A Hard Choice Part 2-Anakin Skywalker

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"Goodbye, Ivy." Anakin words kept repeating inside my head. I can't remember the last time i was truly happy,Padme gave birth to twins and before she passed away she apologized.I accepted her apology since it wasnt entirely her fault. Obi Wan and I went to deliver the twins to somewhere self and every now and then when i have time i go and visit them.

They are growing up everyday and they both remind me of Anakin..mostly Luke he's such a sweet boy always caring for his family. Sometimes i would hang out with Obi Wan but it wasnt like before.

I still live in the same spot and sometimes go over to Anakin's room where he used to sleep. I really miss him. I wonder what he's doing right now? What does he think about? Did he forget about me? So many questions ran in my mind. A loud knock on the door made me stop the questions i was wondering so i raced and opened the door and saw Obi wan.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"What do you think?" I run a hand through my messy hair and yawn.

"Seriously..Ivy,you need help you arent sleeping well,you have bags under your eyes,you're skinny,havent eaten and you look like you were brought back from the dead.."

"Thanks for the compliment."

I was about to shut the door when he stopped me,"I came here to talk." I sighed and let him in, "Okay let's get this over."

"Ivy!" He shouted,quickly i looked at him.

"I don't want to see you suffer." He said lowering his head,"I don't want to lose you too.Look there's something i've been meaning to ask you." Suddenly he grabbed both my hands and stared at me.


He was about to finished his sentence when a loud bomb exploded we ran outside and saw everyone screaming and running when they saw the stormtroopers.One by one people were getting killed or taken with them,i was about to fight when Obi wan shouted my name when i was getting carried by a stormtrooper.

I watched Obi wan fighting back when the door to the ship closed and a voice told the trooper to set me down, "Leave me alone with the girl." The voice demanded.

The stormtroopers frightened went away and a man dressed entirely in black with a helmet came into my view,my eyes widened and my heart started to beat faster when i realized it was Anakin.

"Darth v-vader." I stuttered using his sith name.

Darth vader approached me holding up his lightsaber ready to kill but he threw it away and knelt down and took off his helmet,i looked at the young man staring back at me,his hair the same but his eyes remain the same.cold. 

"Ivy." He said with now a worried expression,it seemed that he wanted to touch my cheek but refused when he backed away.

"Anakin..what happened to you?"

He didnt respond so i kept on talking,"Why did you do this!? I thought you would quit being this,you have twins to take care of! Why did you let Padme die!" with that he turned around glaring at me. "Don't say that name." He spoke,what name? his or Padme?

"If only you stayed with me instead of going with her..i loved you..you left me with a broken heart and here you come like nothing has happened." I said.

He turned his back towards me and said,"How are the twins?"

I frowned but spoke anyways,"They are growing every day i visit them when i have the chance.They look like you..you know? Luke is strong like you..."

"How is Obi wan?" He asked next.

"Okay i guess..miserable since you let him down-"

"I didn't let him down..don't you get it Ivy? he likes you more than a friend..you should just go to him-"

"No i don't want you to leave me again! What are you so afraid of?!"

"I'm afraid of losing you!! My life with Padme wasnt exactly happy you know! Shen i found out she was pregnant i wanted to return to your side but it was too late..this was my choice to save you."

"Save me? You did this to yourself,you wanted this!...please don't leave me again." I lowered my head and started to cry even more,he came closer and wiped my tears away and kissed my lips.

He got closer to my ear and whispered,"Forget about me Ivy....take care of the twins for me." 

I was about to ask him what he meant but he raised his hand and with that i was out. I woke up to someone pouring cold water on me and i glared at Obi wan who did it,"You're okay!" He smiled but frowned again.

"That was Anakin right?" 


"What did he say?"

I met his eyes and i could clearly still see Anakin it was so good to see him that i didn't feel sad anymore i smiled and said, "He misses you..Anakin said that he was okay and we shouldnt worry about him,he misses being your padawan..he also told me that..w-we should take care of the twins..you and me both." with that Obi wan smiled and placed his hand on top of mine.

"We'll make it out of this i promise Ivy."

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