Blind-Poe Dameron

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It's been many days since I last encountered Ben Solo and almost lost the few people we have left. I reunited again with Finn after days of not seeing him and the General. I also met some new friends of them Rose and Poe Dameron are their names both of them helped a lot from what I heard.

Ever since i came back i'v been spending more of my time with General Leia must be hard for her losing all of her loved ones. Master Luke is now gone leaving me as the last jedi around..for now.

We arrived at a small nearby planet with plenty water and trees it won't hurt to stay here for a while. I held my lightsaber tight and ran forward and began to attack a tree, if i must stop Ben someday i'll have to train harder. My arms grew tired but that didnt stop me, i heard laughter a few steps away from me and saw Finn and Rose together.

They seem to enjoy their company a lot. Quickly I turned around and saw Poe frightened "Whoa careful there." he says with his arms up blocking his face and laughs after I save my lightsaber.

"Sorry..I'm lucky i didn't cut you in half."

"I wouldn't look so bad in half either way." i smiled tying to not laugh and faced him. "What brings you here?" he smiles in return and takes a step closer "I wanted to watch you train since you were lucky enough to train with Luke Skywalker besides I want to get to know you better."

"There's nothing I can say about my parents left me in Jakku and traded me in for units..that's what Ben said anyway."

"You shouldn't believe everything told you."

I turned to face him then looked over to Finn "The thing is that i do believe in him..i had this strange connection towards him." surely after i said that Poe looked away with a frown on his face.

His eyes connected to the ground as he speaks "Connection? I'm're parents shouldn't have left you behind. What they did was stupid and unforgivable.." he is right. I nod my head and my eyes meet his dark ones "Did you know your parents?"

Poe and I begin to walk around the area since it was getting boring just staying at one place. "I in fact did,but after i joined the resistance there was an attack in the village where I lived..and they died. After that Leia looked after me and that's why i consider her as my second mother."

"I'm sorry i shouldn't have asked that." I tell Poe when I stop and he looks at me "There's nothing you should be sorry about. Do you have a boyfriend?" I stare at Poe surprised who stares back at me the same "W-What?"

"I don't have time for such things or to date anyone." turning my back i start to walk faster when he starts calling out to me again "Rey hold on-" "Poe catch!" i heard a light thump behind me and saw Poe holding onto his wrist. I stared back at Finn who was surprised and frightened.

"I'm so sorry!" he rushes over to Poe. Turns out Finn was playing ball with Rose who missed and Poe trying to cover his face blocked the ball with his hand and broke his wrist.

"Poe?! I'm sorry i missed the ball." Rose comes running and tries to get Poe up on his feet and I start to run towards the infirmary and told a lady there to treat Poe. "You okay man?" Finn starts to ask Poe who stares at him and shows him his broken wrist.

"I'm not okay!"

"The best pilot in the resistance and he can't with a broken wrist." Rose mutters to herself and i smile when Finn pushes Poe down onto a seat and the lady came and began to put his hand in ice "Does it hurt a lot?" I place my hand on Poe's shoulder and he looks up to me and smiles.

"It doesn't hurt that much anymore." his cheeks turn a light shade of red and focuses his eyes back on his wrist. I place my hand on my chest and feel my heart beating faster, what is this?


"So you see that's why I decided to be a pilot." Poe and I have been spending this last week together both of us have slowly started to open up to each other. Everyone has been nice to me since they are like my family but with Poe it feels different. Lately i've been helping him with a few simple tasks and he keeps on looking at me whenever he thinks i'm not noticing.

I take a hold on his good hand and stop "Poe there's something I want to ask you." "What is it?" I stare back and him then look down at my hand which is holding his, quickly i pull it back "Why have you been treating me so nice, we just knew each other."

Poe seems to think hard before he opens his mouth, "It's because I like,Rey. I heard everything they told about you and I was amazed at how a simple girl from Jakku almost defeated the first order since then i wanted to meet you ever since. You're strong,brave and independent, that's what makes you so unique."

I stayed silent and stared down at my feet, "No one's ever told me such nice things." i felt his hand grab mine so i looked at his brown eyes, his hand tightened a bit and he smiled.

"People should say those things more often then. Rey, will you go on a date with me?"

We hold onto each others hands "I would love that." i think i'm really liking Poe much more than just a friend, no longer will i be blind to see those who truly love me.

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