Don't Leave-Cassian Andor

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I shouted once i saw him in the crowd of people,I started making my way closer to him but he didn't welcome me with his smile like he used to do. He made his way to me and hugged me tightly as i look up at K-2SO who is Cassian's droid. That was the day his parents died and he was never the same.days turned into weeks and weeks into months and everything remained the same.

The galaxy was trying to keep it's peace and order but everything was going downhill when stormtroopers started appearing,Darth vader was ready to take over the galaxy and someone has to do something before it's too late. Cassian and K-2SO went on these missions even more while I stayed at home all day doing the same daily routines. I would go with them from time to time but knowing how strict Cassian is he would refuse most of the time i asked him.

The best part of the day would be when Cassian came back that always made me happy.Eventually since we started to live together he finally asked me out,people would always say how strict and serious he was but that's just what people see,he's actually really kind and sweet to the people he loves. I remember when I was a girl and heard about Darth Vader and who he was before he decided to go to the dark side,i really admire what he did before he became evil but i don't think he should've let his wife go he would've still been here with us.

Another week passed when Cassian and his droid left and returned with a girl her name is,Jyn Erso. They had an hour left until they were going to find her father I kept on asking them where they would be heading but not even his droid wanted to tell me.

Jyn Erso was sitting with her blaster in hand when she raised her head and looked at me. "So your Jyn Erso right?" She smiled a bit at me and nodded her head. "I've heard about you and I wanna say i'm sorry bout everything you went through when you were young..and about your father.I know how tough it is to lose the ones you love."


"We'll be leaving in fifteen." Cassian told her and the others.

He walked away and finished preparing everything they needed. I looked back at him and smiled when Jyn spoke up,"Are you and Cassian together?" She said. I turn back to look and her and blushed "Well kinda i's complicated." I say lowering my voice.

Thing's have been going real bad between me and him but i guess we still remain as a couple even if we both haven't spoken a lot.

"Why?" I ask her.

"Nothing just wanted to know." She asked,her pale cheeks with a light pink color.

"Well i'm gonna say goodbye to Cassian then..good luck Jyn may the force be with you." We hugged each other and i started to make my way to Cassian,it's now or never. Today i was wearing my dark jeans with my black baggy t-shirt and dark red jacket. My heart started to beat faster as I got closer and closer.


"Not now (Y/N)." He said.

"Cassian you listen to me." I raised my voice,quickly he turned to look at me.

"Cassian..i know that our relationship has been falling apart but I just wanna say that i will always be there for you and no matter where you are i will always love you. I just don't know if you'll love me back." I stared at his brown eyes and he leaned towards me and held me tight.

"Don't say those things.."

I pulled away and stared at him with a worried face and my palms started to sweat, "W-whats wrong?"

"I-i i mean w-we...i'm pregnant." I whispered.

Cassian stared at me and i took that as a bad sign but he quickly picked me up and kissed my face. "I'm gonna be a dad?!" He hugged me again and i wrapped my arms around him when i heard him him sniff.

"Y-your not mad?"

"Why would i? we made a baby and you know how much i've been wanting to be a father." He whispered. I only hugged him tighter and kissed his lips, "Come back home safe,Cassian."

"I will...i love you (Y/N."

"I know." I smiled looking at him one more time before he left.


According to the rebels and the rest of the team they landed on the Death Star and everything was going according to plan until I waited...and waited...and waited. I couldn't stop pacing around when my older brother who was with them came and stared at me and started to cry.

My heart stopped but i still couldn't believe,he's one of he few that actually made it back and the plans and everything were delivered to princess Leia. "Carson..where's Cassian and Jyn?" He shook his head and apologized.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) nobody of team Rogue One made it."

I fell to my knees and started to sob,why?... I would've gone with em then maybe they wouldve all been alive. Rogue One would still be here alive..they sacrificed themselves to same the galaxy. Carson knelt down to me and held my tight as i cried. Cassian won't even be here for when our baby will be born...


Months passed and the time came for the baby to come.After so much pain i went thought with Cassian's death i was ready to be strong again and raise my baby as a single mother. The only person i had left came and we were both happy to see my baby. The nurse came over and handed me one blue blanket and one pink. I had two babies. I was finally a mother and Cassian was finally a father even if he's not with me anymore.

My brother held my daughter and i held my son.slowly his eyes opened and i stared back at dark brown eyes and his hair was the same shade of color,"Cassian would be proud." he whispered.

"What are you going to name them?"

I smiled at him and stared back at my daughter who was fast asleep."Her name will be Jyn..."

"How about him?" He whispers.

"Cassian...His name is Cassian just like his father."

This has to be one of the saddest i've done so far. Who else saw Rogue One and cried? Even thought this was sad it was fun to do Cassian since his character was cool and i've been a fan of the actor who portrayed him for so long,make sure to comment and vote for more.

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