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"So this is Canto Bight?!"

I can't help but look around the place curiosity taking over me,this casino is so fancy looking filled with many creatures and people betting on their credits. I feel so out of place with these old clothes and Resistance jacket on me. Rose tugs onto my sleeve, "We're not here to enjoy the place (Y/N) even though it's beautiful."

"Indeed it is." Finn smiles wide and walks around looking the place closer before i can.

"Have you ever been here Rose?" the girl looks at me and nods her head.

"Yes i have..come on let's get going we have to find the man." Rose lead the way with me following her since she wouldn't let go of my sleeve. Yes,right the man with a flower something,a pin? I can't even remember with this beauty of a place. Rose grabbed Finn and we stopped by a balcony area. Down there looks like a field...

"I've known this place for years.." Rose began to open up to herself with her past and how much she dearly loved her sister..last time i loved someone so much was my mother..I know the feeling.

"Well i don't want to let you down,let's go find the man." I look over to Finn who nods his head and Rose smiling. We walked out we gotta be careful so no one notices we're after him or here.

"There he is." Rose points out.

"There they are!" we saw people already chasing us and we began to run towards the man's direction,i looked back and saw that they caught Rose and Finn. I ran faster and was about to jump on the man when the guards leaped themselves over me pinning me to the ground.


"Hey! Hey let go of me!" I shouted back when the guards opened the gate and pushed me inside making me fall. I was beyond furious we were this close! I gritted my teeth and stood back up holding onto the bars, "Hey! That's no way to treat a lady or my friends...assholes." I said after kicking the bars and leaning down to sit on the ground and hid my face.

"Now what?" Rose asks us both even if i can't see her face through this darkness i can sense she had a frown on her face,i feel like i've let everyone down. "This always happens to me..i've let everyone down." I rest my head against my knee.

"What do you mean? What does she mean?" Rose being my new friend asks Finn.

"When i was younger i had a happy normal life,my mother took great care of me until she passed away leaving me with my father,he was a smuggler and would do anything for he sold me and left me to die..that's why i have a hard time trusting men. I loved my father dearly but i never thought he would do that to me..i actually looked up to him like any daughter would to her father." I sniffed and my right hand touched the silver ring i hand on my left hand. It belonged to my mother who left to my father when she died and he handed it to me.

"I don't want to let the whole galaxy down." I said and began to cry somewhat loudly.

"Will you stop whining?" another voice made me jump up and i stood to where Finn and Rose were trying to find out who the voice belongs to. I wiped my tears and tried looking at the figure, "You all seem to talk a lot especially that girl." He pointed at me and i shivered. Please tell me he didn't hear my story.

"I-I apologize if i w-woke you you sir-"


"What?" I ask not understanding.

"Call me DJ not sir it makes me feel old." He said finally standing up and i could kinda see his reflection now. A man probably in his early i dont know forties? with dark hair and matching clothing's but worn out.

"Umm n-nice to meet you then." Rose stuttered and looked at me trying to figure out what she should reply with.

"What are you four even doing here?" The guy known only as DJ asked one of us. Finn started to tell him a bit about what were doing and BB-8 hiding behind me. "Hmm alright then." The man stood up and the four of us moved a step back when he stood next to me and opened up the gate easily before looking down at me with a smirk on his lips.

I blushed and stepped out with the rest, "Alright then we'll go this way. (Y/N) you go ahead with BB-8 and DJ,we'll meet you guys later." Finn said and took Rose with her when we heard the guards and began to run the opposite direction. I felt strange hanging out with this man..but if he tries something i have BB-8 to protect me.

We made it out of the casino and into a ship, "Whoa..this ship yours?" "Mhm..kinda.." He said starting it up and i tried to help till he stopped, "Don't touch anything..wouldn't want a lady like you to get her hands dirty. A girl like you deserve better." I stayed dumbfounded..not knowing if accepting it as a compliment or taking it offensively either way i obeyed him.

"...Okay?" I muttered to myself and watched him run on the ship.

"I didn't catch your name kid."


"(Y/N)..that's a beautiful name." I blushed at his words..why am i feeling like this when i rarely know him. I have been in relationships but never with a man, I could care leas about genders..but why now am i feeling this way. "Want me to help you anything?"

"No thanks doll i got it covered." He waved his hand and pointed at the seat next to him,so i sat down and faced him,waited a second or two after he pulled out his flask and drank some more,is he always drinking? Besides he looks kind familiar.. "Ya know i never had parents either..a drunk father..a mother who ran away from her problems,all the families are the same but i respect the broken ones cause they've risen up from the rest..don't ever let the past get to you again." He said after a minute and faced me,he looked down to my hand and i saw him looking at my ring.

Quickly i placed my hand behind me and heard him chuckle, "I wasn't trying to steal it." After a minute of silent i realized he slowly began to lean in and i began to do the same until i heard something outside and i ran to the window and saw Rose and Finn.

I waited for them to come up and when they did i embraced them in a hug, "I'm so glad you two made it out."

"Of course we were going to make it out." Finn points out and smiles. "Has he been treating you right?" Finn asked quick.

I nodded my head happy that they made it back, "Sure he has." I looked back and saw him looking at us.

"Alright then it's time to go."


"Hurry up and get dressed we don't want anyone to think we aren't part of the First Order." we made it to where they have all the uniforms stored and began to changed. "This is so embarrassing." i turned my back towards the guys and they did the same, "Tell me about it." Rose muttered and zipped up her uniform shirt.

"Ready?" Finn said once we all changed.


Finn grabbed a black box and placed it on BB-8 and we began to make our way to try and disable the tracking device. I still can't believe how we managed to get into Snoke's fleet all thanks to DJ helping us out, "Look i want to thank you for everything you've done for really means a me." I said as we continued to walk and looked at him for a second.

"With pleasure. It's what i do best..maybe we can work together from now on?" I nodded my head and we made it and saw the device up ahead but right when we were going to de-activate it stormtroopers appeared and lead us else where.

I began to struggle but stopped when they made us kneel and saw Hux above us looking satisfied with his work,tons of stormtroopers were around us,protecting him if we had something up our sleeves.

"Execute them we don't need them alive-"

"Wait..where is he?" Finn looked around and I did the same and Rose when we saw that DJ wasn't here..where the fuck did he go?! The three of us looked at our left and saw that he was standing there like nothing was happening while counting a few units.


"You betrayed us?!?" Finn said confused.

"I thought you said you were on our side." Rose questioned him.

"I'm not on anyone's side." He blankly said and looked at us like we were nothing. I fought back the tears and tried to attack him when someone held me back and fell to my knees again, "You idiot we trusted you you only did this for the money,you're like any other man only thinking about money and not everyone else-"

"Hey!" Finn shot me a look.

"Okay not all of them but only the one's i've ever trusted."

"(Y/N)" I heard Rose say my name and didn't realize that i started to cry.

"Maybe we'll see each other some other time once this is all over-" I interrupted him and glared at his direction, "I hope so that way i'll make sure to regret your decision on betraying us." His eyes said something else though that he regretted that one decision.

"See you around (Y/N)." DJ said without looking at me or any of us before he turned his back to us and left. I swear to the galaxy if i ever see him again i'll kill that man.

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