Captured-Poe Dameron

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This is for @avengerlocked Thank you sooo much for requesting this one!! It was fun to write and maybe if you'd like i'll make a second part as well. I hope you enjoyed it and thanks!!!!

"Make sure no one gets in and if they do don't hesitate in killing them."

My twin brother Ben well now known as Kylo Ren says to me as he places his mask on. I nod my head and reach for my mask which matches his we are twins after all so we even have the same lightsaber,mask and suit. Before i could turn my back my brother places his hand on my shoulder and places it on my cheek.

"Be careful."

He says,I smirk looking up at him.

"I always am."

I put my mask one and we departed ways. That was the last time I saw him before what happened to me. General Hux is always around Kylo and I'm always on my own...sometime i wanna feel loved...screw that I don't need anyone anyways,Kylo and I promised to rule the galaxy together. No understood why we became this way not even our uncle Luke,He was devastated when he knew his niece would follow his fathers footsteps. I remember that day vividly ever since I was a kid I was feared by everyone and sometimes I wish i could change that...but i swear i remember one kid who would always try to get close to me but I would push him back.

I still wonder who that boy is.

I heard footsteps approaching rapidly and that's when I started to run and follow who ever entered the ship. I held onto my lightsaber and began to fight some soldiers of the Resistance. The Resistance. Why did mom even organize that whole thing. The galaxy will never be at peace.

More soldiers began to enter the ship along with pilots and just when I was about to hit someone I feel to the ground and felt a sharp pain on my left shoulder. My vision was beginning to get blurry and I slowly closed my eyes.


I began to stir around and was about to get up when I realized i was tied up to a bed. My legs were tied at the end of it and my hands together down to my stomach. I hissed at the wound still bleeding and heard the door to my cell open.

"Alright you bastard let's see who you are."

A guy came over and took my mask off.

I glared at him once he took it off and his face softened.

"Y-you're a g-girl?"

He asked mostly to himself.

I rolled my eyes and smirked at him.

"Obviously,can't you see? thought I was my brother. You are such an idiot for thinking I was him. Well pilot I guess you better take your classes again cause you can't even recognize a girl. I wish my brother was here he wouldve kicked your ass.'



Another voice came in and I groaned and saw my mother.

"General Leia."

"I see you brought back my daughter-"


Poe looked at us both then focused his warm eyes on me and began to blush. Leia rose an eyebrow and smirked to herself. "Yes. She is Ben's twin sister. Poe i'm ordering you to keep an eye on her every day. Think you can handle it."


Leia nodded her head and walked out of the room,leaving us both staring at each other. I'm so weak that's why my brother has been so distant lately. I failed brother. He started to shift uncomfortably around the small cell and he took a seat by the end of the bed.

".....So who's gonna talk first?..."


I hate being here in the base. I would get an hour or two everyday to walk around the place with Poe supervising me. My clothes were taken away and we replaced by normal ones still black though,A few people would whisper and talk about me and I would just growl and they'd run away. Just the way i like it. My black hair was loosened down it was a bot wavy and my eyes were darker then usual.

"Why can't i just walk around without this."

I held up my wrists showing him the restraints they made me wear everytime i'm outside. It's been about a week since I came here and Poe would always follow me around like a lost puppy searching for its owner. hmm maybe I can manipulate him. I grin at the thought and he stares back at me with a serious expression while holding a rope tightly.

"You know you can't.

"Come on i wanna play. I wanna climb that tree or go on those slides.."

"Seriously i've never met a girl like you before."

I raise an eyebrow and smile.

"On second thought I did once when I was a little boy."

I tilt my head and realized that he's that boy from when I was little.

"What's your name anyway?"

"I'm not telling."

"I'm Poe Dameron."

I sighed and turned to face him again. "Poe? That's a weird name."

"Well what's yours then?"



It's been a month since Poe brought me back and i've never been better. I was cold and distant from him and hated his guts but I can't feel but feel all warm and fuzzy inside whenever he sees me. Everyone else saw me as a threat and Poe was the only one who wasnt scared of me.

Poe was on a mission right now meaning that i'm locked up in the cell,again.I can't help but miss him whenever he's away. As the days went by mother told him that he could come and check on me often but not that often like the first days i came. She told him to check on me every six hours and he began to come and check every hour. He began to visit me a lot more.

He even tells me what he does and how we started with the whole pilot thing and I slowly began to open up to him, I would laugh and smile more often. I'm sure he just does that cause its his duty he probably has a girlfriend anyway. He even told me how he lost both of his parents so Leia is like a mother to him.

Just when I was about to rest Leia came in and she let me get out and have some fresh air. I ran down outside and breathed in the air and sighed happily. I feel so free here no one is giving me orders like my brother,Snoke and Hux would do. I looked up and saw a few X Wings arriving back.

I began to walk around searching for Poe when I finally saw him far away from where I was standing. We made eye contact and he gave me that famous smirk of his. He knelt down to BB8 and came rushing towards me I opened my arms and hugged him.

"I missed you Kyra."

He held onto me and rested his head on top of mine.

"...I did..too...."

He took my hand and we started to away and we made it by the forest area. I glanced down to my hand and saw that our hands were inter whined. I coulsnt help but look away and blush. I heard him chuckle and he let go of me and began to look around. He's nervous.


He started to scratch the back of his head which is something he always does when he's like this. I chuckled and asked him what was wrong. "Well you see..."

"I was that girl"


"Don't be stupid Poe! I was the little girl who would always push you and you never left my side. I'm that girl who you used to want to hang out with. I w-wanna say that i'm sorry."

"No wonder I had a feeling you were her...I j-just...Kyra...I've been wanting to say this since forever and that's...I'm in love with you okay? There I said it. I like you Kyra you arent like those other girls who used swoon me and follow me around they just want to use me but you are different,Kyra. Please be mine."

He took my hands and held them tight staring into my eyes. I bit my lip and shook my head fighting the tears. "I-i'm sorry I can't Poe. I'm sorry."

I began to run away from him when he grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to face him. He quickly leaned down and kissed my lips roughly at first,he slowly pulled away and placed his forehead on mine. "I love you Kyra i don't want to lose you again..."

"Poe i-"

"I know you're afraid that I might get hurt but I dont care. I wanna stay with you."

I slowly nodded my head and smiled up to him and gave him another kiss and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'll be yours then."

**************One Month Later***************

Poe and I are officially a couple and today is a very important day cause it's his birthday and my mother has organized a late night dinner. I walked down inside the large room where his dinner party will be held and I helped my mom in baking a huge cake for him. Everyone is invited after all and I wanna make this night more special. I havent heard from Ben but i'm sure he'll be coming back for me.

We were all around the large table and finished eating our food and it was time for the cake. We started to sing the happy birthday song and I stood by his side when he was about to blow out the candles and he whispered to me what he wished. The room was filled with claps and everyone began to ask him what he wished for along with Leia.

"Nothing. All i ever wished for is right her next to me."

He wrapped his arms around my belly and smiled at everyone.

"Well..there is one thing that I wished for the baby to be healthy."


The entire room asked and Leia's eyes brighten and she smiled wide. "I-is it true?"

Poe and I exchanged looks and smiled at her.

"We're having a baby!"

Poe leaned down and kissed me and Leia came over and congratulated us both.

"Kyra,I never expected this day to come so soon I-i just wish your father was here to see this."

Poe held my hand and Leia smiled at us.

"What's the baby's gender."

"It's a boy general."

Poe replied his smile not fading away.

"I'm so happy for you both! What are you going to name him?"

I looked up to Poe and he nodded so I could tell her.

​​​​​​​"We're naming our baby...Han..."

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