Darkness Part 3-Kylo Ren

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We made it to their base on Crait and I kept staring up ahead angry that suddenly Kylo Ren the man who once wanted to destroy the Resistance and rule the entire galaxy like his grandfather Darth Vader has now gone to the lightside with my pathetic sister Rey. After all we have been through both Ben and Rey..they decided to let me down.

My eyes wandered down when a couple of old speeders slowly approached us. "I want every TIE fighter there is to kill every single one of them." I kept my eyes on them. Finn,Rose,Poe and a few others flying them.

"Yes,Supreme leader."

I smile and continue to hear Hux giving them the order to release every TIE fighter there is. "I have a feeling that the first order will finally win.." I feel Hux's stare at me.

"Supreme leader?"

"Did I ask you to speak?" I fix my eyes on him sending him a glare and he's quick to stay silent and look away. "We just have to annihilate every single one." all of the sudden I heard the familiar ship I rode once. I got closer and saw the millennium falcon and saw Rey in it.

"I want the rest of the TIE fighters to follow that ship and destroy it to pieces!" My blood boils at the sight of my old sister being in that crappy ship with what used to be my partner.

"Follow that-"

"Follow that ship."

I frown at Hux but continue to stare up ahead. I watched as we broke down the walls separating us from the Resistance and up ahead I saw Luke Skywalker...and Kylo Ren by his side. My fists clenched at he sight of them. "Lower us down so I can meet them."

Hux stepped closer to me and I glanced at him even angrier, "Supreme leader. It is in my hands to protect you from any harm and-" I raised my hand and pushed him against the wall.

"I don't need a man to protect me General. I can do this on my own." our ship began to lower and I grabbed my coat and lightsaber.

"If try something..i'll give you a signal." I turned to Hux who nodded his head. I began to walk out when the doors opened. Every step I took my mind wandered off to the flashbacks of Kylo and I together...Rey too when we were young and the world seemed different.

Luke Skywalker and Ben Solo.

Who would've thought of seeing them together again..

I stopped and stared at them both, "(Y/N)...or should I call you Supreme Leader now." Ben asked staring at me. "If you are wise you should call me the Supreme Leader. Guess you were weak after all..never thought of you for the cheating type though."

"(Y/N)." I looked back at Luke when he called my name, "You don't have to do this. Leave the first order behind. I know you aren't like this-"

"What do you even know about me?!"

"I know you're a smart girl but you let the first order into your head-"

"Why not tell that to your dear old nephew. I bet he would love a talk about that." I smirk and glared next at Kylo and got my lightsaber out and pointed it at him.

"Kneel before me and the first order and I promise everyone will be safe..except for you two..come on then..kneel before your new supreme leader." I smirked when Ben and Luke exchanged looks and slowly began to kneel when they took their lightsabers out.

"So be it." I held onto my saber tightly and launched towards them,moving to my right to hit Kylo first before Luke came from behind and tried to hurt me. I rolled down and stood up blocking both their attacks. I started to swing it over to Lukes when Kylo grabbed me from behind and held me so Luke would hit me. I lowered my head and quickly moved it back hitting Kylo's face and moved quickly away from him.

I dodged Luke's attack again and glared at them as my breathing began to quicken. "This is your last chance..kneel."

"No, (Y/N). Come and join me..we can be together again." Ben said. I laughed and tears began to run down my cheeks, "Y-You think i want to go back with you? You were just a boy with daddy issues nothing more. I knew you were NEVER going to be like Lord Vader. He must've been disappointed in you..don't worry i'll make him proud." I saw something in Kylo's eyes again..anger but he's fighting it.

"If you want to kill just do it..I won't stop you." I heard Skywalker say to me. I grinned and faced Ben, "With pleasure." I held onto my lightsaber again and ran as fast as I could towards Ben and sliced him with my lightsaber.

I opened my eyes and stared at the ground and began to laugh, "Hehe I-I killed h-him.." slowly I looked back and saw Ben smiling down at me with Luke beside him.

"So long kid.." Luke said before him and Ben disappeared. It was all planned! I felt something running down my chest and I looked to my right that one of them hit me and blood began to pour down. I shouted for the first order to come down and quickly with my wounded shoulder I ran inside and saw that they all escaped.

It was all a distraction for them to escape.

I lowered my head and knelt down on the ground staring off into space when I felt someone behind me, "Supreme leader?"

"No need to worry..i'm fine..leave me alone for a minute." Hux left the room I was in and when I opened my eyes I saw every getting in the millennium falcon. I met Bens dark brown eyes.

"This isn't over Ben..there is still dark in you."

"Hmm..maybe there is but i'll learn how to control it."

I glared up at him when I saw him smiling over to Rey and held her hand, "Goodbye (Y/N)"

I opened my eyes and my glare softened realizing that I truly did lose him. I stared down at me knees and placed my hands over my eyes as i began to cry.

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