freaks understand?" Y/N glares.

Y/N then sees the band on stage and gets an idea. The boys keep annoying her, so she gets up, pushing them out of the way. She picks up a microphone as she gets to the band.

"I need you to play some music for me, and it is not romantic. Please, I'm trying to get rid of some sleezebags." Y/N sighs.

The band nods, but one holds his hand out to her. She puts a datapad in his hand and a few credits.

"That's the notes."

She then turns to the crowd, her eyes glaring into the men as the music starts to play.

"Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like?
I can always see 'em coming, from the left and from the right
I don't want to be a priss, I'm just tryna be polite
But it always seems to bite me in the-

Ask me for my number, yeah, you put me on the spot
You think that we should hook up, but I think that we should not
You had me at "hello", then you opened up your mouth
And that is when it started going south!"

She walks towards the guys, pushing them as she sings, not realising two familiar clones walk in.

Get your hands off my hips,
'Fore I'll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my- hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
No, you can't buy me a drink,
Let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
T-take a hint, take a hint

I guess you still don't get it, so let's take it from the top 
You asked me what my sign is, and I told you it was "stop"
And if I had a dime for every name that you just dropped
I'd be buying everyone a shot!"

Y/N smirks, getting a lot of cheers from all the clones and other customers.


Get your hands off my hips,
'Fore I'll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my- hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
No, you can't buy me a drink,
Let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
T-take a hint, take a hint

What about "no" don't you get? 
So go and tell your friends
I'm not really interested
It's about time that you're leavin'
I'm gonna count to three and
Open my eyes and
You'll be gone"

Just as she starts counting, she sees two familiar clones. Hunter and Tech. Might as well give Tech something good to record.

Get your hands off my-
Two ...
Or I'll punch you in the-
Three ...
Stop your staring at my- hey!
Take a hint, take a hint"

She grabs the guy that harassed her by the neck, choking him slightly before pushing him away.

"I am not your missing link
Let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
Take a hint, take a hint

Get your hands off my hips,
'Fore I'll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my- hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
T-take a hint, take a hint!"

Y/N fires her gun near the men and laughs as the song finishes, everyone cheering except the men, who are trying to run.

"Thank you, 79's!" Y/N cheers.

She hands some credits to the band, picking up her Meiloorun, passing some credits to the waiter before turning to Hunter and Tech.

"Enjoy the show, boys?" Y/N asks, taking a bite out of the Meiloorun.

Hunter frowns, "You didn't contact us."

"Didn't need to. I say I handled myself just fine. I mean, just look at this beautiful Meiloorun! Want a bite?" Y/N smirks, cutting a piece off to pass it to the boys.

Tech raises his eyebrow.

"Fine. More for me. This actually has flavour." Y/N smiles before tossing some more Meiloorun into her mouth. "We going now?"

Hunter nods. Y/N turns back to the waiter, "I'll take two more Meilooruns to go. I don't know when I'll have flavour next."

She hands some more credits over as the waiter pulls out two more Meilooruns, which Y/N shoves into her bag.



"So, where are we going today?" Y/N smirks.

"Kaller." Tech answers.

Y/N's tenses. Kaller is the place the Bad Batch Series starts.

Y/N asks, "Did you say Kaller?"

Crosshair scoffs, "What's the matter? Too cold for you?"

Y/N frowns, "It's not that... just... something going through my head, that's all."

She turns around, hiding behind her hair, letting her face pale as she knows what's going to happen.

"I thought we had more time..."

A/N: WOW! Just a little longer before the real beginning. Please, leave a vote and comment! Enjoy!

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