Afraid Part 2-Poe Dameron

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I know this wasn't exactly requested but here it is  @colorcodedgrey I just wanted to write a part 2 and make it a bit funny and touching at the same time :D The next ones will be up tomorror so yeah..goodnight!!


I bow and knelt down i look back at Rey and then to my previous master, "I'm sorry it took so long but i'm finally back-"

"What did i tell you to come back girl? ans why did you bring this young girl along with you? haven't you had enough training?!" Luke angrily asks me.

"And enough beating." I mutter under my breath only to be hit with his staff on top of my head. "Ow! that still hurt's you know uncle!" I cry out and rub my head.

"Stop calling me uncle,i'm not you uncle,Andor." He hit his staff in my back making me glare at him and whine. "Your posture is terrible as ever,why did you even come back?" He facepalms and turns his back to me.

"I was about to tell you but you won't listen!"

"I'm letting you speak am i?"

"Grumpy old man." I mutter again. "You see this girl here needs training,Rey escaped from the First Order and i decided that i'll help her bring Ben back to the light side of the force."

"Since when do you speak like a Jedi?"

"I am a Jedi aren't i?" 

"No you aren't."

"But uncle!"

"I'm not your uncle,kid don't you understand."

"But your like one to me,i consider you as my family." I whined again..since when have i been this whiny? jeez Poe wouldve been embarassed of me if he were here that's another reason why i was afraid to come.

"I'm sorry but what the bloody hell is going on?" Rey asked stepping between us.

"Luke here trained me to become a Jedi! If it werent for him i wouldnt have known anything he technically raised me as his own." 

"No i didn't."

"Yes you did! My mom and dad would always leave on missions remember?"

"Okay okay! i get it! now will you kindly train me?" Rey politely asked Luke so he doesnt get pissed which is impossible.

"Not if Cedar keeps on talking."

"Oh come on old man! You used to be my idol not to mention attractive long ago but you were my idol and you still remain till this day.Master Luke i know i've been a pain in the butt lately but please consider training Rey,she's a strong girl." I placed my hand on her shoulder and stared at Luke's back.

He still refused to look at me, did you decided to bring me to Luke back then? I ask myself. I wsit for a minute and he doesnt answer so that's his answer then.

"Let's go then." We start walking away from him. I told her to wait for me so i ran back to Luke,"Luke..why won't you train her?"

"I feel somthing inside of her..she's not the one." He simply answers.

"Not the o-one?! But your lightsaber it chose her even Leia said so! What do you mean Luke?"

"You do talk a lot don't know? good thing i never had kids..look Cedar.I fell something bad,it'll cause destruction and she will join Ben but you?...You are the chosen one Cedar Andor." Luke finally looks at me,my breathing quickens.What does that mean?!

"What does i-it m-mean?"

"Cedar..the lightsaber chose wrong.You are the chosen one you are destined to end this war." I stepped away when he started approaching me, "It c-can't be..i can'f do it.I'm sorry i can't!" I ran away past Rey and hid myself and began to cry.

Mom..Dad..why was i chosen for this?

I hid my face and sniffed when i remembered what Poe said, "No matter what hapoens i'll be here waiting for you,no matter how long it takes i'll wait.You're a strong girl,Cedar.Luke will be happy to see you." i wish he were here right now with me. I feel so lonely..i miss you mom and dad.

"Cedar?" Rey asked and sst next to me on the other side Luke came.

"Did you?"

"Yes.I explained to her what happened,she will help you Cedar,i've been hard on you because you've become stronger than me which is something i thought would never've always been my favorite student." Luke said,that made my feel a lot better.

I smiled at both of them and calmed down,"You're right i am strong and i will bring Ben back home."

That afternoon i soent it training non stop and Rey was fast asleep next to the fireplace,i never thought this would happen to me. Chewie started to talk to me as i handed him a letter i wrote to Poe.


Everything's been going well so far i met up with Luke and he's as grumpy as ever but guess what? The lightsaber chose the wrong person,Rey isnt the chosen's me! my panic attack and anxiety began to show up again but i  remembered your words which made me feel better so here i am.I will train with Luke once again..but i will go home soon. I miss you Poe i wish i could see you wuick but it'll take me weeks to get better..anyways take care and i love you. 

P.S tell Leia that Luke is alright and that he misses her a lot even if he didnt exactly confess it :)

Chewie will be able to give it to him tomorrow,i can't stop thinking about him.Luke came back and sat next to me,"You're thinking about someone are you?" I nodded my head and smiled.

"Mhm,his name is Poe Dameron and he's the best pilot in the Resistance,Leia introduced us to each other and ever since we've been together.I really miss him...have you ever liked anyone uncle Luke?" I ask hugging my knees together as i stare into the fire.

Luke patted my shoulder and smiled,"That's a story for another time."

"....L-Luke i never thanked you for what you did for me before.You trained me since i was little with Ben and i felt like i was the one responsible for why you dissapeared..Leia misses you a lot..Han did too..." I whisper and a couple of tears escaped from me.

"He was a great man." He spoke.

"You'll always be my favorite student remember that." I smiled and before he left i hugged him and cried even more,"I really missed you a lot."

"I missed you too,Cedar.Your parent's wouldve been proud of you."

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